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Posts posted by Adyguy6970

  1. Hi and welcome.  I hope you have a fantastic time here.   As it happens I'm currently in a relationship with a lady who isn't aware of my interests, at least so far as I know. However she's the sort of lady who's not fazed by much on account the work she's done in the past.  If you're concerned about how to proceed with your current girlfriend, you could always mention pee in a jokey, jocular context, and see what happens.  If you think you could get away with it, you could always have an "accident" sometime and see how she reacts.   However I'll leave that one with you as you're most likely the best judge as to how she will react. 

  2. 20 hours ago, acidnudy said:

    Hi everyone,

    just joined today after finding you guys on google 🙂

    Been a pee fanatic for a very long time. Love seeing women pee, but have no problem with men as well.

    Love naughty pee, just trying to explore crazy places myself recently.

    Well, we'll be seeing each other around 🙂

    Hi and welcome. I hope you have a fantastic time here and look forward to seeing you around. 

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  3. I can make some educated guesses, but I wish I knew for certain why I have the pee interest that I do.  However I'll give it my best shot.  In the male of the species, the procreative organ (the penis) is also the organ of urination.  Given the dual purpose of that organ I think some of the muscles and nerve endings which play a part in sexual activity, also come into play during urination.  I think it's therefore to be expected that for some people there will be a strong connection between urination and arousal.  In the case of women the sexual and urinary organs are separate but they are also close together so it would be hardly surprising if similar considerations didn't come into play.   

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  4. It's the sort of thing you're unlikely to ever get reliable statistical information on, due to the reluctance of people admit their preferences.  I did read a statistic some years ago which appeared to suggest that it was thought 2.5 people (of all sexes) were turned on by pee/watersports.  Another estimate was, I think, that ten per cent of the population was gay.  Of course such estimates can be wildly inaccurate.  For example there might be higher numbers of apparent pee lovers uncovered in urban areas which tend to be more cosmopolitan and younger in terms of their populations, than rural ones.  Women are likely to be under represented on pee forums such as this and, indeed on other fetish forums, simply for societal reasons around how they're brought up and what they believe is 'expected' of them.  However is perfectly likely that the numbers of women and men turned on by pee are pretty much equal.   

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