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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. On 3/12/2018 at 12:30 PM, Sephora said:

    They are back to the entrance, or shpuld i say to the lineup. A few guys have no shame, whipping it out as they are walking towards the urinal. 


    It was brought to the attention to the vice president which she is doing something about it. To be continued..

    Wonder what her solution will be. I bet something along the lines of men have to leave when a woman enters or something of that nature! Keep us posted, I'm curious.

  2. On 3/12/2018 at 2:22 PM, glad1 said:

    And I thought I was being considerate using the urinal while allowing a woman to use the stall.

    It's hard for a guy to know correct behavior these days. You're always bound to offend somebody.

    People love to be offended in this age. It's almost a status symbol now.

  3. On 3/13/2018 at 6:28 PM, David Jarrell said:

    Really, really enjoyed this story!  I am a fan of your work, particularly given that your characters usually feature women with huge bladders capable of delivering blasting, deafening streams.  Hope you will continue to write, as you are a talented story teller with great diction and imagery.  :91_thumbsup:

    Thank you sir, I appreciate that. I am actually wrapping up my latest right now and will have it up soon. Thanks for reading!

  4. I want to share a fun little story from my teen years. This was 2002 and I was 14. So we had just signed up for Satellite cable TV service, which of course required a lengthy install. I was expecting the guy that came the day before and mapped out how it would be done, but a woman showed up the next day instead. She looked mid to late 30's, about 5'7, pretty face and long blonde hair. Kind of tough looking, like she had done physical labor a lot. It was a hot, rainy summer day so she had on shorts that were mid thigh length and a hooded rain coat. Not tiny shorts like young girls wear these days but still short enough that her thick muscular legs were on display. She also had on a pair of construction boots. I found her to be extremely sexy at first glance. She spent hours working on the install, drilling and running wires from the outside of the house and positioning the satellite dish on the roof. She worked up such a sweat that my mom offered her a bottle of water. I was peaking at her through a hallway window while she was on the roof and saw her drink the whole bottle at once. I had never seen a woman do that before and found it arousing because it was a bit intimidating. 

    Eventually she came back in the house to start wiring up the box receivers in each room, of which we had 4. When she got to my room, I remember sitting there playing Parasite Eve 2. (great game btw) At that point, she was soaked in sweat and the smell of it was very potent. Similar to seeing her drink the water, I had never smelled such a strong aroma on a woman before. It wasn't nauseating, but was a very pleasant musky "stink", a strong sweaty feminine body odor that was driving me wild. I was focused on inhaling deeper because I loved it so much. I figured I should leave so she could work without being that close to a customer and as I started to get up, she said "No hun, don't mind me, your fine." I was happy to remain right there and watch her. She moved a big drawer to get to the wall and drill for the wire from outside. This drawer was heavy and was always difficult for me to move but she had so much natural strength that it was nothing to her, and her power was very arousing to me. At one point I asked how long she had been doing this, and she said cable installs and street line repairs for 12 years.

    After moving the drawer, she took her rain jacket off, which allowed me to get a perfect look at her ass, while she was knelt down some 5 feet from me, drilling. I just stared at her the whole time, enjoying the visual and her smell. Eventually she snaked the wire through and then turned around to run it to the receiver. At that point she was in a squat position, facing me and I was able to see a beefy camel toe bulging in one side of her shorts for a brief moment before she stood up to walk toward my TV. She had to be careful to prevent sweat from her forehead from dripping on to the receiver and wiped her arm across her head. Her shirt was damp at the underarms. As she was leaning over my TV screwing the wires in, I noticed her large calf muscles contracting. After it was hooked up, she sat down next to me on my bed to show me how to use the remote and navigate the menus for channels. I couldn't follow what she was saying of course, being that close to her, her aroma was even stronger, and I felt her body heat radiating into me. I just nodded in agreement and acted like I understood her. Another interesting thing I noticed was how thick and tough her hands were when she held the remote. They weren't long man-like fingers but they were thicker, more veiny and more rugged looking than mine, especially her thumbs. Again this was from doing hard physical work for so many years. Being that close I could also smell her breath, which was understandably a bit funky from her hours of exertion. But like her body odor, it wasn't gross, just strong.

    When she finished her explanation, she smiled, said goodbye and just like that left my room, down to the first floor getting my mom to sign some forms. I sat there holding the remote, looking at the ass print on my mattress where she was seated. I smelled it and it too had her aroma. Soon after, she went out to her van and was gone forever. She had given me the most intense arousal yet at that point in my life. She just captivated me. I was addicted to everything about her and after the thrill of having a grown woman in my room, a sadness and loneliness set in. I missed her presence, energy, face, body and smell and just wanted her back. That was the first time I had ever urged for someone's presence to return and end that feeling of emptiness. I didn't want to disturb anything she had touched, from the way she left my receiver turned to the side or the print from her body on my bed. It was weird. I imagined just ripping her clothes off and shoving my tongue in every orifice she had. I wanted to feel her body on me like an addict needs their drug. She could've gotten me to do any sexual thing she wanted. It took months to get over her and move on but that woman was my first glimpse of just how powerful and wonderful physical closeness can be between two people, even though I was just a kid to her, and I didn't know a thing about her, not even her name. Much of my sexual artwork that I kept hidden under my bed at the time involved recreating her in all kinds of scenarios.

    I didn't expect to write this much but the memory came back so vivid and took me on a journey. 

    Thank you, mysterious cable install lady, I'll always love you...

    Thanks to all for reading and I would like to hear from you about that first special member of the opposite sex that changed you in a major way as a sexual being. 

    • Hot 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Sephora said:

    I have a question for the men, how far from the urinals do most of you pee? Because I have noticed some are almost glued to the urinal as some stand far from it which leaves no room for imagination. I have seen some wiggle it like a salt shaker  LOLOL

    Ah, great question! Distance from urinal depends on a few things. 

    First there's the partition wall to consider. If there is not one between each urinal, more men will stand closer to keep out of view. Next to consider is foreskin. If a guy is intact, there is greater chance of spray and missing the urinal, so a guy that is uncut may want to stand closer. Next is general comfort with having your dick out in the presence of other men. Some guys just aren't fond of it, no different than the discomfort you would feel if other women could just look over and see your bare ass hanging over the toilet. Lastly is his confidence regarding his size. If he is small, the last thing he wants is for anyone, even a male friend to know that nature fucked him over in that area. This awareness of our size happens in junior high school when puberty hits and sex is on our minds constantly. Guys that are hung generally are okay with other guys catching a peek at their dick because they know they have something to envy, so they tend to stand farther away, though not always. As I said, regardless of size, some guys just like privacy, plain and simple. 

    Now that women are using the men's at your job, you will see a lot of guys glued to the urinal, afraid of women catching a glimpse and being unimpressed.

    As for the wiggle, most of us do that, just to get the last drips out. We don't usually wipe with tissue so the wiggle is the best way to stop a cold trail of pee running down our leg.

  6. @fannywatcherOkay, this was an interesting question that actually made me do research. I'm no geneticist but, here is what I uncovered.

    1) There is a general consensus among most scientists that the reason for different blood types is mostly a mystery. Some speculate that it's a reaction to diseases. Certain blood types are more resistant to some diseases than others. There is a correlation with ethnicity and blood type as well, with certain ethnicities more likely to have a given blood.

    2) With regard to sperm and ova, the reason that people with differing blood types can still reproduce is because the antigens that cause a blood type to be attacked by the immune system of someone with different blood are only present on red blood cells and not sperm. Therefore, an immune response usually does not occur. 

    3) As far as what type of blood a person produces, there are many possible combinations that can be passed to a child. For example, a man with A or B can still carry a recessive O that may get mixed with the mothers recessive O blood and create an O type baby. 

    4) Our blood group is determined soon after fertilization, which is why doctors offer a blood test to women to determine blood type and whether she will need medication to stop her immune system from attacking the baby's blood. Otherwise her body will kill the baby or it will be anemic and born with defects.

    5) To your question about it being passed on genetically, there are too many variations possible to simply say that dad is AB, therefore, he will pass AB blood. Nature decides this randomly, as he could also pass A itself, B itself or the O, since A and B are equally dominant but O is recessive among both.


    You should read up on it, I found it very interesting. Thank you for the question.

    • Thanks 1
  7. Hi there. 

    This is a little sad, with regard to the women's discomfort being in the mens room. I hoped that Canada was at a point where something like this wouldn't be such an issue for women. Is it due to simply being new and not used to it, or because you feel like an assault might happen? Or just not preferring a man to hear something that is usually only heard by other women? 

    As far as the women's room being clogged, this is common. I experienced this at my old job and it happens once or twice a year at my current job. The culprit? Wait for it...tampons! Too many tampons being flushed is the issue. Women use a LOT of tissue as well, so those two things combined is what causes this. When I cleaned the women's, I used to find the feminine waste container only half full and used tampons floating in the toilet. 

    But yes, Justin was most likely in heaven sitting there next you. He probably waited for you to leave so he could inspect the stall to see if you left him anything to lick.

    Other than that, my week was just so so, nothing really keyboard worthy.

  8. On 3/3/2018 at 12:57 AM, Dr.P said:

    Another possibility is that they just want to be naughty, and pee where they are not supposed to. These may be the same ladies who deliberately spray the toilet seats, floors, and even walls of public restrooms. Are they acting out some anger, or expressing some form of rebellion? Hard to tell.

    A lot of women enjoy being naughty. I believe it's because ever since childhood, society trains them to be proper and pure. Their naughtiness is a manifestation of the rebellion against the expected behavior. You can look around and see many women, especially younger ones, wearing very revealing clothing that borders on slutty, showing what they know is a bangin body just for the thrill of being bad. It's no coincidence that the vast majority of women' s apparel is form fitting to accentuate curves and tap into their subconscious urge to be a little naughty. Manufacturers do extensive research to know what sells. I don't think it's a stretch to say that women have a tendency to be rebellious, especially against parents telling them "stay away from that boy" or "don't you dare wear that to school." Peeing where they are not supposed to could be one of the many ways their rebellion makes itself apparent. 

    Another reason that I've often thought as to why women might deliberately spray a toilet stall is internalized anger at feeling oppressed as women. A convenient and anonymous way of giving a big middle finger to society, especially since most people that have the job of cleaning restrooms are men. I imagine some women get satisfaction from making a man, whom they view as part of the oppressive group, have to clean their piss. 

    What percentage of the female population is rebellious through toilet naughtiness is hard to tell, but I suspect it's more than society assumes, yet still less than us pee fetishists would like. Say 10 to 15 percent, maybe.





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  9. 11 hours ago, Peevert said:

    LOVE that one.  AS for the flower, it might help it grow!!

    Maybe. I saw a video of a woman peeing on her flowers, claiming that it's good for them. On the other hand, there is an old thread here about the naughtiest things done with pee, and I remember reading a member's post about a friend in college that secretly peed on her roommate's home grown herbs that she used in her food. The herbs kept dying and the clueless girl kept replanting them for a while until she finally gave up, never knowing that they died because her bitch of a roommate was taking a piss in them every day. I don't know what plants' pee tolerance is, so I was hoping Sophie would do some science for us!

    • Hot 1
  10. On 3/3/2018 at 5:20 AM, spywareonya said:

    You enacted the greatest crisis of my life, unless it was for you and Fanny I wold have never discovered that deep in my unconscious, I was mistaking spontaneity with moral lazyness


    I have to grow and become less anxious


    Love you all, sincerely


    see you soon, as soon as I will have become a better person

    Well I had no intentions of enacting a crisis in you. I just said what I personally felt needed to be said to bring some perspective. Regardless, hopefully we've all grown a little.

    • Thanks 1
  11. Been slow on my end, regardless of where I am in the forum. Other sites that are picture and ad heavy load in 5 seconds average, Peefans is averaging about 30 seconds per page, and sometimes several minutes for my posts to finish uploading. Never was an issue before new server.

  12. The forum is messed up with refreshing the posts on my end at the moment, so this message was a response to an older post. I erased it because it seemed awkward! Ignore.


    • Agree 1
  13. On 2/19/2018 at 6:50 AM, spywareonya said:

    During the last days, many very personal posts of mine obtained little to no appreciation/following while people offering nothing special (not bad, but nothing special) was cheered like a king. That is something which really displeased me, NOT the fact that others got more likes/replies than me, but that I got too few.

    I was hesitant about doing this but I've been reading over your posts in this thread to better clarify, as others have mentioned, your writing style is difficult to understand, but some quotes of yours raise questions. When you say other people were offering nothing special, what criteria do you use to come to that decision? Special is very subjective to the individual and what may seem non-special to you may in fact be otherwise to others that happened across it. 


    On 2/19/2018 at 6:50 AM, spywareonya said:

    It's an honour to be surpassed in the "win the day" competition by titanic contributors like Zzyzx, Steve or Ozabot, or others of those heritage, I proudly kneel to their massive and daily-refreshing contributions. But I bow to nobody else.

    Saying that you bow to nobody else comes across as "fuck you if you don't generate x amount of responses, regardless of what the reason may be"


    On 2/19/2018 at 6:50 AM, spywareonya said:

    Only the satisfation of being rocked and crowned by a lot of likes/replies to answer, not only a lot, but actually more than less-deserving (careful, less-deserving, NOT un-deserving, nobody around here is undeserving) people.

    Okay, so how do you determine that someone else is less deserving? Maybe those less deserving individuals also shared something that they feel is deeply personal and special and deserving of replies, as you felt.


    On 2/19/2018 at 6:50 AM, spywareonya said:

    And sincerely, I feel displeased when somebody that doesn't share my same honour-code obtains likes and appreciation,

    Why is that? What does this honour code consist of? And why must somebody share your specific code to be deserving of likes and appreciation?


    On 2/26/2018 at 4:12 AM, spywareonya said:

    It's about YOU, it's up to YOU if I'll stay or not. YOU will have the power

    That is completely up to you. We all make our own decisions.

    Now look, I made this post not to cause you anger or make you feel unwanted, but because I feel that your choice of words in certain instances, made you come across as arrogant, as if you are the best thing on this forum and we all need to shower you with attention. You said that you love all of us, but did you mention wanting everyone to reply to everyone more often, or rather, you want more replies for yourself? I may have missed that if you did. Then you said "competition is everything" to you. As @Admin said, this shouldn't turn into a begging forum. Again, I don't want you to be upset, and I hope you stick around here but I feel that highlighting some quotes will help you understand how your reactions also make people feel.

    I apologize if this was out of line to any members, mods or admin. 


    • Agree 1
  14. On 2/20/2018 at 9:27 PM, fannywatcher said:

    Does anyone watch this crap anyway?Because the problem I have with films like" fifty shades",or "sex and the city",and such like,is that it is mass market pornography.Because its basically made for a female audience,women decide its ok for THEM to watch it for "titillation",and they run features in the papers,do interviews on the news etc,but many of the women that go watch it,will be the ones crying on about how the men in their lives are always watching porn or ogling other women.Or screaming about "page 3 girls.(which i think are stupid too by the way).But i cant remember ever seeing someone like Tera Patrick being interviewed on BBC News about how she took 8 inches up her bum,or does she actually like the taste of semen.Double standards.

    Oh yes, they make a ton of money, so women are definitely watching. You're correct, it is a double standard regarding the acceptance of each gender's preferred "porn". Romance novels and shows/movies like the ones you mentioned are like porn for women, insofar as the sexual undertone enjoyment that only they get from it, and it's considered empowering. But, men's porn is considered objectification, even though the men in women's romance material are often bad boy objects of money and sex, of which only about 1 percent of men can actually live up to.

  15. Love that recount of the experience. Very heartfelt. 

    As to contacting her, as others have said, go for it but I feel you should consider a few things, the first being that you have to prepare for the possibility that she may not remember you or be interested, depending on how many years have passed, and what you meant to her. You said you were only friends, so from her perspective, you may not have held much relevance to her. I know, harsh, but a real possibility.

    Second thing is, if she's receptive to communication, you have to make it clear very early on, that you intend to be more than friends this time around, assuming that's what you want. Women write guys off as friends very quickly, quicker than most guys realize. You have to pursue her. Attractive women don't usually stay single for long, so if you drag your feet, she will be taken soon.

    Third thing is the possibility of children she may have with her ex. If she has kids, know what you would be getting into, having to step up and be a father figure, and dealing with her ex if he is still involved as a parent. Additionally, depending on where you live, you may be on the hook for child support if you date for a while and the relationship ends for any reason, as the law may see you as the father if the real father isn't involved with the kids.

    I've known guys that have been ruined by failing to consider these things so I do apologize for the devil's advocacy, but with that said, go for it! Honestly, you'd regret it until your last breath if you don't try.


  16. For me it started in grade school when I heard a hot teacher peeing really hard in the restroom across the hall. I was too young to feel any sexual arousal from it at the time but was shocked because I had never heard a woman pee before and because hers was so much stronger than mine, it was kind of intimidating. That memory stuck with me and as I aged into puberty, the intrigue with pee turned into a sexual thing for me, especially as I could sometimes hear girls peeing loudly while walking past the restrooms on my way to classes. In the 7th grade, I had an English teacher that every boy in school wanted to fuck. She was early 30's blonde with an incredibly curvy body and was about 5 foot 10 at least, pretty tall. I remember just staring at her ass whenever she wrote on the chalk board. It was painful how horny she made me. I heard her pissing like a fire hose one day when I was sipping water from the fountain. When she came walking out, I had a whole new attraction to her. She peed like you would think a woman that tall and thick would pee. It was like she was an animal. On my best day, her stream would've killed mine dead in a competition. Back then, there was no such thing as videos to be found online, porn was just images, and when I finally did see one of the earliest actual pee videos online around 2002-2003, it was a new world for me, being my first look at women in the act. It's just grown from there. 

    So the fetish just developed from a random occurrence that I happened to hear and the seed was planted, long before I knew. And that's how all my fetishes came to be. My foot fetish for example, was triggered by seeing another female teacher step on a spider next to me in class one day in her high heels. Her feet were very nice, long toes, painted and smooth skin. Again, I didn't realize a seed had been planted but years later in my puberty, I remembered the curvature of her sexy foot stomping that spider into the floor and how she twisted her foot from side to side a few times. Sometimes, images just get into you when your too young and then turn into fetishes later in life.

    As far as why I like to see peeing, as others have mentioned, it's seeing the female anatomy, the range of ways their pee can come out, the intrigue as to whether she's a straight shooter or a wild sprayer and does she have a weak flow or a torrent to release. Just the fact that it involves the genitals I think adds a sexual element to peeing. Another thing I want to mention is for me, it's also intriguing because the fact that women have to pee represents to me a crack of reality in society's portrayal of women as pure, angelic beings that do no wrong, or dirty things, even though we know it's false. This is why my preference is voyeur material. Whenever I see an attractive woman, I sometimes think that she'll have her ass hanging over a toilet taking a piss soon, and maybe she won't wipe herself, maybe get some on her legs or something.

    • Like 2
  17. 6 hours ago, Sephora said:

    That was my intension


    I don't always have FU mentality, however, there have been moments. 



    Since I can't upload videos, is there a way to upload the sound from that video?

    As far as sound, it depends on what admin will allow. A black screen video that doesn't show anything is still technically a video. Now you could convert it to an mp3 or wav sound file format and then it is just a sound file, and you may be allowed attach it. 

    Otherwise, you could create a profile on any porn site, and upload all the videos you want, and just provide us links to that site.

  18. On 2/1/2018 at 6:40 PM, expererg said:

    If you ever do it again and manage to film it, be sure lots of people here will enjoy watching it (me included) !

    Absolutely. I would enjoy it to the point of burning the footage to a dvd, having the dvd encased in a gold box and mounted on the wall above my TV. When people ask what it is, I'll just say "That's my bible right there, I "read" it every day!"

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