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Lulu A.

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Everything posted by Lulu A.

  1. they get better somehow????https://www.literotica.com/s/piss-practice-going-the-distance
  2. omg hottest chapter yet: https://www.literotica.com/s/piss-practice-work-from-home
  3. and one more! https://www.literotica.com/s/piss-practice-the-backyard
  4. omg so goooood https://www.literotica.com/s/purposeful-accident
  5. oooh another chapter is up! https://www.literotica.com/s/piss-practice-the-bathtub
  6. Ooooh another SPECTACULAR literotica story, with more parts to come! https://www.literotica.com/s/piss-practice-a-wet-beginning
  7. omg i L O V E this series sooooo much <3
  8. rebumping the first in this AMAZING series so more folks see it!!!!!
  9. This story is so fascinating to me, what a thought provoking premise! I'm eager for the rest! :)
  10. ... I was already riled up when I started reading, but it only took like five paragraphs to undo me lol MASTERFUL @JimmyJones345!!! <3 <3 <3
  11. another excellent one: https://www.reddit.com/r/urinewords/comments/jz9m6b/party_urinal_e_piss_mf_mostly_mm_as_well_anal_long/
  12. This one was amazing! I'll keep an eye out for more: https://www.reddit.com/r/PeeDesperation/comments/koy6s8/the_desperate_deliveroo_driver/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
  13. "Walking in piss-wet jeans brings accidental public orgasm." Another excellent Literotica find! https://www.literotica.com/s/all-kinds-of-wet
  14. Hiiii! So the built in emojis are very topical for us and have that retro-internet vibe--could we possibly add more of them? I exclusively come here on desktop, and there are SO many instances that a 'water drops' or 'heart eyes' emoji would let me express myself so much better than words could, lol, Or am I maybe missing a way to put them in? Thanks in advance. With love, a shameless millenial
  15. AMAZING story!!!!! https://www.literotica.com/s/pissing-at-the-opera (Linking to make sure the author gets the credit/traffic, I hope that's allowed! I've seen people copy and paste stories that aren't theirs before, and I didn't want to contribute to that.)
  16. Passable cinematography lol good lighting, steady camera, and thoughtful framing seem to be rare
  17. THIS IS AMAZING <3 <3 <3 I did encounter a glitch; in the movie theater, if you select the option to try and pee against the seat in front of you, and 'stay with your choice', it goes to a screen that says "Double tap to edit" that you can't back out of
  18. TOO HOT ☠️ 😍 😝 😘 💗
  19. @lesley, sometimes I wonder how many orgasms I've had to your stories... I think it's like five million (+ 1 for today 😂🤣💦) we are so blessed to have you back, our queen of storytelling! 😘❤️
  20. 😍😍😍😍 amazingggggg 💦😋
  21. Hi hi! I recently went through a purge of my clothes, and I've picked out a lot of old panties of mine that I want to replace. It feels wasteful to get rid of them while they're still in great shape (just not to my taste anymore), and I'm intrigued by the idea of selling them. I produce a lot of discharge naturally day to day and a lot of fluids when I'm aroused (all of which I think smell and taste great lol). Does anyone have any experience with this as a seller, or is anyone interested in taking them off my hands? Thanks in advance! Lulu
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