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Everything posted by Kylenut2

  1. Lol ik I'm giving thanks right now 😉😋
  2. That's going to be a big list of volunteers 🤣
  3. I'm sure your wife would love to see the aftermath in her panties after we are all done with them. She may even want to not wash them for pride sake lol 😉🤣
  4. Lol yeah I'm sure the person at the end of the line will sad that the scent is used up by the 1st one in line 🤣
  5. I've had a co worker tell me recently that I say the same thing everyday for the most part for the past several years. I'm curious if anyone else is in a similar routine? Example 1 When someone asks me "how is your day" or "how are you". I responded without even thinking about it "meh, same shit different day" or "living the dream". Example 2 when someone asks 'hey can I ask you a question" my answer before hearing the question is "send it" lol and my job is dealing with quality analysis and customer complaints so I dont really want them to send it. I'm just an ass🤣
  6. Thanks. I come and go alot, but its nice to be on more again. I'm sure she will be fun. I see she likes blushing and the embarrassment that come with wetting, so I'll have fun teasing her I'm sure. That's my favorite part as well 😋
  7. Glad there is a other person on here who likes manga 🙂. I'm a huge fan of anime and manga myself. Other than pee stuff I love Syfi stuff alot and consuming media in general. When I can get away from work that is lol. Hope you like it here. There is alot of good ppl who care on this site.
  8. Lol my 1st pee related material was watching a friend pee outside when she was drunk and let me watch. I've love pee stuff from that point on.
  9. Kylenut2


    There are alot of ppl here who care about you greatly, even if you dont believe it... it's TRUE. No one likes you becuase of anything other than who you are.
  10. I bet they still smell and taste yummy 😋
  11. Lol maybe Misspy won for us all 😋😂
  12. I personally do this whenever I'm by a female friends home a d I find her attractive. I always find an excuse to use the bathroom and then I'll start to raid the dirty laundry bin. I love the scent left behind.
  13. You found the right place. There is alot of good people on here who share your interests in pee in some fashion. There is alot more here than just pee related topics, and you can find just about anyone who will just talk about anything. It's a fairly active group if you invest the time.
  14. Maybe pee your panties in a mall or someplace public. You can do this privately/hidden but leave them someplace in the open with people around and see if someone will take them. Could be alot of fun for both of you.
  15. Well it's a cute image in my head to think of you leaking and running into the bathroom then having to change your wet panties 😋
  16. I bet it is a nice big sexy wet patch by now.😍
  17. Maybe pee in the bathtub fully clothed and sit far away from the drain. Then after your fully soaked you will hear the pee go down the drain. Just an idea.
  18. Would would be honored to be able to have a listen, if you dont mind 😁
  19. I'm sure you pull it off easy
  20. I would say hi, give you a hug and say "see I knew you were cute"😋 I think alot of ppl from here would want to meet you if that had a chance.
  21. Then you dont know if it's your beard or her pussy hair in your mouth then your eating 🤣
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