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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. If you feel they are not spineless tree-huggers then ok It's important, pleasure cannot exist without pain, and some aroma-therapist are exceedingly new age (which is NOT bad, but is tunnel visioned in an unbalanced pacifism)
  2. Totally agree Also, I love athletic girls, they emanate comfidence toward their bodies, which is some kind of promise of good sex...
  3. Yes, it's perfect Everything you love goes, but that it's great in itself
  4. Getting back to boobs Last girl I had sex with had not huge tits, she was more the latino-type girl, and was hot as fuck Really, I regret having not had the chance to fuck her again Many athletic girls have little boobs, and they're hot as fuck
  5. No problem, everybody taps into these energie each one his own way Napoleon, Caesar, none of these were occultists The Occult can help, I would lie downplaying it too much But if it doesn't vibrate to you, then no problem!!!
  6. Now stop OFF TOPIC or we will be fittingly scolded
  7. @Potatoman @Mark J I simply love to drink, and usually when I dine, I drink beer or wine according to what I'm eating Often, I drink a lot My body processes alcohol very well (I can drink 2 liters of beer without problems, I got drunk uh but not feeling like shit at all) so I am unashamed to anjoy it whenever and wherever I can Where I live, alcohol is part of life, we drink wine for lunch and wine/beer for dinner, we drink shots of scotch during the afternoon or after dinner after having drank beer or wine, it's our normal life every day of our life Many o
  8. Sunday IS better In the worst scenario, Tuesday Not too huge and NOT WHITE ON THE INSIDE All blue!!! Try!!! Perfect, better than many alcoholics More or less the best option, unless somebody gots a fine Scotch, or a Rum, or even better Cachasa (the best beverage of all) Less perfect than the energy drink yet actually in the top 5 anyway!!! Ok first of all I'm slobbering Second, it's PERFECT for the energy of the Equinox!!! Better no incense at all that stuff exceedingly new age as they
  9. Feel compliated emotions, like everytime I'm so drunk. Romantic, vulnerable, cruel, hopeful, purposeful, vengeful For boobs, I prefer them big, but too big is pointless, and many girls are perfect and hot with small tits fitting their overall apearence I've been with both small tits, barely legal girls, and huge-breated milfs... They're different in bed
  10. Before Tuesday included Sunday or Monday best Every ritual involving the Gods (even mildly) it is Nobody wants shit with Them. You can't imagine the devils They can be to evil spirit. The risk would be to summon an ill-intentioned entity that feed of sexual energy, but with Lilith involved I really doubt it!!! Not at all. I use alcohol because my version of the ritual is one hundred times darker Actually, the hour before the sunset is the perfect one for this rite, romantic and soft, for the darkness in the room it's enough to close the window
  11. Possess an intimate belonging of somebody offers a way to unconscious psychological domination, so I won't feel too serene having stuff which had been in contact with my pussy to go around the world In the theory I got so powerful spellbinding me was impossible (it's pretty un-real, nobody gets that powerful, never ever) I would sell them no problem… Obviously wearing them just to sell them, as I never wear any!!!
  12. I adore your avatar so much Sorry for off topic, alcohol was involved
  13. What's the need to reply when Potatoman explained it all so perfectly?
  14. Obviously I did!!! We had many good times together, until things changed for complicated personal reasons
  15. @Sephora I can definitely agree with Mark!!!!
  16. @steve25805 I pissed onto the carpet of one of my lesbian slaves once It wasn't consensual and had her very angry at me It was one the nastiest moment of my Whole life as she was kneeling on it trying to clear the huge dark patch before their parents (who knew nothing of us) got home, well, let's just say her head was exactly at the height of my crotch, so I... well... I turned around, farted hard on her face, and then left her house without helping her to clean it... I was so wet at my delicious cruelty that I fingered as soon as I got home You wann
  17. First of all, you need some incense you can appreciate Something you actually like Be sure to have plenty!!! Second, you need to prepare a meal, or find a way to buy it, so that in the end of the ceremony, you will eat you favourite dish and drink your favourite beverage This is by no means secundary: it really exerts a powerful stimulation over the unconscious!!! Now, you need candles, in odd numbers, no less than 3, and likely no more than 7 (though somebody claimed he achieved good results with one or 9 candles… bah), I use 3 for example The shape
  18. The Autumn Equinox is linked to the concept of the Pendulum, or flux and re-flux of tides It's the middle point, which is never kept for long (unless it means that the pendulum is either still or swinging very weakly) but which is the line along which the very pivot of the pendulum eternally and immobily lies It's the pivot of the wheel, which is contact with all rays, and through them with the circumference, and is the core of the Whole wheel, yet it's its only un-moving part To understand the deep meaning of the Balancing point, people must understand first of all that
  19. First of all, it's important to explain what is its inherent and deepest meaning The Autumn Equinox had been linked to the beginning of the astrological sign of Libra, yet many claims that with the Equinoxial shift, the original correspondence is lost, impairing Astrology in its totality This is silly, since there had NEVER been a corrispondence, Astrology studies the implication of the angle between the various planets and the Sun, which modifies the overall gravitational and quantistic field and thus slightly modifies it's energetical wave projected toward earth Signs
  20. You all know me, and you all know the Path I practice I'm not Wicca, I'm an Explorer of the scientific aspect of psychich powers, who after a life of training discovered some of the ancient Occult Truths were not simbols (useful yet nothing more than symbols) but actual scientifical realities, studied since the URSS age but kept hidden from people by Govs that feared their outcome, as they in themselves are good and serene, but since they're from a different layer of reality than the one of religious brainwashing, they can stir up doubts, and in the end lead people to question the guideli
  21. Unless a girl wants a deep vaginal orgasm (which is anyway available only around and above 8 inches) the very first 2 inches of the vaginal conduit are the most pleasurable portion of it, that's why even a 5 inches cock is more than enough to satisfy a woman!!!
  22. Ehehehehe we'll see what we can do ahahahah
  23. There is another thread with the same name so maybe you should be willing to edit the title and upgrade yours with something more personal On a general stance no threads with similar content are allowed but yours is peculiarly different, there people just chat, this one sounds like it is gonna become your gallery of pics or some kind of list of them Anyway, start telling us so we could share our thoughts!
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