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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. Interesting consideration...
  2. I live REALLY far for you ehehehehe but really far!!! Was I to visit UK one day, maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe I will infringe a bit my privacy and pee on my english friends
  3. Not only, the stable-scenario too... I find that attire erotic, dunno why
  4. Witches which are not practicing are maybe uninterested in piss, yet allow me to notify this to you: for Witches (before actual initiations in the Mysteries of Holy Water) consider piss more like a normal part of sex Probably if you ask her about fetish, she would tell you she do not cares that much But you fuck her hard AND THEN at a certai point took it out and piss on her, she would offer herself to your stream without problem Indeed, piss is not my only fetish
  5. You got a fucking point there Aghori stuff Jesus's metaphors ALWAYS implied death Because Jesus was an Aghori Now we are out to show the contrary Indeed we should. They are capable of anything. The shadow government within the Church wants us all enslaved. Everytime a Pope is too futurist, ooooohhh poor saint man, he's dead and he's with the lord now...
  6. I really could build and enterprise with my pussy then!!!
  7. Not exactly always Kali often appears hairy And also a Witch could let some pubic hair re-grow for short periods some time Inherently, shaving the pussy means an act of colonization-by-the-Will of something usually considered mysterious, like an attachment we women do not understand completely It is like entering the unconscious to master and colonize it Also, is an act of shamelessness, showing the pussy without the hideout of hairs, is explosive and full-frontal Also, for Witches, there is a little add: is a sign of commitment and submission, to the Gods, and to
  8. Erotism is pleasurable, thus has a great spiritual degree of respectability
  9. Yes, exactly There, the souls dream and live in a subtler plane, like a shared dream, with other souls
  10. This story struck a chord in me I have a little thing for this kind of scenario...
  11. Let me tell, maybe, but I am not sure, I say maybe, it is better this way Outlawing is violent action, it Always makes me feel puzzled Maybe we could still keep facing this between peers...
  12. I would pee in YOUR house and on YOU, if you pledge loyalty
  13. Two things I love in this story Big powerful cars (I ADORE big powerful cars) and marvellous women pissing...
  14. Waste a single drop of a Witch's piss would be a capital sin If I grant my urine to somebody, it is not just to play You cannot even imagine what I saw and endured My piss is the videolog of my life
  15. Let's conclude, for now, with this marvellous pic of Lilith offering Her blessing to the archetypical couple of male and female, bathing in Her Golden delight... Urine is Her trademark, thus it is obvious that a Witch can be unavoidably a full-fledged piss fetishist!!!
  16. Witches performing lesbian games during a celebration Notice, here too, the shaved pussy, and the robe identical to my own in my pics
  17. Satan, in His most occult manifestation. The Heart, the Snake, and the Crown. They are ancestral symbols. The Heart is symbol of the impossibility to evade comparison between personal acts and the moral guidelines of Cosmical Good. The Snake implies power, transcendence Beyond illusions and ignorance, and the ability of the soul to recover from evrything, leaving behind the old self like a snake changes his skin The Crown implies the expression of self, yet so tested and forged by the Good, that all personal instincts and desires are in accordance with It. Thus, somebody who never wa
  18. Three Witches, smearing themselves with the blood of sacrifices... Witches would never hurt an innocent, but looking at this image, it is quite clear why we Always scared the people...
  19. Pan, meditating and focusing His powers
  20. I love to consider the Gods like giant gentle monster cuddling souls like the luminous sphere he is handling Indeed this pic could also portray a theorically 3-D God creating a planet!
  21. A bit of beauty now to recover from fear!!! Lilith in Her luminous form This had been one of the first pic of Her I ever downloaded, we are talking of almost ten years ago!!!
  22. Lilith's terrible elder sister All souls, no matter how nasty, bow to Her in terror, (pointlessly) hoping to be spared
  23. Kali in Her most explosively erotic form!!!
  24. The Double Serpent Helix is a symbol of the Kundalini, and Her red attire is a symbol of Divinity in its most potent expression She could be an image of all Goddess, mainly Lilith and Kali
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