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Everything posted by weteric

  1. Amyone seen "we need to talk about kevin"?
  2. Fascinated by serial killers. No idea why, maybe its because they are so far removed from normal people. Try getting hold of robert Resler's "who ever fights monsters"
  3. weteric


    And welcome Stevo
  4. Undoubtedly faye x and natalia x. Just something about these two. Although Faye seems to have moved to daipers, which jyst doesn't float my boat I'm afraid. Hpe she gets back to wetting herself
  5. I think it http://www.tumblr.com/dashboard/stcky
  6. weteric


    Hi shyone88. Welcome, look forward to hearing more about this!
  7. I think you've been following mine too. Stcky.
  8. Hi n welcome, loving your tumblr feed!
  9. Welcome Rangers, keep posting, you'll see the videos in time!
  10. Hi, nice to meet you both.
  11. A man received the following text from his neighbour: I am so sorry Bob. I've been riddled with guilt and I have to confess. I have been tapping your wife, day and night when you're not around. In fact, more than you. I'm not getting any at home, but that's no excuse. I can no longer live with the guilt and I hope you will accept my sincerest apology with my promise that it won't happen again. The man, anguished and betrayed, went into his bedroom, grabbed his gun, and without a word, shot his wife and killed her. A few moments later, a second text came in: Damn autocorrect. I meant
  12. I once dreamt that my penis was a big as a bottle of fizzy orange. Fanta sized actually.
  13. Thats brilliant kirito, and very kind of you. I would not criticise anyones choice in what turns them on, one mans bacon is another mans poison. Omorashi.org is a great site, and I would recommend anyone have a browse. As I said, it's now my second favourite pee site. After this one. Keep up the very good work.
  14. Now my second favourite site. Well worth signing up. Lots of videos and experiences and stories, got to admit I don't really get the link between cartoons and sex, ie manga, and I have always been uncomfortable with how young the cartoons look. However, that doesn't mean there is anything untowards with this site. Have a browse through the videos, they are all svslsble for download, but as a non paying member you fo have s daily limit. Go have s browse, www.omorashi.org
  15. When someone is murdered, the police always investigate the spouse first. And that pretty much tells you everything you need to know about marriage.
  16. The stunning blonde dressed in nothing more than a thong and negligee, let the plumber in. "Hello, is your husband not in?" He asked, "Does it look like he is in?" She replied opening her negligee, "will I not do?" "No, not really," he said, "I need your car reversing out of the drive."
  17. Hello. Im not 20 ir from the US, but I'm still pleased to welcome you.
  18. Nice story, I wonder if anyone has peed in a hotel room I've stayed in. Whwt part of the world are you in Zorba?
  19. "What's the problem?" The doctor asked. I replied, "When I urinate, it smells of anything that I've eaten or drunk. For instance, if I eat sugar puffs it smells of sugar puffs, or if I drink a chicken Cup-a-Soup it smells of a chicken Cup-a-Soup. What can I do to make my piss smell like piss doctor?" "Have you tried drinking Foster's?"
  20. As I stared at the stripper, I gently massaged my cock. "Get out of my hardware store," said the manager.
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