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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. 5 hours ago, Alfresco said:

    I bet most cleaners would just give the floor a once over with the mop and bucket and wipe the seat with a cloth and cleaner.  probably no more than they would normally do anyway.   Maybe they should do more, but they probably don’t due to time  restrictions.

    It does depend on the type of facility, but I have witnessed some council cleaners “cleaning” a public toilet near us in a park and they use the mop to clean the toilet seat and then the floor, and they take no more than a couple of minutes before they are out of there.  

    Yeah most probably wouldn't put any real effort into it. I've always been of the mindset of do a good job, no matter what said job is. If you're the president, be a good one. If you're a janitor in a run-down strip club, be a good one. I hate laziness and dealt with a lot of lazy people in the past so I'm just saying how I would clean her mess up. 

    But the fact that toilets are sometimes cleaned with dirty mops is just more reason for ladies to hover!

  2. 17 hours ago, Sephora said:

    Or is it better just to get a mop and bucket?

    Speaking from  past experience cleaning restrooms, mop is more efficient but a mess this big takes a while to clean, as a puddle of piss that big soils the mop quickly and requires many dips into the bucket. The bucket will then have to be dumped and refilled. Also the piss all over the toilet has to be wiped, sprayed, preferably with bleach and wiped again, assuming the person cleaning it up does a thorough job. Not to mention that it will be out of use for others while the cleanup is happening. Basically, you made the maintenance persons life suck way more, not only due to the amount of work needed to clean it, but any janitor knows that a mess this big was done on purpose and the mindset behind it was "fuck you, get to cleaning my piss off the floor."

    Good Job!! Hope you'll do this more often. Very hot.:smile:

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  3. It's a slippery slope because what's sick to one person is merely weird or harmless to another. Remember, many people would say that we as pee fetishists should be harshly judged. With regard to saying enough is enough, what actions would that involve? If it stops at shaming, that's fine. Shame is necessary in certain situations and reinforces healthy morality for a stable society. Now if you're talking imprisoning or some kind of physical action against people, that's a different arena that blurs the line of infringing upon human rights. Shaming pedophiles and necrophiliacs is okay, but jailing them without them having committed an actual crime, is dangerous moral territory.

    We all interact with people everyday that may harbor some sick urges or interests but as long as they don't act on them, we aren't aware and no one is harmed. 

    Now, say that at some point, medical science can predict who will be pedophiles, and we have opportunities to medicate that out of them some way. I would say that at least deserves serious consideration as long as certain parameters and limitations are in place. I expect that personality modifications like this will be commonplace one day.

  4. 3 hours ago, Grizzly Man said:

    Thank you! I was one that kept my pee fetish a secret for many years. Then finally just asked one night if i could watch. Now we both love sharing photos of our experiences lol dont be afraid to express yourself.

    Man, good for you. Being able to share this with someone you love is the ultimate culmination of the fetish, at least to me. Having a woman that's into this would be beyond my greatest expectations.

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  5. 3 hours ago, spywareonya said:



    Anyway who sits on them directly?

    You'd be surprised how many women prefer to sit on public seats. Some women are just too set in their ways and have to sit. Others worry about getting their pants and underwear wet because their stream is so wild. I've seen some women wipe the pee off and plop right down. Other women are strictly hovers. My favorite because in voyeur videos, you can actually see her genitals and pee coming out, the stream is louder hitting the water, and of course there's the potential for her to splash the seat. 


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  6. Just wondering, does peeing actually feel more good than just relieving bladder pressure? I imagine that the warm feeling of the stream squirting out might tickle the labia a bit and create a nice little feeling of arousal. Does it depend on your arousal before the pee, or how your stream comes out, such as the direction or pressure?

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  7. I think his smile was his way of letting you know that he knows you made the mess. And maybe the fact that he was standing outside after you peed wasn't a coincidence either. I suppose you'll never know if he truly licks your pee. Maybe the first time was just because he thought it was Chloe's. Either way, I say have fun with it from time to time, as long as he doesn't start to get too assertive toward you.

  8. Voyeur is my favorite. Even though these women are having their perceived privacy invaded, there is still an element of protection for them that usually goes unspoken of. Consider this, who will happen across videos of women peeing? The answer is pee fetishists, whom society condemns as perverted and sick. So say I see a woman I know in some pee voyeur video. Who can I tell without outing myself as a sick pervert? The answer is nobody. It's like knowing that if you confess to the police who committed a murder, dangerous associates will see that you or someone close to you is killed. You tell no one.

    Other than that, when it comes to when the women are aware of the camera, I sometimes enjoy those if it's a random occurrence, where maybe a woman pulls over to piss on the road, and her friend decides to record it and they have a laugh about it. When it's planned out as a work of film art, I find that the models are annoying to me because they tease for so damn long and over exaggerate every word, emotion and movement to absurdity. And they often don't even have an impressive stream but a quick little tinkle, thinking that they need to look cute. I want unfiltered reality. I want long loud streams, farts, big nasty asses, bushes, tampon strings hanging and getting wet, wiping or lack thereof, and all the dirty things and habits that women do in the toilet. 


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  9. 4 hours ago, Ivy1989 said:

    I paid a co worker to pee herself , it was interesting 

    Okay, I got questions. 

    1. Who else saw?

    2. How did she feel about it?

    3. How much did she pee?

    4. where did this happen?

    5. How much enjoyment did you get from it?

  10. Yes, some of those hidden cam videos are staged, especially Japanese ones. I'm an expert on these videos, and can spot a staged one instantly. But yes, many women do not wipe after peeing. It also varies by country, as some have different standards of hygiene than others. American women are more likely to wipe. European and Latin women, often care much less. Russian women sometimes wipe with their bare hand and scratch their asshole and they seem to never wash their hands. I've seen a series of videos of Russian nurses in medical scrubs and latex gloves pee, touch their privates and run their fingers along the ass part of their thongs when finishing up, with gloves still on, and simply leave. These are medical staff being this disgusting! 

    You learn a lot when you spend years watching womens unfiltered restroom behavior.

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  11. First , let me start by showing appreciation for how big this thread has become. Never expected this much input so thanks to all who have commented. 

    @Alfresco if you have links to the videos those pictures came from, please post them! I have seen the 2nd one, the woman that lifted the seat. She still pissed all over the toilet and gave zero fucks, put the seat back down and left lol. With your question as to why women dont put it down, I think its 2 things. One being that in public, its the tragedy of the commons. It isnt their toilet so they simply do not care. 2nd is that women are so used to having seats to sit on, that the idea of lifting it is absurd to them. They usually want seats down in general. 

    And @Sephora, just as you said, the cleaning staff is no concern of yours and thats part of the sexiness of it. Most women have the attitude of fuck who cleans this, not my problem. Add to the fact that women are keenly aware of details like cleanliness, so the lack of caring with public toilets highlights a great level of fuck the cleaning staff, and whoever else needs this toilet.

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  12. OKAY, EVERYONE, and @Alfresco,this should satisfy your argument to go in the restroom afterward! So my friend had to go back to the hospital today for follow up and blood tests. The waiting room was crowded and after an hour of waiting, they called him in. I had to pee, so I went to the restroom down the hall, again unisex. After I came out , I saw a hot young brunette nurse rush in, so instead of heading back to the waiting room, I said fuck it and waited in the hall, acting like I was looking at my phone, with the intention to go in immediately after she came out. Some people came off the elevator nearby and were running their damn mouths, so I couldn't hear any pee this time. The toilet was clean when I left right before her. When she came out, I walked in and there was piss everywhere!! She covered the seat, and splashed the floor a bit too!  I looked at it for like a full minute. Took a picture of the toilet seat but my phone cam is lousy and the photo barely shows anything but it felt great just being in there with her fresh piss left for the next person. Love this damn hospital, I need some more sick friends to take there!

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  13. 8 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    She probably sprinkled the seat too.

    You know, I was thinking that too, wondering if she was a laser shooter that hit her mark, or was it going everywhere and making a mess. If the other woman in the waiting room wasn't there, I would've went in to see the damage, since it was a unisex toilet.

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  14. 11 hours ago, Starks2010 said:

    Could you image being at the receiving end of that warm stream? Then those last trickles coming down on you. Then you hear her sigh of relief. Good stuff. She was probably hovering too.

    Yeah her sigh of relief afterward was really sexy, like she had no shame. And given how forceful the stream was, she was definitely hovering. It was too loud for her to have been sitting.

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  15. I think there is quite a spread for women because some pee at high pressure and others don't. I've seen a lot of videos where they go for well over a minute, far longer than I could for sure. Heard plenty in real life as well. I've noticed that the tall and slim ones go the longest. Overweight women usually have a shorter and weaker flow.

  16. On 11/21/2017 at 5:09 AM, owlman76 said:

    Exactly! I have often thought along the same lines, especially when a group of people come forward after their alleged abuser has been found guilty of offences against other people, are they hoping to jump on the bandwagon and get a few quid in compensation?

    I was recently discussing something similar with a lady who runs a company providing support for domestic violence victims, take this hypothetical situation.

    A man is accused of raping a woman, his name and more often than not, the street where he lives will plastered all over the press, he may lose his friends, his partner may leave him, he will no doubt find his job affected also. Following a trial,if there is one (quite often it doesn't go to trial) he's found not guilty and his accuser is found to have lied! If she is named, all too often it gets a couple of column inches somewhere in the back of the paper, usually where it will not be seen by most people.

    If they are going to name anyone before they are found guilty, then lets name the accused and the accuser, it should be both or neither. If a woman is capable of making malicious allegations, then it is only right that she be named also..



    Yes. Society has a hard time entertaining the thought of false rape allegations. Most popular sources estimate 2 to 10 percent of accusations are false. The statistic only includes cases that are proven 100 percent to be false, either with the woman admitting she lied, or the guy has solid proof. That leaves a LOT of possibility for the false accusation rate to be much higher but people don't want to hear it. 

    The accused should be anonymous until proven guilty, a rape allegation destroys a man's life because society will always see him as the rapist. It's also a gross injustice that a woman proven to have made a false claim usually suffers no punishment, even if an innocent guy spent time in prison as a result. In California, consensual sex between two drunk people is automatically rape. It literally implies that women are incapable of consenting while intoxicated, but a man is somehow impervious to alcohol. So if a couple have some wine and a romantic night of sex, she was raped according to the law. It's absolutely screwed up beyond comprehension that this is allowed. You  cannot make catch all draconian policies that destroy lives, in the pursuit of justice. Doing so leads to greater injustice. Listen and believe versus investigation and fair trial, as well as rights for the accused, is how in the old days, any white woman could yell rape at a random black man and he would be lynched on the spot, no questions asked. 

    It's inaccurate to assume that I have no sympathy for real rape victims. It's a terrible thing, but that is no excuse to blindly believe every accuser, and condemn the accused automatically, without investigating and protecting the rights of the accuser and the accused, which is what the news media encourages.

  17. Here is my take. The news media is no longer concerned about being objective and practicing proper reporting, but rather their main concern is generating a craze for viewership and revenue. What they cover and the method in which they cover it are very calculated. The sexual assault allegations in the media right now are the latest hot thing that generates viewership, article clicks on websites and social media posts. Hashtag me too is a clear example of it working. Bill Cosby was a hot story. It was a huge rating spike. Now the same with Weinstein and all others that have been accused. 

    A few things to consider: Why wait 10, 20, 30 years to speak up? They say that rape victims are afraid and it can take a long time to come forward. That's true, especially when the rapist is powerful. So then the question that needs answered is, how the hell did they suddenly develop the confidence to speak up, all at the same time, for the entire world to see? No one develops that kind of strength out of the blue. Another question is, why post it on social media, if you are a real victim and want justice served? Posting on social media is drawing attention to yourself, tipping your rapist off so they can better defend themselves and also makes it far more difficult for the police to properly investigate. If you are a scared shitless legitimate rape victim, the last thing you will do is tell the whole world on social media, instead of filing a police report. If you notice, these women making accusations are all washed up actresses that don't get gigs anymore and are probably looking for a payday. If someone killed your family, would you call the police, or post on Facebook? Alyssa Milano, the most outspoken accuser of Weinstein, has a history of whoring herself around in Hollywood for attention.

    One more that I want to mention, is that you should always be suspicious of whatever big ongoing story the news is talking about. Remember, they are not concerned about the truth.

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