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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Thanks for that.  I think the hospital had a cancellation so they asked me to go in a little earlier than planned.  In the event the procedure was short but painful.  It involved a flexible tube being insterted into my urethra, some water being poured in to distend my bladder, and then a small camera being put down it.  It was painful but short.  Followed by a prostate check, it only took a few minutes.  Passing water has been a bit painful since and the last time I went there was some blood, but I was told to expect both to happen.  It may be that holding a WS play have contributed to the UTIs, but I think an old Hypospadias repair might be a factor too.    

    • Hug 2
  2. Hi and welcome.  I hope you have a great time here.  That Grausame Töchter picture is quite something.  Weeing and singing professionally at the same time must take quite a lot of skill.  I can only imagine that she was doing deliberately and not having an accident.  

  3. Tomorrow I'm due to have a flexible Cystoscopy which I understand involves having a camera inserted up the urethra and into the the bladder.  The object of the exercise is to try and find out why I'm susceptible to UTI's.  Has anyone else here had this procedure and how did they find it?

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