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Posts posted by mickymoist

  1. I don't dream a lot, or at least I don't often remember them, but I do have a recurring dream where I'm walking around some incongruous place like an office or a pub with no clothes on looking for a toilet and they're all blocked or overflowing. I usually end up peeing in the dream, but have never actually peed myself.  I do wonder though, as I become more accustomed to deliberately having a pee in my bed, if at some point I might pee in my sleep. 😃

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  2. On 2/10/2022 at 5:39 PM, MaxWasTaken said:

    The video starts a bit slow but its actually pretty funny (and accurate). 
    Now i want a women's version tho xD. 


    🙂 that is quite funny although I don't think I've encountered hardly any of them, and in the first instance I would definitely prefer to stand next to someone than use the kiddie spec urinal! I have been the tripod with my forehead on the wall a few times in my youth though when I was the worse for wear 😁

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  3. Just back from a very breezy walk, this time I made sure I was well topped up before going out. By the time I approached this bridge the need to pee was urgent and the pee was just starting to leak out, it didn't look as if anyone was coming in either direction so I stopped there and relaxed letting it flood out into my waterproof leggings. The relief felt amazing and the warm sensation down my leg was lovely, then a dog walker appeared not far away so I started walking away while I was still peeing 😃.  I walked back to get a pic of the puddle and trail after she'd gone past.



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  4. I have gone quite a long time without peeing in the toilet on a few occasions it depends if I'm in a naughty mood, living on my own makes it a lot easier.  I always go when I'm showering in the morning and/or in the sink when cleaning my teeth, also use a large pad which is meant to part cover a bed but I put that on the sofa quite often so that I can let some pee go when I'm curled up under the TV blanket.

    With wetting the bed I often allow myself little leaks which feels really nice but as @Paulypeeps said it's hard to resist just letting it all go sometimes 😀 . Having a very new mattress I don't want to soak that, so my 'belt and braces' approach is two mattress covers, I have a thin Nectar Mattress Protector and on top of that I have a nice quilted absorbent waterproof cover from Soak and Sleep in the UK, thinking their name is meant to refer to the fact that they do bath and bedding products, but it is appropriate 😅

    Most times I wash the absorbent protector after a really full pee but other times my patented tripod/fan drying technique comes in handy 😄


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  5. Just seeing the logo brings back memories, I remember when I was maybe 13/14  we were rummaging around a local derelict industrial site (as boys did at that age) and came across a pile of dumped stuff, in amongst it we struck gold..a bunch of discarded porn mags.  Most were more mainstream but when we shared them out I got a copy of Bizarre and a Whitehouse became prized possessions, at least they were until my mum found my stash...then I got a slap and they disappeared ....... happy days 😄

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  6. 2 minutes ago, jmatthews1995 said:

    Wow that was a brave move! I bet that was such a thrill!

    I think I've been letting little leaks out now for around 5 or so hours. But they are little! Like very small spurts just enough to make a little circle on my boxers each time! 😄

    There's so much water running down the street that everyone is splashing when they walk, perfect cover 😀

    I love letting little bits go like you are 👍 so nice

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  7. I've been doing much the same, but a while ago I remembered I needed something fro the shops. I drank a few beers and waited until I was pretty desperate, put a coat on and on the bottom half nothing but waterproof overtrousers and old trainers. It's raining torrentially at the minute so running water everywhere, I held on while I got round the shop and when I left to walk home there were a few brave souls out and about. Just after I stepped out I relaxed and let a full bladder go as I was walking down the street, it felt great and was completely undetectable by the people around me.  Definitely going to do that again 😁

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