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About Potatoman

  • Rank
    Loyal Member
  • Birthday 01/22/2000

Personal Information

  • Gender
    Straight male
  • Occupation
  • Age
  • Location
    Western Germany
  • About Me
    Most you can see above, I’m a soldier right now and soon to be university student, studying law
    Currently in a relationship but sadly my girl is not into pee stuff :/ I’m getting her a little towards it though, hoping it will get better

Pee Profile

  • Favourite Thing About Pee
    Naughty, by myself and together with girls
  • Hottest Pee Experience
    Pissing all over public toilet with my ex-gf

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  1. I had this story in the back for a while now, good way to mark a comeback imo I think I will make a whole series out of it, i have to see though Story contains naughty peeing This story is about the famous and beloved founder of “yellow creek town”, also about the idea of the town itself, which thanks its name to the special rules and behaviours of its inhabitants The truly amazing thing about it is, that everyone living in yellow creek town is either a piss fetishist or just a person that loves the open atmosphere of the town, where you are free to pee, make out and
  2. hey there 😊 I’m still here, it’s been a really long time now and not a real good one as well but now I do feel better and i love to be here again, it’s almost like coming home Everything changed a little for me, I work as soldier at the time and in about a year i will study right now I’m in a holiday and feeling so free and relaxed that i just wanted to come back, i think (and hope) that i can stay looking forward to just chat about anything again... and of course also about our favourite topic 😉 Greetings, potatoman
  3. I developed the habit to pee in the staircase of a car park in my university everytime i need to go, I go out of my course but not to a toilet like others but into that staircase, pissing against the wall and leaving again, I wonder when it will be noticed?... but also at a billion other occasions, I try to pee outside as much as possible, behind houses and in alleys, in parks, on car parks, when I go indoors I mostly pee on the floor of toilets or, if possible other rooms. i like being naughty and marking my territory, feels like I own the place then 😉
  4. Well, not too much to say actually... but I have been away for quite long but now I’m back and I hope I can stay 😅 i had some problems and it was a difficult time, it still is so I am not sure to what extend it will be better... but I hope that I deal with all of that. So, what did I miss? 😉
  5. Thank you, I did it for the ongoing competition to that time so it was new to me, something different... but fun! If you want to try as well, feel free to post below 🙂
  6. I have another one 😅 theory I wrote at some time: possible explanation for black holes for this, taking that the whole universe, the „empty“ room itself isn’t empty but made out of something, something that connects everything and is the substance of which every single particle in the whole universe is made of. So everything is connected in this „net“, moving is only something like a wave which does not transport mass but stayes the way it is, just moves the energy so when you walk, the particles are transported and „replace“ the air in front of you with your body then (of cou
  7. Monday morning isn’t easy... but I’ll try then!
  8. Just how the FUCK can you come to that idea? With 3‰? Or a fucking kilogram of cocaine or speed or meth in your body? Or just an IQ that goes around 7? you are not gay when you touch YOURSELF you are not even gay when you touch another male, for example your small child or your ill father you have to take care of and wash him. Or you work as caretaker and have to wash other men fucking frequently every day, what’s gay about that? NOTHING!! it would be gay if you ENJOY washing and touching these men, that’s the one and only case the others are simply hygiene and nothing mo
  9. Damn that’s a hot one for today 😋
  10. I had the same problem, simply put them on a plate when they are able to stand if not, make them able to ;)
  11. But it still kind of worked though, I don’t know...
  12. I think I fucked it, did it on Friday 🤣🤣🤣
  13. Potatoman

    ROOM 101

    I do as well, I think the former bonds were better for the role, “real gentleman” but still cool, just right there. I currently dislike very much: - modern pop music, especially from my country. When you hear modern German pop music you will hear NO DIFFERENCE between the songs AND the singers as well! Sound all the fucking same!! - drivers that don’t use their turning signals. Just fuck you, that’s not a spoiler to indicate where you’re fucking going! - people who can’t say what they want. Sorry here but mostly girls do this, of course not all but some are. “yes
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