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Posts posted by mickymoist

  1. I think some of the designers of the big budget game Death Stranding must have been into pee/bodily functions.Β  Without giving away to many spoilers, using the toilet the toilet is an integral part of the game. Also when your character (Norman Reedus) is out in the world you have to keep him hydrated, this leads to his bladder getting full up to 1ltr, you can stop and make him pee and you get a view from behind off to the side of a nice stream and can move him around to spray it about.Β  He expresses his relief as he's peeing and every where you or your fellow gamers has peed a 'Golden Mushroom' grows πŸ˜ƒ , you can give likes to these and if you pee in the same place the mushrooms get bigger.Β  It's positively encouraged because you get rewarded if enough players do it.Β  Next time I fire it up I'll do a capture

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  2. As I'm single I don't have any direct experience of other people peeing, apart from living vicariously through the lovely people here πŸ™‚Β  It was a difficult choice for me as sight, touch and smell are all very enjoyable to me.

    Sight - a wet patch on a pair of panties is just lovely to see and watching it grow as they get wetter is a wonderful sight. Also a puddle of my own making somewhere naughty is fun.

    Touch - I only have experience of my own pee so it has to be from source, I love the trickling sensation when I let spurts of pee out in what I'm wearing, or the feeling of peeing on my hand either on the toilet or in the shower.

    Smell - I find the smell of pee on clothing that's been peed on or in and then dried and wet again repeatedly so nice.Β  Not the super strong smell of morning pee or the ammonia type smell you get if wet clothes have been left for a while, but a much more delicate smell

    Taste does nothing for me and neither, unlike the majority by the look of it, does sound.Β  I went for smell in the end but on any given day it could have been a different decision πŸ˜„



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