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Everything posted by spywareonya

  1. The first part is a preparation and as it is very complicated, it will make you understand how fucking serious this is. People have to take (printing it from the web or picking a paper one) a map of the area where they live. Then, they have to imagine their house as the core point, signed with "M" in the image above. Its segments (A-B, B-C and so on but also F-M and M-C and on) can be the lenght of a Block, or be actually miles in lenght. The longer the better, but it's not only a matter of lenght. The point is that the segments must intersect,
  2. @WantonLee Now is much better said. I agree
  3. Yes Steve I must say sorry. Two weeks ago I had been moved to a different spot at work (FINALLY!!!!) and this doesn't impair my chances to log in, but swamped me with work. While last week absence was not planned, I just got really sick with a bad flu. I am now better, and indeed I am really facing inner fights, positive uh but hard But for you Steve, I'll forever be there. Write me a PM and I'll reply as I can. I have no time for skrying or complicated things, but I would never leave you behind. A limitless kiss. For the ritual let's see, I don't know if it fits for a stressed person, ma
  4. Alex was a singer before his band disbanded. They played at many concerts and even were up to record an album with a big company, but something happened and in the end the group crumbled down. Exceeding details about WHAT happened exactly could lead to identifying me and him so I will keep it private. Music is the main passion of us both
  5. Yes, things become ridiculous if tolerance becomes intolerant toward everything which simply is itself!
  6. Yes, the problem you expose is real. I have mercy more than tolerance, which is different, but indeed I understand your point. Being ALL-TOLERANT is a slogan devoid of far-sightedness.
  7. But we should also avoid demonize religion. From your words, it exudes some kind of grudge against religion, like it was a wrong thing to be kept away from the public and indulged privately as every other wrong thing stupid people have the right to do to/with themselves like taking drugs or self-mutilation. Beware, I'm not accusing you, I deeply understand your reasons, but antipathy fogs vision and make us harsh to people belonging to the group we adverse. I amNOT saying you were rude to Scot, it's subtler: I am saying you shunned his concern, because in your unconscious his love for rel
  8. Debunking dogmas shouldn't be transformed into eradicating culural identity. It's just a phase, people are rebelling against old ties, but it will settle down in the next years I'm sure, like every other rebellious wave of the past
  9. In that occasion he was right, because the government of Japan issued an attack. Terrorists are not an army, they are isolated scumbags. When in the past some countries armed them, these nations got an all-out war declared by USA and allies. I see your point Fanny, believe me I understand you, but I don't think Islam is the problem. Nobody killed innocents like christians did, for millennia, but Christianism teaches to do the opposite. It's Always difficult to divide lone wolves from "a People", but we must be clever about that
  10. Both the Bible and the Qu'Ran have their dark and light passages. I agree with you about the fact people are their actions not their beliefs, but indeed previous post of 2prnot2p is good about this: muslim INDIVIDUALS can be as you and @owlman76 denounced, indeed. But many of them are modernizing and adapting!
  11. Finally somebody who dissect the problem in a fitting way!!
  12. I wanted to quote this message line per line but it was too much of a Whole to be fragmented. Dogma is a complicated thing. You see, the problem is that when you believe something too strong you can become tactless to those around you. But a man couldn't either believe in nothing to be spared this fate. But I think we should judge people according to their behaviour rather than according to their beliefs
  13. For love of truth, this too is real anyway I Always said you are a hero With this, I beg you to avoid past events cloud you!
  14. I really liked this passage. It's marvellous and very correct. Muslim individuals can do pushy things but this doesn't mark a Whole religion or ethny!!
  15. Halloween is a modern celebration, but the original Samhain is from ancient celtic Heritage, from modern UK. It is also one of the most important spiritual holidays of the Whole year, surpassed originally by the Summer Solstice (which IS THE most powerful spiritual day of the year) but Samhain came 2nd AND IN ADDITION humans celebrate it all over the world since decades, and this altered the balances of power making Halloween the most important moment of the year (or anyway at peer with the Summer Solstice). Samhain celebrates and exorcises the fear of Death and monster
  16. This is intended primarily for @steve25805 and @Potatoman since they already performed a previous one but it can be available for everybody It will be really powerful and heavy If anyone is interested, reply to this, I'll write it!!!
  17. Couldn't imagine the two of them together, sorry, I cast reasoning from scratches of informations
  18. Complicated. VERY complicated. Outside occult, everybody can do as they prefer Even in occult, there is freedom for men though they usually keep them (magicians usually never shave anything of themselves, cutting hairs only by the hands of people appointed and very rarely and only to strenghten them, and growing beard, shaving it only in early age to make it grow long and strong) Women, it's more complicated. I wrote extensively of it in my thread "Where would you see me pee". Witches shave their pubic hairs. The reasons are so deep. Very deep. Check that thread if y
  19. Not necessarily. Being bald means less contact but also less influences. That's why all monks shave themselves. It's just a bit harder to connect but it's no big deal. Only in hardcore occultism a huge hair mass is mandatory ahahahahahaha
  20. Sincerely tempted to fly to the place where you live and take you A virgin girl with your sensitivity and intensity would be the highest trophy and the most heart-touching dream-trip of my life External appearence is utterly meaningless
  21. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. We are not!!! ENVYYYYYY!!!!! OMG slurp This is marvellous Ihihihihih!!!! So good to read from you again Scot!!!
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