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Everything posted by Riley

  1. I wouldnt care 🙂 its way better than him thinking im disgusting for peeing outside xD I usually stay out of sight if i pee with other people but thinking about it, they probably could have still heard it xD
  2. Ok maybe a little more than kinda😂😂😝
  3. I'm going to leave soon to go grab a bite to eat with a few friends, if anyone has any suggestions for things they want me to do while gone or anything let me know😂
  4. Wait, you want us to film another girl peeing in the stall next to us? Isn't that like really creepy? that seems like a massive invasion of privacy. I kind of agree with @pee01
  5. Btw this is Henry the eigths armor. The video for some reason just made me think of it😂 sorry my brain is weird😂
  6. So that explains why some knights had armor like this
  7. I think you guys did a good job🙂🙂It's really fun to chose outfits with other people🙂
  8. Thank you @appletree_man @Rewdna @F.W and @Pissdrinker for helping me dress😜 I went with no panties since most people wanted that. I'm sorry
  9. now theres two people for dress xD This is something I have that I think is what you maybe want xD If you send me a picture or give me a few details i can try to get as close as possible @Pissdrinker and @F.W 🙂
  10. and @F.W with jeans I can still wear no panties if you want xD
  11. If you dont like an aspect @Rewdna @F.W @appletree_man suggest something to change or whatenot and i will. Or if you really dont like the outfit I can wear a sundress too 🙂
  12. so something like this, I can modify it to whatever though Or this
  13. Now i need to decide what i want to wear for the day xD Any suggestions🤷‍♀️
  14. I always feel so amazing after you pee when you really needed to pee xD
  15. I could pee somewhere else than the toilet if thats of interest xD
  16. Ok 🙂 I already really have to pee though and i dont really want to wet myself again xD
  17. This morning I woke up super super desperate to pee and ran to the toilet as fast as i could feeling myself leaking on the way and barely got to the toilet on time xD, I mean my panties were a little wet but i didnt lose control 🙂
  18. I'm sorry for the late response. I might have been a little....... Preoccupied 😂
  19. Np problem! The problem is now I'm really....... Excited😂😂😂
  20. I just changed into panties and a t-shirt because I got a little wet😂
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