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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I'm sorry i haven't gotten to anyone's suggestion in a little while I promise that will improve. heres a story though to tie you over xD This morning I woke up and felt an immense pain in my lower abdomen and a small wet spot against my slit. I really had to pee. My bladder literally felt like it was going to explode. I tried to move and a long jet of pee soaked my panties. I grabbed myself with my hands and pushed on my slit trying to stop the flow. I tried to slowly work my out and every little movement I made me leak. I was clenching as hard as I could when I felt my control falter for
  2. Heres two more fun facts about me xD 1) I'm easily scared. I don't really like this aspect of myself but I will jump at like everything. Horror movies I mostly can't do but if I do watch one I do it in the morning with friends. This is kind of ironic however due to my next fun fact. 2) I don't really fear death. As long as my death is quick I don't really care when it is. My worst nightmare is having a disease where you suffer more and more until the end in a very physical way. This is magnified because I'm reading the Hot Zone right now about the history of Ebola and its frightening
  3. Just a warning pee is not the main focus of this story but I didn't know what other subforum to post this under. This post is thanks to @gldenwetgoose and @kinkydom for telling me they wanted to hear it. It was a warm summer night with a gentle breeze rustling the leaves of the newly leafed trees. It was around midafternoon and the sun was casting a bright glow in the sky. I layed on my couch waiting expectantly for a knock on the door. I was dressed in jean shorts and a t-shirt with a one-piece bathing suit underneath. The sun was shining through the window and onto half of my bod
  4. I know there's a common theme but there's a sears at the mall near me and it's completely dead. When I have walked in there Ive always been the only person even on very busy mall days. They have one area of changing rooms and it's completely hidden from the counter and so I have peed in a few of them xD One time I was really desperate to pee and it was a very busy mall day and I knew there would be a line at the main mall bathrooms so I decided to go to sears. When I got there, there was one other person checking out at the counter and me. I tried to not look very suspicious and headed st
  5. Tbh for a movie that long I would have to go to the bathroom even If I starved myself of fluids for a day before xD
  6. Heres another one of mine In person, I'm more introverted than extroverted. When I'm with friends I'm fairly open but as soon as anything personal comes up or I'm around people I don't know very well I get more reserved and quiet. I'm always worried about hurting other peoples feelings and everything I say is like hyper thought through to try and not hurt anyone. That ends up meaning I just don't talk a huge amount though.
  7. When I logged in and saw a notification saying I was mentioned in a thread named new forum VIP's I was curious and clicked on it. I then read through the post, not believing what I saw, then read it again, and again, and the words didn't really sink in. Thank you so much! I can't even like think of what to say right now! This forum has allowed me to meet so many amazing people that I have loved talking to when I log on. I love the community here and how everyone is loving and caring towards each other even though we are from every corner of the globe. This website is a very special place and I
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