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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. When I was 12, they let us out from school early due to some bomb threat, turned out to be some kid just said it to be an ass. I get off the bus and walk home, 3 hours earlier than normal. I didn't have a phone at that age so I couldn't let my mom know. I get inside and hear thumping noises upstairs. Then I crept up to her bedroom, which wasn't closed and peaked in and just saw her ass bouncing up and down on some dude and it was making a clapping sound. She was fucking the shit out of him, bed rocking and everything. I could smell her ass in the air and then just sneaked back down the kitchen and got some left over pizza. Probably 15 minutes or so later the dude came down and saw me and said hi with a weird look on his face before leaving. My mom heard this and came running down and just asked how long I had been home and I lied and said that I just got in. She was acting weird for weeks after that. She probably knew I lied. Still don't know who he was, and we don't mention it to this day! Her door was suddenly locked a lot more often after that day too.

    So, anyone else ever catch a family member or anyone getting it on?

  2. Something else I would do is allow women to make purchases with their urine if they want to save money. There would be a pee payment container right next to the register at all places of business where goods are sold. Women can drop their pants, or lift their skirts, position themselves against the receptacle and let it rip. The value would be 10 dollars worth for every ounce of urine she produces. The value would increase by 10 percent for every 5 inches further away from the receptacle she stands without missing the target with her stream. It would also increase over time as she uses this method of "payment" over and over, creating the equivalent of a pee credit score that she can use to get lower interest rates and taxes. The urine collections would be sent daily to a filtration facility to be cleaned and turned into sterile gold water to be sold as a premium beverage. There would be advertisements for the "GOLDEN AQUEOUS" where a beautiful woman's legs and feet are shown only from the knee down as her piss fills the name brand bottle and you hear her moaning in relief. Then the scene cuts to her smiling face as she says to the camera, "Drink my piss, you know you want to." Lol.

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  3. On 8/5/2017 at 1:15 PM, steve25805 said:

    Like this post if you think I am taking this whole thing too seriously, hahaha

    Lol, it's like the topic should've been called Steve's Pee Paradise. It really was a brilliant question from Admin, though. Encourages limitless answers. Still thinking of more things myself.

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  4. 3 hours ago, likesToLick said:

    I was circumcised in my late 30s for medical reasons.  I can testify that sensitivity is definitely lost.  I would much prefer to have remained intact.

    Doing it for cosmetic reasons is completely barbaric,  and circumcising children without their consent ought to be a criminal offence.

    Sorry you had to have it done. You could look into restoration. Some guys have had success with it. I may try it myself one day.

    • Like 1
  5. For the record, I am circumcised. I wish it would've been my choice to make when grown. That being said, a coworker of mine has a daughter that just gave birth recently. The next day, another woman in the office said "she had him circumcised right?" and the other woman replied "oh yeah, he's all set." Then she continued on laughing about how the boy screamed in pain and how much blood there was. The other women found this funny as well. I've always hated how male genital cutting is mocked and written off as something to laugh at. In the spirit of equality, it should be met with as much disgust as female circumcision. It sickened me that these women were laughing at a baby experiencing so much suffering, just because they like the cut look. I've seen videos of the procedure and find it disturbing. Aesthetics is not a valid reason, nor is the so called hygienic benefits. With such logic, it would make sense to cut girls breasts out to prevent breast cancer, or removing teeth because brushing them is so much work. Yes these are extreme examples but the reasoning is the same.

    Some doctors have enough nerve to say that no sensation is lost in the procedure. The same doctors will freely admit that foreskin develops from the same sensitive tissue as the clitoris. Others say it's no big deal since the boy won't remember. Still not a valid reason because that is no different than striking the baby or an Alzheimer patient because that also will be forgotten. There is new research coming out revealing how the procedure alters the nervous system and pain perceptions permanently and the additional pain of urine pouring over the open wound as it heals. Circumcision rates are going down so that eases my mind to a degree but still the fact that it is still allowed and parents, particularly mothers still often want this done to their sons gets under my skin. Sorry for the rant but it was all relevant. Bottom line, nature put it there for a reason and no one should have a right to alter the most intimate part of a child's body in the name of personal preference. This is a gross violation in my view. I am not starting this topic to argue but to allow others to say where they stand. Agree or disagree? 

    • Agree 4
  6. 14 hours ago, Adyguy6970 said:

    Hi Brutus

    Thanks for that.  I too am a member of Literotica where I'm Adrian69702006.  Please feel free to check out my stories there, some of which overlap with ones here.  


    I'm glad to see that someone else here is on Literotica. I'll definitely check out what you have there.

  7. As many of you know, I post a lot of fictional stories here. It's a growing passion that I feel compelled to pursue more intently at this point. I want to thank everyone who has read my stories and especially those who are regular readers of mine. My development here has led me to post my first story on Literotica. If anyone is interested, It's called Lust and Descent and my name there is ReFlexions. It's not very well received but regardless, I felt confident enough to challenge myself with  a much bigger story for a tougher audience than what I do here and it's because of this forum allowing me to find my style and improve as a writer. I hope to continue on.

    This isn't a goodbye, I will continue to participate on this forum of course. I just wanted to invite anyone who enjoys my writing since you all helped me get to this point. Thanks again.

    • Like 2
  8. I would have pee training centers where women can learn to hold it for long periods, peeing standing up and training their pc muscles to pee as forceful as possible: Reduced college tuition fees for any woman that completes the training: Semi-annual Piss Olympics where they can compete in various competitions to crown a piss champion, who would be celebrated as royalty: Random toilets and urinals placed outside in plain view all over cities for women to use and be paid each time they use them.

    • Like 3
  9. 1. A mens room urinal

    2. On some trash in an alley

    3. In the feminine trash can next to the toilet in public restroom.

    4. Pee in your underwear, preferably a thong, and soak it fully, take it off and leave it somewhere where people will happen across it, like a park, highway, restroom, etc. 

    5. I've had this idea in my head for a while about a woman planting a flower, letting it grow to a good size and peeing on it every day until it dies. Maybe you'd be interested in doing this as a side project and update us regularly as you pee on it and the affects it's having on the flower's condition.

  10. On 7/12/2017 at 11:49 PM, sillyme said:

    Continuing naughty peeing at 30. I tried to stop naughty peeing at 30, but realize I love it so much I feel like I can't. I went almost a month after turning 30 without doing any really naughty pees, then one day I was just so horny I really wanted to. In a cafe I peed in the mop closet; then later that day I went into a restroom at a restaurant where I let out a long pee in the garbage can and on the floor. I know I should have cleaned it up, but it I had cleaned it I wouldn't have gotten so horny afterwards, so I left a puddle of pee there. Last weekend I peed on the floor of a room where I got a message in leaving a stain on the carpet. This weekend I'm planning on doing some hotel naughty peeing. I know this is bad, I love it so much though, and it's the only thing that makes me really horny. Do any of you have advise on how I can stop?

    Or do you encourage me to keep on naughty peeing? 

    I've often been ashamed of my fetishes in the past, mostly when I was a teen. Now in my late 20's I just don't care anymore. I just said screw it, it's a part of me, for better or for worse. As long as you don't bring harm to anyone, might as well swim with the tide rather than against it. Humans are weird. Embrace your fetish. Keep peeing. And tell us all about it.

  11. Femulsio Eta - Womens Room Duty part 2

    Femulsio-Eta: A far away planet influenced by Earth's cultures where women are bigger, devoid of empathy for men and dominate society. They created a third sex of miniature men for personal use and labor, known as Testervians.

    Virgil, the new custodian at Hourglass Marketing has now been on restroom duty for 10 months. After a rough start that introduced him to female anatomy up close, in addition to experiencing being stuck inside a toilet and urinated on by several women on his first day, he has settled in and become the finest custodian to ever look over the womens rooms at the firm. He has become adept at complimenting each woman in a unique way, as well as keeping the restroom spotless. He is so efficient that most of the women say hello to him now, right before ordering him to wipe their southern region. This is a very high form of praise for Testervians to receive. His dedication has caught the attention of Kwellissa McPeterson, the 34 year old CEO of the firm. He has seen pictures of her all over the building and knew who she was but had never come across her, that is until she recently came into the restroom that he oversees, which is rare of her. 

    Her sexy power walk and hyper confident aura alluded to her status as the head bitch in charge. Virgil gazed all over her, captivated by her incredible body in a skin tight mini skirt business outfit, seemingly crafted from his imagination. Her skirt was so short he could almost see her lady parts underneath as she walked into the stall, with her smooth caramel colored skin, curly long flowing black hair, picture perfect face and a curvy body that would melt any man to liquid. He listened intently as her power stream struck the toilet water hard and mercilessly, giving him an erection so hard it was painful. When she finally finished, he heard what he been hungry for when she yelled for him to wipe her, springing into action so quickly he nearly tripped over his own feet.

    Entering the stall, he was met with a dreamlike visual of her privates. Staring down at him was her big wet pussy, with puffy dark brown labia, larger inner labia protruding out, a swollen clitoris and small trimmed patch of black hair just above it. It was the most beautiful vagina he had seen on the job. Wasting no time, he begins wiping her, back and forth, soiling the tissue. He can feel the body heat of her anatomy warming his little hand, as she towered over him with her head facing slightly upward, eyes closed, enjoying the sensation of his gentle wiping. He wipes as slowly as possible to savor the moment, salivating at her, wishing he could shove his face into her and send her to orgasmic heaven. Reluctantly moving his hand away, he gives her the best compliment she has ever heard from a Testervian restroom attendant.

    "Mrs. Boss Lady McPeterson, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to grace your female perfection with my peasant hand. Your stream was incredible. It warms my heart to do anything that makes your day as a perfect woman easier. I hope you have a blessed day knowing that your pussy has been properly tended to by myself, Virgil. Good day."

    Oh aren't you just the sweetest little thing I've ever seen! If only all of you little turds were this appreciative of your privilege to be in the presence of a woman, you all would be so much better off in society. Thank you little one, I always have great days but I think I will have a tremendous day now, simply because you acknowledged women are your superiors and you embrace it. Good day.

    Standing idle as Kwellissa walks out and disappears through the door, Virgil looks at the tissue that he wiped her with, now stained yellow. Bringing it closer to his face, he can smell the potent sent of her urine and pussy. Unable to help himself, he rubs the tissue across his face, smearing her juices from ear to ear. Looking at her sea of yellow piss resting in the toilet, he is amazed at how much she deposited, her load having filled the large water box by at least a few inches, something that normally takes 2 women to cause. He inhales deeply, aroused by the strong musky smell radiating from the box, before finally flushing her beautiful creation away. Virgil carried on as usual, expecting that this would be his only encounter with her. The next day he receives a piece of mail, something that never happens. Opening the letter, it is addressed to him from Kwellissa personally. 

    Virgil, I was really impressed by your etiquette. I want to make you an offer. How would  you like to be promoted to my personal office restroom? It has a chair for you to sit it in, as well as the finest restroom supplies money can buy. Imagine wiping my magnificent pussy with Patricia's Ultimate Tissue, extra absorbent! I would be your only client and you will get a nice raise! If you are interested, report to me as soon as you read this.

    Ecstatic, he leaves his restroom for the final time. In the hallway heading towards the elevator to ascend to the top floor, another Testervian is being carried out in handcuffs by 2 female guards, as they laugh at him pleading his innocence, a stark reminder to Virgil of the heavy hand women rule with. What had he done to be forcefully removed? He knows that his distant brother is heading to the chamber, a mysterious place of punishment that only women know details of, kept in secrecy from Testervians. Shaking it off, he enters Kwellissa’s office, where she briefs him on his new duties. 

    It was smart of you to accept my offer. With that said, your new duties are mostly the same as before. You are to keep my restroom in here spotless and I mean spotless. Additionally I want the finest compliments your little brain can muster. This is a new standard, higher than what you are used to and I expect full effort. Lastly, The one new thing required of you is to drink my pee every time I go. A few big gulps from the toilet will do. The reason you must drink is that I believe the best way to predict how I should negotiate big business deals is by how my pee changes. The guide book detailing my urine meanings is in the chair by the toilet for you. Learn my taste meanings thoroughly. You will report to me how it tastes so I can know how assertive to be in the board room against representatives of our competitors. Obviously I don't have a meeting after every piss but I want you to stay sharp for when I do so assume that I am heading to one every time you service me. If you are good, you will get a nice 1 percent raise after a 6 month review, if it’s in our budget after my annual 60 million dollar vagina appreciation bonus of course. So without further due, my restroom is right over there. Make yourself comfortable and start cleaning. I will piss later in the day and we will see how good you really are. This is the big leagues, Virgil. Don't disappoint me. I'm heading out to lunch. Get to work.

    After she leaves, Virgil stands there to collect himself. "What have I gotten myself into" he thinks. He wanted to taste her but to be required, every time she goes is another thing entirely. He looks around the huge luxury office, amazed at the quality of the fixtures. Heading to the private restroom, the door opens automatically, another shocking occurrence for him. As he steps in, an automated female voice recording begins playing.

    “Hello again Kwellissa and welcome to your pee suite. And remember as you expose your perfect ass and pussy, you are not taking a piss in a toilet, you are taking a piss on the world and your rivals, for they are beneath you.”

    Looking at the toilet, he sees that it is made of pure diamond. The floor is shiny enough to serve as a mirror and the sent of fresh lavender tickles his nose. It is truly the cleanest most pristine restroom he has ever seen. He picks up the handbook, written by Pierre, the first Testervian that ever worked in Kwellissa’s restroom many years ago. The book outlines the meanings of her urine tastes, as well as useful tips to help ease the job of whoever would come after him. It states...

    If her urine is clear and tasteless, recommend a calm approach.
    If it is yellowish and a bit salty, recommend a composed assertive approach.
    If it is dark yellow and sweet, recommend a dominant aggressive approach.


    It is of the highest importance to master these interpretations of Mrs. McPeterson's urine. Do not let her intoxicating appearance cloud your judgment, as she is ruthless in her disciplinary actions in the wake of an incorrect urine taste evaluation. Actions I will not speak of. Never repeat the same compliment within a month and pay special attention to her left leg when cleaning her, due to her stream sometimes shooting to the left and often spraying the inside of her thigh. If she grants you the privilege of using your tongue to clean her, doing so will suffice for an adequate taste report sample. With that said, good luck.

    Virgil sits down and studies the urine meanings over and over for hours, every minute bringing him closer to having to apply it when Kwellissa stops by. He also reads other general tips and info regarding cleaning procedures and manners, as well as compliment ideas. He wonders how Pierre and others managed the complexities of the job, as it seems nearly overwhelming. 

    Some time later, he hears footsteps in high heels approaching the office. It's time. She walks into her office, drops her purse on the desk and heads into the restroom, triggering the obnoxious automated speech again. Virgil stands in the corner and faces the wall, prohibited from laying eyes on a woman while peeing. Never has he been this close to a woman in the act, just a few feet from her, as he hears her heels get into position, skirt being pulled up and then a vicious stream shooting straight down into the toilet. It goes on for over a minute at full power, her volume nothing short of tremendous, a true freak of nature. Her downpour has the calming affect on his nervousness that he needs to focus on the taste report. Nerves turn to arousal as she forces the final spurts out of her massive bladder. After a deep sigh of relief she requests a wipe. Virgil turns around and again is treated to the sight of her painfully sexy body standing tall, pussy on full display, spilling a few drips of piss on the floor. He performs a full thorough wipe of her bits and backs away, looking on as she turns around. She hikes her panties up, the barely visible thong disappearing between the meat of her big round ass, pulls her skirt down and commands a taste report.

    Alright, Virgil. Take a good sip of my yellow beauty and give me your evaluation.

    Knowing better than to give a hint of complaining to the most powerful woman he has served, he plunges his head straight into the bowl, taking 3 big sips for good measure. Standing up, he looks at her and reports.

    "Mrs. Boss Lady McPerterson, I recommend a composed assertive approach at this time. With that said, you are a walking specimen of perfection in every way, worthy of being envied by everyone. You deserve the finest royal treatment." 

    Good job. I like it. Clean yourself up before you leave, you reek of piss. Be here before I arrive in the morning.

    The next morning, she rushes in with a bursting bladder, having skipped her morning pee on purpose, taking joy in knowing how sweet it will taste for Virgil. A genetic change resulting from living on this planet has made womens pee taste sweeter the longer it festers in their bladders. Facing the corner, he listens as she power hoses the toilet. Her urine is so concentrated that he can smell it enveloping the room.

    Ahhh, that felt soooo fucking great! Wow! Okay Virgil, dive in.

    After wiping her, he dips his head into the bowl festering with the most potent pee he has encountered, and tells her to be aggressive if any negotiations are occurring that day and then compliments. Satisfied, she strolls out, leaving him to his routine cleanings, buffing the floor on his hands and knees and passing the time by fantasizing about her, something his mind never tires of. His mouth continues to savor her sweet flavor as he cleans, She left work early, making this her only visit to her pee suite that day.

    As women are allowed 2 paid weekly late arrivals for their sexual needs, Kwellissa comes in 2 hours late the following day due to a morning sexual marathon with one of her husbands. Virgil realizes this when she enters the restroom and begins peeing. Having developed a keen ear for changes in womens flow, he notices her pee sounds differently than normal, hearing it breaking into multiple streams as it passes over the dried discharge coating her genitals. Sure enough, her left leg is soaked all the way down to her foot. Remembering that the handbook said he can wipe more sensually in these situations, Virgil nervously wipes her back and forth more slowly, and with more pressure than usual, in hopes of making her aroused again to pleasure her himself. To his surprise, it seems to be working, as she moans lightly and smirks at him in approval of his actions, clearly enjoying his extra attentive caress. Seeing her stomach moving in and out faster and more deeply in her excited breathing, he continues on, wiping even harder now. She spreads her legs into a wider stance, and is now breathing heavily enough that Virgil can feel her warm fresh breath touching his head. Excited and not knowing what comes next, he keeps going. The moment is cut short suddenly however, when she backs away, pulls her pants back up and says...

    Well fuck, I knew there was something about you that I liked. You just earned yourself a new privilege with that ballsy move. You'll find out what it is next time I stop by. Save your compliment and taste report this time, you earned it.

    With his heart racing from the excitement of literally pleasuring the most powerful woman in the company, Virgil gets his bearings for a moment and resumes cleaning. Again, he saves the tissue he used on Kwellissa and sniffs her beautiful pee residue and rubs his face with it, anticipating her return to see what his new privilege will be. Tongue use possibly? Several hours later, she returns, with her bladder nice and full again, ready to release. Upon entering the room, she pauses, looks at Virgil standing in the corner as usual, and tells him to turn around. Barely believing his ears, he slowly turns around and faces her. With his gaze fixed on her, Kwellissa seductively unbuckles her belt, pulls down the zipper to her jeans and then quickly throws them down to her ankles, exposing her appetizing pussy. The bulging eyes of her attendant satiates her extreme ego, causing her to smile while signaling him with her fingers to approach. Positioning him directly in front of her just inches from her crotch, she bends her knees and hovers over the toilet, with her large breasts barely covered in her revealing top, now hanging directly over his head. 

    Watch it flow from my perfect body, Virgil. Behold my piss in action. 

    Nearly drooling, he stares intently as her abdominal muscles contract and urine fires out with violent force right in front of him, striking the toilet water loudly. Never has he seen this, he has only heard her pee actions. He sees her labia fluttering rapidly under the gushing power and sees her stomach visibly shrinking as her bladder empties. She bends deeper, resting her breasts on his head as her stream continues on. Finding just enough mental focus to form words, he asks...

    "Mrs. Boss Lady McPeterson, may I touch the pee flow?"

    Smiling at his request, she grabs his hands and pulls them in between her legs directly in its path. He feels her powerful downpour slam against his hands with enough force that he must tense his arms to keep them steady. The heat from her pee feels amazing on his skin, like a fire warming cold hands. As she gushes all over his hands, her piss splashes everywhere wildly, on her legs, her feet, the toilet seat, the floor and all over Virgil from head to toe. Pausing her massive flow, she stands up straight and leans forward, smashing her pussy against his face.

    And now for your next privilege. Taste and evaluate me while I piss down your throat. Open wide!

    In disbelief, Virgil's dream has come true, the opportunity to place his mouth on the CEO of Hourglass Marketing in the most intimate way. Without hesitation, he plunges his head straight into her, licking her with a passion that she herself doesn't often receive. Then she releases herself into his mouth slowly, having incredible control over her stream, looking on intently as she fills his mouth with a yellow puddle and he swallows every drop, licking her at the same time. The intense feelings seem to make them equal beings in this hot moment, him no longer a mere Testervian, her no longer a superior woman but the two of them equal in their passion, brought together by the crazy raw sexual energy. 

    Ahhhh... that’s it, suck that big 1 percent raise right outta me, hun! Oh, oh...yeah. Take my whole clit, that's it. Say my fucking name! Taste that good piss!

    His tongue action quickly brings her to a body clenching, leg shaking orgasm, making her scream. With her juices now covering his face, he moves on to licking the dried piss on her legs, slowly caressing each thigh, calve and foot in a masterfully skilled fashion, causing her more tingling sensations. With each tongue stroke, he delivers to her a taste report with boundless confidence, going so far as to address her by her first name, a criminal offense for Testervians.

    "Your urine says be assertive, ma'am"
    "Your pee says be aggressive, Mrs. McPeterson"
    "Your piss says be the dominant all powerful big wet pussy bitch you want to be, Kwellissa"


    Fuck, Virgil. I wish you were a real man. You'd be one of my husbands for shit sure. Just the thought of coming home, kicking my shoes off and spreading my legs for you to lick me down. The fun I could have with you...

    Satisfied, She pulls her jeans up and walks out, leaving him to deal with a flood of emotions, and a huge mess of piss to clean up. Before she leaves her office, he asks something that has been bothering him since he started serving her. 

    “Mrs. Boss Lady McPeterson, what ever happened to Pierre?”

    Did you hear about a Testervian being dragged out of the building recently?

    “THAT WAS HIM?! I saw him being carried out the day I came up here...Wh...what happened?

    He misread my piss and my negotiations he recommended went poorly. As a result I charged him with female assault and had him sent to the chamber. You aren’t allowed to know what happens there but lets just say his employee status is permanently terminated. You shouldn’t worry about that though, you’re doing very well! Goodnight Virgil!



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  12. Speaking of eroprofile, I've seen a lot of WDgirls scenes there. Try the naughty pees album. It can be tough searching for specific things on the site so one method I use is once you find a video, visit the uploaders video page and they often have albums full of similar content. Avoids cutting through hours of useless results.

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  13. 16 hours ago, spurt20 said:

    I wouldn't recommend doing that. As others said, the chance of finding something new is small in any case, and the risk of visiting the wrong sites is too high.

    A lot of the videos that I was hoping I would find there have turned up on the google index over the years anyway. Anything that I can't resist I'll just get off of clips4sale. 

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