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Everything posted by weteric

  1. Watched Jimmy Carr last night. He was asking for sexual fantasies from the audience. One guy said his girlfriend likes him to watch her pee. She was so embarrassed, you could tell it was true.
  2. Hello. Hope you enjoy it here
  3. Would be great to see you wetting yourself. Please
  4. weteric


    Thanks guys. Been rough.
  5. weteric


    Welcome Diana, what does your friend dare you to do?
  6. weteric


    Hi folks, sorry, I've not be around lately. Had a sudden death in the family, been pretty traumatic. Looks like you needed me to help out on the beat the admin thread, and seem to have a lot of pics n videos to catch up on. Hopefully I'll be able to contribute more soon.
  7. Bill Hicks is timeless
  8. weteric


    Tell us about yourself nancy.
  9. Are you already intimate? Might be awkward if your not. And if your not how will you feel if it ends the friendship?
  10. Hi jay. Welcome, enjoy the view, I do... lol
  11. Faye from WHP i'll see if I can find a pic of Natalia.
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