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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. On 11/11/2017 at 4:32 PM, likesToLick said:

    I would say it would be a good marketing strategy to release lots of short clips and previews,  in standard definition,  with  your site address clearly watermarked,  and an information panel saying the full length high def version is available to subscribers.  If you can ensure that  these are widely distributed in the "pirate" market they could bring in that one person in a hundred who will subscribe.  Those enthusiasts are your bread and butter.  With enough of them you need not worry about the inevitable freeloaders.

    Possibly. I think that would have been more likely 10 to 15 years ago when video footage was very rare or impossible to find. These days, porn of every category imaginable is available in endless supply, on free streaming sites. Personally, when I come across a trailer that links to the producers site, and I head over to see that they want a paid subscription or sell videos separate, I'm gone. The first thing is, I don't care enough to pay the ridiculous prices they charge. I'm talking like 20 bucks for a 6 minute video. I understand that they are trying to cover their production costs with a small audience but still, it's too much money to ask. Second, there are security concerns any time a credit card has to be typed in to any site, but especially some obscure porn site that's run in some country on the other side of the planet, where they may have no concern for your security at all. Add to that, their likely financial difficulties, and they are very unlikely to have a secure transaction server. Third, odds are the video is already uploaded somewhere for free. I have purchased videos in the past, only to see them turn up on Pornhub or something.

    I think for the most part, it's a dying market, just like DVD rental stores began dying when Netflix blew up. Free porn is just too easy for most people to open their wallet.

  2. Present day relationships aren't what they used to be. People cheat on each other so often these days that it has become pretty much expected. Social media, dating apps, hookup culture and decline in marriage rates have created out of control promiscuity among the younger generations in particular. Those who do marry very often get divorced before they are 30. Most of the women that have flirted with me did so while having boyfriends and had no idea why that was cause for concern for me, and I'm talking about grown women in their 20's. I don't like this throw-away attitude toward dating these days and I see it taking society down a dark path. 

    Wondering if anyone agrees or not, or your experiences regarding this. Does anyone worry about the potential effects on society in the future? 

    • Agree 1
  3. She's not supposed to be peeing. If you listen closely, those are plops hitting the toilet water, not a pee stream. Coffee is well known to cause bowel movements.

    I wouldn't buy the coffee just because a hot woman is showing her ass to us, that actually makes me not want to buy it because it's an insult to intelligence. 

    On a side note however, damn her body is delicious!

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

    You do know that this will still be used incorrectly no matter what the choices are. Some males will still pick a female gender, or not pick a gender at all. I've been on a few forums, one even went as far as showing sexual preference. This led to 'gay bashing' wether it was girls or guys, people still got hammered for showing what they were.

    Gender is shown on the users profile, so it is available, is this what you meant?

    Yes, many will pose as female. I have even done so years ago on a few comment sections of articles, just to see how convincing I could be. I was good at pissing guys off by acting like a stuck up shallow bitch, and it was strangely fun. Most surprising was how much I got into character. I literally "became" this bitch when posting. Pathetic? Probably...but I know for a fact how easy it is to do. This is why I do not care about the sex/gender of who I engage with anonymously online. That amazing woman messaging you just might be a guy. It's just too easy.

    • Haha 2
  5. I didn't look through every post here to see if maybe someone else suggested this but could a new tag be implemented that indicates that a file or url has been uploaded? Maybe it could be programmed to disappear after a week or when each person has viewed the new upload, or they can click on the tag itself to make it go away? The reason being is that I have a series of a uploads called variety of peeing that I periodically update but a dilemma comes in when doing so. I don' want people to think that just because my name appears as the most recent one to post, that I was simply commenting, as opposed to uploading content. As a result, I found it best to just start separate threads for each, which is not my preference. The same with the My Drawings thread I just created. I want members to be able to see that I have uploaded a new picture and not assume that I am only commenting. It would help anyone else that uploads as well.

    Or is there already a way to do this that I don't know of?

  6. 9 hours ago, Sephora said:

    What are your thoughts?  Is the woman right or is she taking this too far?

    I believe she is taking it too far. People have become too soft. It is not any businesses duty to appeal to her sensitive feelings. If she does not like it, she is free to leave and never eat there again, same as everyone else. That's the beauty of a free market; there is always another option. If the owner wants an edgier feel to the place, that is his/her right. I take issue with those who whine about the world not appealing to their preferences when no harm is being caused. I would bet money that this woman has no problem with someone's mouth being on her during oral sex, so how is that not also sending a negative message? Would she argue that it's suddenly different because sexual pleasure is intended? Intentions don't change the end result. She needs to grow some skin and quit being a tight ass. 

    As I mentioned earlier, my concern is about children seeing grown women exposed at urinals. Is it not telling that such an issue never crossed this woman's mind? Her inability to think beyond herself, and her unnecessary loud outburst, as opposed to calmly requesting to speak to a manager about her concerns, points to her immaturity and childish desire for attention, in my opinion. 

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    • Agree 2
  7. 13 hours ago, UnabashedUser said:

    The power that loud peeing women have over men. I think most men would be aroused whether they have a known fetish or not. It's a primal thing.

    If only that were the case; sadly it isn't. I've heard guy friends mention in the past just by chance, how they hate the sound of their girlfriends peeing. One said he yelled at her to close the door because he could hear her stream. I guess discovering that she does "number 2'' is a deal breaker, then. These fucking guys...I don't get em.

  8. 11 hours ago, Sephora said:

    That was an interesting read. It now makes me wonder how some might have thoughts in that way when they hear me go. I know of one male employee that heard me loud and clear when he was changing the faucet in the ladies room LOLOLOL

    Oh he noticed, trust me. He may not have been aroused if he doesn't have a pee fetish but he definitely noticed and may have been shocked that a woman can release that much. If he does have the fetish, bet your ass he holds you in high regard.

    • Like 1
  9. So, a couple of friends wanted me to meet them after work last night at a local bar for a drink. I'm not a bar type but since they go there often, I went. The place was calm and there were only a handful of people there. The bartender...my, was she hot. Her name was Vicky. Tall, mid 30's blonde, curvy body, and raspy voice. She had a weathered look to her, if that makes sense, like someone who has lived through some tough things. She was very charming though. About a half hour in, she finished pouring a few drinks and eloquently told her manager that she was, "going to take a piss". She said it quietly but I still heard it. As she rushed off, I told my friends I needed to use the restroom and followed her, hoping that maybe I would hear something as I walked past the womens. Sounds a little creepy, I know, but I was dying to hear her, if possible. Plus I've done this walk by trick many times in the past, and it works.

    Well I walked back there and as I passed the womens, the door had vents on the bottom half! Just perfect. I heard a beautiful, hard stream hitting toilet water. The sound was just pouring through that door. I knew it was her because there were only 3 other women there at the time and none of them had gone back there yet. Now I was excited so I kept walking, into the mens, right next to the womens. Her pee was still slightly audible, since both restrooms had the vented doors.  Luckily there was no music blasting so nothing was drowning out the sound. She peed for a really long time, maybe a full minute and full force until she was done. And I arrived after she had already started going. I haven't heard a woman pee that hard in quite a while now. Damn it was sexy. Then I heard the toilet tissue dispenser rattling as she ripped some off to wipe. Then the toilet flushed and she swung the door open and went back to the bar, without stopping at the sink. I went back out and there she was, serving drinks! If only those guys knew how careless her hygiene is!

    Ahh, Vicky!!

    • Like 4
  10. 11 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    Hmm something like that i suppose...at least if you were dancing close to a girl and she was up for it you would know,like they probably do when we rub our hard-ons into their groin kind of thing....Or is that just me?:11_blush:

    Yes that would be awesome, in my opinion. I would love to see a woman having some noticeable lady wood poking through a bit. Obviously I don't mean like she's a trans and actually has a penis, but just if clitorises could become erect enough to be seen through pants and even tight skirts. No man objects to bigger breasts and erect nipples, so why not crave bigger clitorises as well? Just more woman to pleasure, as far as I'm concerned.

    • Like 1
  11. 5 hours ago, fannywatcher said:

    It was in Africa if i remember,a prostitute became pregnant through giving BJs,(prostitutes generally dont welcome pregnancy)and the medics in the village were mystified,until they examined her,and found she had some kind of internal deformity...im not sure of the veracity of this,but i did read it in one of those "believe it or not" articles.:10_wink:

    I'm doubtful of this. Sperm cannot live very long once ejaculated. That combined with actually surviving a several-hour trip through the digestive system, fighting stomach acid that can dissolve flesh, avoiding absorption and magically ending up in the ovaries? I don't see it. She got pregnant because she's a hooker. Many ways she could've accidentally become pregnant.

    • Agree 1
  12. On 9/24/2017 at 8:42 AM, Sophie said:

    I think that's the most difficult questions I've ever been asked on this site.

    favourite show is extremely difficult to pick and I don't think I can choose just one. I'd probably have to say the Hammond, Clarkson and May era Top Gear. But I've also really enjoyed things like Mythbusters, Two Pints of Lager  etc. Never really been into things like Game of thrones, The Walking Dead etc though.

    Favourite movies are also difficult to choose but I'll try!

    1. The first Die Hard - The best in the series in my opinion.
    2. Pulp Fiction - I've watched this more times than I want to admit and think it's an amazing movie. It never gets old.
    3. Chicken Run - The very first movie I saw at a cinema and its still one of my favourites. I've watched this countless times and could probably recite it word for word!

    Interesting choices. I used to watch Mythbusters a lot, myself. That hot ginger girl was a big part of why I watched!

    I do follow The Walking Dead, but it is over-rated do a degree in my opinion, and I've never seen GOT but would like to some day. I barely remember Chicken Run, but Die Hard and Pulp Fiction, I most certainly do. Great movies.

    Sorry for posting a non-pee question here; perhaps an off-topic thread would've been a better place for it, but thanks for answering, nonetheless!

  13. Devil's advocate here:

    I can't imagine urinals becoming popular with women on a large scale. How many are okay with bearing ass for others to see, especially considering how often their streams get messy and go down their legs?  Skirts are more practical for urinals but pants? Most women will stick with toilets, I would imagine. Another consideration is little kids; how many parents would be okay sending their little ones to the restroom knowing that grown women's asses and vaginas will be exposed in plain view? Regardless of sex, kids shouldn't be exposed to this, but especially little boys. Women often take young boys into the women's room. Should he see grown female anatomy? Seems like crossing a line in the name of progressiveness to me.

    Lots of things to consider here. But anyway yeah, try it out sometime!

    • Like 1
  14. @steve25805I agree with all of that. When legal and social repercussion is removed in response to cruelty and even encouraged, we are capable of horrific things. Human history is full of barbarism and sadism. We wouldn't be able to sustain societies if our darkest primitive nature was encouraged. We have to be policed, plain and simple. I believe this need to control our nature is the reason religion exists. Though it is often used as a tool of destruction, it is intended to be a moral compass. It makes perfect sense. Every society in human existence had some sort of code to be followed, which is all religion and laws really are. Every society has their own code but the common theme is that punishment must be present to scare people into resisting their nature. It's not surprising that we are capable of evil when you understand that from the dawn of our days, we knew that our nature needed widely accepted restraints. That's a sad self-awareness for a species to have. Sometimes I think that maybe sociopaths/psychopaths are a design by nature to serve as a beacon of awareness as to what we as a species need to condemn for the greater good of everyone. A darkness to point us to the light. 

    @Scot_LoverYes you would get ripped up!! No good would come of it. Most people would interpret it as a molester trying to justify themselves. The ironic thing is, our biology is suited to one alpha male with multiple females. It happens with plenty of animals. One should wonder why monogamous relationships are so damn hard. Why do we find it so hard? Because it's not natural. A lion doesn't have to fight itself to do anything, it just does lion shit, with no thought necessary. I think the monogamy may be in the same vein as laws and religion, that being it's a tool to control our nature that if left unrestrained would cause immense heartache. Think of the chaos, at least in our modern society, that would result if everybody just had multiple sexual partners and made no effort to be with one person. Unchained sexual promiscuity is wrecking havoc right now. Low marriage rates, single parent homes, which are terrible for children if you know the stats on how bad they tend to fare in society versus two-parent homes. In Africa, men have dozens of wives. But, Africa isn't necessarily a shining example of an ideal country. Maybe polygamy could work on a large scale in western nations but there's this thing called feminism in western nations and they tend to frown upon such ideas, lol. Thus you'll never make progress with an interview that reaches mainstream ears.

  15. @steve25805For me, the drowning part kind of amplifies the arousal because I like female sexual immorality. My early fiction here was heavy with that, which is why I wanted them removed. That kind of stuff didn't belong on a forum with class, like this one. My tolerance does go a bit farther than yours and probably most people, I admit. But something like babies or children, I absolutely agree with you; that is too far even for me. When I first came across this guys work, I immediately understood his vision. It felt like he drew what I would draw. Big beautiful amazon, voluptuous women that have zero empathy for men, and I do sometimes wonder what the world be like if women were bigger and stronger than us. Such thoughts intrigue me.

    I think it's also intriguing that most of us have dark thoughts/fantasies that we keep in our imagination. Would we really not act them out if there were no possible legal ramifications? Why is there a darkness inside of us that we actively restrain in the first place, and what does that say about our capacity for evil? Scary stuff.

  16. Well to start, I have seen this artist's work before and all of his drawings focused on amazon, dominant women using men in some way. There was one where a bunch of men were on their knees side by side, with their hands bound as a bunch of women stood over them, forcing the men to give them oral sex. Others depicted women using men as chairs, forcing them to eat their ass. This is what he was into. As to the moral dilemma, how people interpret it is based on their sensitivities. It is ultimately a person's fantasy, nothing more. We've all thought heinous things. Plenty of women have rape fantasies, but society does not condone rape of women at all. Even a man that is proven to be falsely accused of it still is ruined in the eyes of society, as people will always associate him with rape. Rape jokes about men are commonplace, though. Both men and women laugh at the thought of a man being raped. I believe the lower concern for men's well-being is at the heart of this artist's drawings, the underlying theme being that these women's attitude is that these guys are just objects for their enjoyment and disposal. I think this subliminal theme was intentional, and he was interested in how women may act toward men if they had the physical size to do so, as well as just being into female domination.

    I would say that art imitates life, and life imitates art. We go to war, war movies and games are made, we go to war still. We have sex, sex scenes in cinema, as well as porn are made, we have sexual trends that follow the films. It's a yin and yang relationship between art and life. With regard to the videogames, I don't think it's fair to place all of the blame there when some kid kills, and then it's discovered that he loved Grand Theft Auto. That's the media doing what it does best, that being to stir up controversy for viewership. To be mentally disturbed enough to go on a killing spree is a problem with the individual, not the media consumed. Little to nothing is mentioned of the mental problems he had, abuse at home and endless bullying he likely sustained. May the games have moved him along a bit? Maybe, but the same could be said about the latest action movies with car chases and gun scenes. The media never mentions anything about movies because they aren't a new and still-growing media like games, so they're easier to attack. Plus many people don't game, making such attacks very easy. They wouldn't be eager to entertain the idea that their favorite movie may have influenced that kid. He would've done something violent regardless. Murderers existed long before games did.

    With regard to the effect of it being circulated as snuff, it would be difficult to find, just like real snuff and therefore would be interpreted the same. Some people get off on it, but that will always be the case. There's always a good 10% of the population that is too far gone to help. That's just the way things are. Aside from punishing them when they harm others, there's not much we can do that doesn't cross a line of infringing upon someone's human rights because we don't like them. That's dangerous territory to go into.

    • Agree 1
  17. 17 hours ago, owlman76 said:

    They'd both taken a day off work, and parked the cars, behind the gates, so nobody would know they were at home, the plan being to spend a day in bed, drinking champagne and having a heavy sex session.

    They thought I was on a long shift, instead of a short one, it was too embarrassing for words,  it took years  to get the image of them out of my mind.

    LOL, man that is insane. You actually yelled police, LMAO. Damn! You win, nobody will top that story.

  18. Great topic, cant' believe no one chimed in thus far. I too am fascinated by this stuff, and have studied the dynamics between men and women very deeply. But here is my take. I say that human males evolved to have big penises in relation to other apes due to female preference. In most species, the female's desires drive evolution because they carry and give life. Eggs are in much lower numbers in comparison to sperm, which means sperm is worth less. Simple supply and demand. This translates to the social interactions between the sexes, being that males favor the female preference at the expense of their own. Examples are chivalry, not making women go to war, public shaming for harming a woman and a general unwillingness to punish them as harshly as we do men in society. 

    The point of this is that men are the way they are because women want us so. Among their desires include tall stature, deep voice, intelligence, wealth and large penis. A small penis is seen as less manly. Even back in our ancient times, seeing a man with a smaller penis probably made women feel that such a man was still not mature, still a boy, therefore unworthy of sex. The bigger guys were seen as more manly. Given that women have clitorises allowing them to feel pleasure, that orgasm makes pregnancy more likely and that large penises are more likely to induce orgasm, therein lies their preference and men's response to appease their preference through evolution. 

    So one might respond by saying that most guys have smallish penises and few have really big ones and so that proves that small penises are not a relevant deterrent for women. That small guys wouldn't have survived to this point. To that I say it makes perfect sense that at least half to a large majority of men are smaller than women prefer, in order to continue driving men to evolve in the right direction and not stagnate. A hierarchy with alphas can only exist if their are betas to act as an example of what to improve from. So 20% of men are the ideal of women's desires, the rest are betas that have work to do, some of which is beyond their control, which is why record numbers of people are single today. A few centuries from now, maybe the average penis size will be 7 inches instead of the 5 inch average of current day, but the preference for the largest among those men will remain and maybe women might consider 7 to be small and 10 or 11 will be desirable, perhaps because their average vaginal size will have increased.

    My only slight disagreement would be your point about women judging primarily by looks, and personality. While those do factor in, the primary criterion is wealth. This is why sometimes short, fat, ugly guys and old guys can snag young beautiful women. The common factor is that such guys with these women are very wealthy, otherwise those hot women would want to just be friends or not interact with them at all. There are exceptions and some women are with men that they out earn but they certainly don't prefer it. There is plenty of research confirming this.

  19. One thing I do like is how sometimes in hidden cam videos, you will see women changing tampons. I especially like when they insert it and leave without washing their hands, walking around with pussy residue on their fingers.

  20. I don't think it's taboo, it's just that menstruation probably isn't on many peoples list of fetishes. I can appreciate that it can be arousing because it does involve the vagina but ultimately you're mostly dealing with blood here, which arouses even less people than pee does. Assuming it's a fetish of yours? Personally I'm indifferent, it doesn't arouse nor repulse me. I wouldn't eat a woman who is bleeding but certainly would be okay with intercourse or seeing her tending to the messiness of her period and not make her feel as though it's a gross secret she has to hide. 

    As for the forum, maybe it is or will be forbidden at some point. Poop material has already been taken off the table so who knows what's next.

  21. 9 hours ago, hentaixt said:

    Well, I said it needs work. I have had people ask me about the javelina too. I figured the three little pigs was mostly universal, there are still some that don't know the classic classics...

    Haha, never underestimate how much stuff people don't know, especially the younger generation that grew up with social media.

  22. all of the animals mentioned are a kind of pig or hog, including javelina. As @glad1 said, the twist at the end about the pigs blowing the wolf is a tribute to the 'Three Little Pigs' story about the wolf when he says "I'll huff and puff and BLOW your house down" or whatever. So the joke is that the pigs are now doing the blowing. 

    I like the joke. But a joke is only effective if people get it. I only got it because I know the story referenced and know what a boar is, had to google javelina. Jokes that rely on folklore are tough because many people won't be familiar with the material, same goes for less common words like javelina. My 2 cents!

    Good joke though. 

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