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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Ok! I can do that! Its like super late where is m so I can't do it right now but I will tomorrow. Also you can choose my outfit for Monday if you want! And if you want to choose my outfit for tommorow go to the latest post on this thread! https://peefans.com/topic/10524-what-should-i-wear-tommorow/
  2. Which outfit should I wear tommorow? Here are 4 sample outfits that I can wear or I can do a custom request if anyone has anything they want me to wear, let me know!
  3. When you have decided what you want me to do either pm me or just reply in this thread. If you don't reply in 24 hours I'll have to let someone else win. Thank you!
  4. I just did the random name generator and congratulations @ItalianPeeFan on winning this version of Riley's pee lottery!
  5. Im wearing ahtletic shorts and no panties xD
  6. Honestly me neither. Like I feel like everyone else does but I honestly don't.
  7. Wow that's really good!! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Wow that sounds amazing! Thank you for sharing!
  9. I was really young and was filling up a fish tank and really had to pee and I just let go and peed myself.
  10. Welcome to version 2 of Riley's pee lottery! At a random time I will randomly choose the winner and they get to choose out of these options! 1) share 1-2 pee experiences that I've never told anyone before 2) I will write a fictional pee related story for you, it can include anything you want as long as that's not a 500 page book. 3) control how I pee for 1 pee. Like for example you could tell me to go pee from a tree or something very obscure or tell me to get very desperate and do something. Basically complete control of my bladder as long as it's not public or will get me
  11. Thank you! When I do my.next pee lottery you could always request it xD idk I might continue it xD
  12. I gazed out the window watching the hills roll past as our car barreled down the freeway. It was a beautiful day with bright blue skies and a sunny glow over the landscape. I was just sitting and thinking, watching each road marker go by. “Is everything ok?”, Rachel asked me from the driver’s seat. In truth life couldn’t be better. I was leaving for a camping trip with my best friend and we were planning to have a great time away from the world in the middle of nowhere. In the past Rachel had always been there for me. If i ever needed a shoulder to cry on she would sit by me a
  13. Unfortunately I didn't have time to finish the story but hopefully I'll post it as soon as I finish it 🙂
  14. @Grizzly Man I'm getting dressed right now 🙂 i have the dress in the picture on with nude colored pantyhose xD if you want to make any other adjustments just tell me!
  15. Are you ok if I write it in first person or would you prefer third person? Choose anything and I'll see if I have it xD This thread has a lot of the clothing I have but I have plenty of things not on this list xD https://peefans.com/topic/10524-what-should-i-wear-tommorow/
  16. Hmm ok xD it might take me a but I'll try to encorporate nature and cooking into a story xD do you want the main character to be male or female? Also you can choose my outfit for tommorow if your interested!
  17. @Grizzly Man congratulations you won the lottery! I hope to hear from you in this thread or by pm soon! If you don't reply within 24 hours I will select a new winner. If you didn't win this time don't worry I want to do this again very soon 🙂
  18. Ok entering all the names into a random name generator!
  19. Recently I was taking a personal fun trip up to a mountain near me to go hiking and just relax. I grabbed a coffee and ran out the door super excited for the day. I was wearing jeans shorts and a tank top btw if your interested xD On the way there the trip was seemless and I had a fantastic drive and did some hiking trails on the way and got some great views of the mountain. On the last trail I felt a familiar twinge in my bladder and thought about going to the side of the trail to pee but there were too many people and I'd had a full day so I decided it was probably time to go home.
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