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Everything posted by rann

  1. Hi @Alpian, thanks for reading and thank you for your kind words! Naughty peeing is a mainstay of my stories and them being fiction allows me to add in a number of other aspects such as vandalism, public lewdness, and countless other misbehaviors that stimulate the imagination. Even within the subset of "naughty peeing," this being a fetish website, numerous readers have numerous other fetishes that overlap with mere peeing. As much as I would love it that everyone would love every single aspect of every story I've written, everyone has their own preferences. I understand that sometime
  2. And knowing my ex, even if she was given this information, she would probably just shrug and keep doing it lol
  3. I like artificial hard surfaces (e.g., cars, cardboard, walls). These surfaces tend to make a lot of noise and, compared to how pee "should" sound when striking porcelain or water, the sounds they make sound the most "wrong". Bonus if there are dripping sounds afterwards!
  4. Thank you for commenting on my story! I am happy you enjoy it. Please look forward to the next installment when it is finished. The girls have a couple bad ideas💜
  5. Oh my, it seems that these girls are about to be very bad indeed~ 👼
  6. I love the way the girls intentionally look for ways to enjoy themselves at others' expense. Brazen, shameless, and excited at the prospect of peeing all over someplace that has just been cleaned -- my kind of girls 😉 Can't wait to see what they're up to next. Oh, and the epilogues were lots of fun too! Really fun to see how the girls' fun becomes someone else's problem.
  7. Huh... I had no idea it was so destructive to the paint. Welp. My ex and I spent years pissing down the sides of cars after nights out. 😛
  8. The pacing in this story is wonderful; I could truly feel it escalating the same as their hearts must have felt! The naughtiness is superb too. I love how they didn't hesitate to ruin the carpet or the books -- they were simply a means to express their horniness -- and didn't give their mess any mind as they started having sex. Simply fantastic.
  9. Do these two seem like the type that would let something like "keys" stop them? 😉 Don't worry, the next part actually starts out with Michael very much fresh on their minds.
  10. I actually would like for them to face some sort of consequences sometime, but I have not decided how to do it yet.
  11. I am happy that you like my stories! Thank you, it is very encouraging. Despite what happened to Michael, I definitely enjoyed having a "third party" around for the girls to interact with. Who knows, in the future, what you suggest definitely seem like things they might do given the opportunity.
  12. This is such a fascinating topic. I'm trying to talk about when I've actually referred to my bladder in casual conversation... I guess I tend to call it my tank? I feel like I talk more about "floodgates" and "dams" instead, but that would be more like... my bladder muscles I think? So the actual bladder would be a reservoir?? 😂
  13. @expererg it makes me happy that my story was able to stimulate so much creativity. Like I said, I did not really plan on making a third installment (let alone a second), but since people seem to like it, I kick around ideas in my head from time to time. I have a few ideas myself how I might approach a part 3 to the story and I appreciate you sharing your ideas too (you have some good ones)! That's the nice thing about fiction -- boundless possibilities.
  14. I am happy you liked it and you encourage me to keep making new installments! Do not worry, there is already a next adventure planned. They will have Paris to themselves, after all. No worries, and thank you for sharing. I knew that would be a bit of a divisive move to do such a thing. The girls are troublemakers for sure but I also kind of think of the two more as lone wolves that kind of do their own thing but also won't hesitate to trap prey either. Thank you for your feedback though and I might tweak how they interact with others in the future. Glad that it was at least able
  15. This story is a direct continuation of Part 3 with my characters Nina and Katie. With Michael spending a second day with the naughty duo, he can't help but loosen up. Thank you so much for your continued feedback and criticism -- you all have been very welcoming and accepting of my stories. You encourage me to continue writing! This story contains content that may be objectionable to some, namely themes of pee vandalism and general malice towards property and people. All characters and events are works of fiction. Thank you! Pee Vandalism with Nina and Katie - Vacation (
  16. I think you get some extra kudos! Love this pic of you pissing right on the logo. Not everyone can easily replicate this pee 😁
  17. Sounds like a lot of fun! Love hearing about you guys' mischief.
  18. Sorry, I am a slow writer, but rest assured that the vacation isn't over yet and the girls fully intend to misbehave just as badly in the next installment!
  19. Love the way they're sort of looking for new places to pee outside their room
  20. rann

    Any 2

    I adore Any, and it's a lot of fun reading about her naughty adventures. In particular, I love how just one horny evening of drunk piss vandalism changed her into a minx who is actively looking for opportunities to misbehave. I think it's quite telling about her personality!
  21. I am happy you guys like it. I had hoped that it would not come across as too formulaic of a scenario given its similar set-up to the first part so I was unsure how it would be received. Thank you very much for the kind praise and encouragement as always. Part 2 never even existed until you inspired me with your love of Part 1. Haha... I think it would be difficult to come up with more scenarios regarding this series but maybe if the right inspiration strikes? It was fun to write for sure. I am glad you enjoyed it! Can you please elaborate about what you are refer
  22. This story is a direct continuation of Part 1. The first part was originally supposed to be a one-off, but people enjoyed it so much that they inspired me to make a follow-up. Thank you very much for your feedback! I hope this installment is just as fun. (This story takes place at a fictional setting in a real-world country, and asserts no opinions regarding it or its people. Additionally, religion is very much an inseparable part of the culture being portrayed and thus this story shouldn't be taken as a commentary about the religion specifically.) This story features naughty peeing, vand
  23. Great finds!! Love the way she has the cum running down the side of the window
  24. Haha that is definitely tempting! Marking your territory is one thing, but the thought of pattering on something you know someone else will be using is a delightful one indeed. You understand exactly then! Yes, for me especially, something about the nicer business hotels tempts me even more to leave a naughty stain somewhere, but alas I simply cannot. You did jog my memory however that I once did something similar to you -- there was a hotel where the floor was pure concrete outside of the shower so I peed a bit there as the evidence was effortlessly washed away.
  25. I hear you 😅 New carpet especially must be begging for a christening! The wife would certainly have some questions though...
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