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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Also I forgot to mention this in the main post but your questions don't have to be pee related if you don't want them to. Anything will count๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  2. I don't like to in public pools because usually I'm very dehydrated and I'm worried about getting caught and also I feel bad exposing other people to it but when I'm with friends or in a hot or something I do all the time xD. Usually then I drink a lot too not get a headache so I also have to pee all the time. It's just easier to go in the pool xD
  3. I have to pee but I don't want to use the toilet xD any ideas?
  4. The more I look into this the more I realize that I'm kind of close to a vampire xD I sleep only around 4 hours a night. I don't eat that much, I love strawberry smoothies, and I'm super sensitive to the sun I burn in like 10 minutes outside. If I want to do anything outside I have to use sunblock or a hat or both๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ or else it hurts. I don't want to at all too which makes it even worse ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  5. I have done that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ I made sure it wasn't super visible but I have done that๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  6. I'm going to let the votes stack up for one more day and then I'll wear what's listed. Today I'm wearing this simpler outfit๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. One time I went hiking on a very remote trail and knew there would be no one else hiking and so I just whenever I had to pee just let go in my shorts and it felt amazing๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  8. I'll wear that then ๐Ÿ™‚
  9. I could do something like this and wear black leggings underneath?
  10. I don't actually have a pair of tall boots, I'm sorry
  11. I have xD. My bathroom sink is like the worst sink to do it with but I do do it from time to time xD
  12. Welcome to another club exclusive story! This story is from high school during orchestra class. I sat down in orchestra and started unpacking my instrument when right before the bell one of my friends walks in and sits next to me kind of fidgeting but otherwise normal. We had a substitute that day, and the mean one. We would call her Ms. Umbridge behind her back because she wore pink clothes, was obsessed with cats, and we also we're pretty sure she was a sadist. We started to practice as a group and class began with everyone fearing her knowing that they could be her next targe
  13. I have I actually have a story about it here: https://peefans.com/topic/10289-peeing-in-the-car/
  14. Hello and welcome to the 4th edition of Riley's pee lottery!! For this lottery there will be 2 winners!! The prize for this lottery is to have me do anything pee related. Whether that be have me write a story, hold it in and loose control, go do something crazy, idk, you choose! The crazier the better because I have more fun doing it and you have more fun seeing it happen! Additionally the first chosen winner will have the ability to control when and how I go to the bathroom for a day! Either through the live action thread or a private message thread depending on their choosing. This edi
  15. Background: so my outfit is in the picture I put in this post but I'm wearing different shoes and I'm blonde and it's a little different but that's basically what I'm wearing xD. So this is a story from last night. I went to go see fiddler on the roof in an outdoor theatre. The play not the movie btw xD. It was a small production and there were maybe 50 people there. Everything started normal at first. I had my giant water bottle and sat down to enjoy the show. A little while into the show I had an idea. I was sitting away from people and it was very dark outside so
  16. If you could be any animal you could think of what would it be? Also the parameters are that you keep your current brain and conciousness. For realism I would probably be a peregrine falcon because I would have the freedom to fly anywhere at over 380 km/h. If we are being unrealistic either a dragon (toothless) or a vampire xD. Well depending on the version of vampirism that your going by xD
  17. The vote hasn't changed soooo I'm wearing this xD
  18. I know I'm thinking way too much into this but if you had the power to shapeshift why would you remain human? Go be the most intelligent eagle or something๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  19. I am the dictator of my own body, and that's good enough for me๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ there's a couple political things I feel strongly about but I'm not going to share them because there are three things you should never share about yourself on the internet. Your political views Your religious views And your feelings on Apple Products
  20. The vote changed and that brings a new outfit! I have been wearing a lot of black t-shirts however so I changed it to a grey t-shirt.
  21. I was curious if there were any musicians on here and if so what do you play? For me my first instrument was the violin that I started playing 11 years ago. I also play the piano, guitar, and ukelele. Music is a large part of my life๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
  22. I thought I would bring the scale down. Very much down. Since I've been sick I thought we should take a look at a common virus known as a cold. One that is causing me to slowly loose my sanity over time. This is a grand aspect of nature that we need to respect for it's strength in numbers against life.
  23. According to the vote you guys want me to wear black on black again today xD so here's today's outfit xD
  24. I just spurted a lot. My hand is wet now
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