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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. On 3/27/2017 at 4:51 PM, expererg said:

    Here are all she posted (here or on amateurvoyeurforum.com) :


























    If anyone has more or know where to find more of this awesome girl, I'll be really interested. True naugthy piss like this is not that usual, I would really be glad to get everything she made.

    I also believe (though no hard evidence) that she posted some nice stories on misterpoll, about pissing inside people's cars : http://www.misterpoll.com/users/333435

    The nickname is very close (Kate<3 / Catie<3) and the kind of fetish too.

    Anyone has more ?

    Yeah if anyone has videos PLEASE share or direct to where they are. I'm dying to see her piss in peoples cars!

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  2. Here is an article where a woman freely admits that she pisses on toilet seats on purpose for her own enjoyment.

    So what does everyone think of her? I know some people won't like her and have legitimate reasons. Personally I find it sexy as hell. And to the ladies, do you also enjoy doing this or are you courteous to your fellow females? Does it depend if the toilet in question is clean or a total mess like a bar or club toilet that has been the victim of drunken full bladder hover aim? :12_slight_smile:


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  3. 13 hours ago, Sephora said:

    Thank you for the advice, i don't want to mislead him. Finally, its going to be a time to time.


    I would also advise you to keep an eye on his attitude toward you. The reason is that even if he has a pee fetish, he may assume that you think it's okay to piss everywhere because he is just a janitor and you are implying that his only use is to clean your bodily waste up. He may think you are demeaning him. Having cleaned restrooms in the past as part of my old job, often times my female coworkers would piss on the seat, floor or wall behind the toilet knowing that I would have to clean it, and it felt like they did it intentionally to mock me because it was my job. I remember putting a note in the stalls to wipe the seat before leaving and then I started finding bigger puddles on the floor, along with soiled tissue. I even confronted one manager that I knew was pissing on the floor and it got pretty ugly between me and her. 

    Anyway...if he ever seems put off by you, hostile or annoyed in any way, he probably feels demeaned. Otherwise, have fun with it and as you said, don't lead him on. 

  4. Quiet reserved women with wild sexual urges that only come out when she's with a man she loves is my dream woman. It makes it so much more special to be the one that cracked her open and found this goldmine of love and passion that no one else knew about. I worked with girl like this a while ago. She was a loner and only spoke when necessary and was starting to get a little flirtatious with me. We both have different jobs now and lost contact but dammit I knew she had something special for someone to find. I even told her that and she just smiled and looked at me. I wanted her bad and wonder maybe, just maybe she had a pee fetish.

    But I guess it's all relative. What seems so good to one is awful to another. Like music. Very subjective.

  5. 9 hours ago, steve25805 said:

    I once knew a twisted bitch (because she lived in the same building) who got off on watching not only extreme S&M but vids showing the simulated rape and strangulation-murder of women, and who fantasised about torturing to death people she didn't like in brutal ways. She hung out with violent criminal types and thugs, to whom she was invariably attracted, and also made money by working as a prostitute selling sex. I ended up having to report her to the police.......but I digress.

    Point is, she knew a guy who wanted her to piss on him and said she told him to fuck off. Stupid thing is that whilst she admitted herself that she was into some weird stuff, she described him as being into something "a LOT worse", just because he asked her to give him a golden shower.

    How anyone can possibly think that peeing on someone who wants to be peed on is a lot worse than the sort of shit she was into, fuck knows! But a vocal few people do think like that about pee fetishism sadly. They think we are right up there with necrophiliacs, paedophiles, bestiality freaks, and torture/murderers. It is why the vast majority of us are in the closet about our fetish with most people in real life.

    Only a few of course think of us in such extreme ways. But they are out there. To anyone with an understanding of psychology, it is actually pretty obvious that someone with such an extreme dislike of us is probably a pee fetishist in denial themselves, and "projecting" their own unacceptable (to them) desires onto us in order to attack them. On some level subconsciously, they are really attacking something they cannot accept about themselves. Extreme over the top hatred of this kind often masks that sort of thing. Probably made to feel highly guilty and the dirtiest piece of shit ever, by their mum, when they wet the bed too often as a kid, or something like that, lol.

    Quite possible. Either she was masking her own interest in it by attacking it or wasn't necessarily into it but needed something to attack to make herself feel some level of normalcy amid all of her twisted fantasies. Projecting her own self hate on whoever she can. The things she was into were probably already making her feel like an outcast, especially combined with being a prostitute. Or, maybe she was drugged out of her mind and just has random drug fueled outbursts too.

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  6. You got lucky. She could've had the same reaction as in the op story. Then you would've had to move to a different country, shave your head and change your name to Milton.

    True that not all womem are like that, some open minded ones are among us here in the forum. In general though, women are usually disgusted by mens fantasies. Most of them are baffled as to why men look when they wear mini skirts, or any tight form fitting attire. They just dont understand how the female form affects us, and thus are often horrified by our desires.  Maybe that can be a topic for a new thread.

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  7. 42 minutes ago, Sephora said:

    I must agree with you at 100% on this, about people being stupid. Everyone is getting judged for whatever they like. Don't say that you smoke pot, media says its a bad thing ect..  Smoking pot is common. Same thing goes for peeing, golden showers, there is nothing bad about urine. People talk bad about it because they are affraid of getting judged. In my surrounding, there was a girl that brought up that subject, saying that urine is bad for you and will give you health problems. Some people are so ignorant as the claim they know everything. So told her that urine doesn't cause health problems at all and 95% is based on water and its steril. Trust me, at the quantity of pee my BF drank, i think we would of seen side effects already.

    As for poo, that is just not for me and its full of germs and can cause health problems. For me it's out of a question, and for other weird sex such as with animals and dead people, there must be something really wrong with the person to do that. There is a doctor/psychotherapist on a daily radio talk show who talked about peeing and said to the people to wake up and do their researches and for the one's that are too lazy, urine is pefectly safe unless there is infection. The number of callers that afterwards was facinating as most who called shared their experiences or had questions about it. There was only 1 that called and there was something wrong with people. When the doctor said that he once tried it, does that make him strange?  She never replied and avoided the question.

    It goes to show that some people are misinformed.

    Kissing is probably more unhygienic than pee. The human mouth has worse bacteria than urine. Yet everyone loves kissing. Not saying pee is wonderful. I doubt anyone could lick some piss from a toilet without getting sick, as it does collect nasty bacteria after leaving the body. It is still bodily waste so I can understand it being gross to people but it seems like everyone assumes that pee fetishists drink piss like its coffee. Having the fetish doesnt always mean you want to drink it. I like watching and hearing women pee and would like to be peed on but i dont want to drink it. Same with poo, I like watching but would not eat it, ever. Non fetishists never make this distinction.

  8. That was an extreme reaction and she had no right to be the judge of whether he is a pervert. The lack of compassion or empathy is disgusting. She reacted as if he had videos of children or something. And to go on a mission to destroy him publicly seems like she already harbored hate toward him anyway and this was an excuse to explode on him like she probably already wanted to for many years. That's not what a person does to someone they love. She would've been willing to talk to him and understand his point of view, just as I'm sure she expected him to be accepting of her ways, if she loved him. 

    In addition, he should have stood up to her and fought back instead of cowering and agreeing with her that he is a pervert. Women hate men that don't stand their ground and he buckled. He should've said in a loud voice "damn right I have a pee fetish. I work to keep this roof over our head and have been nothing but respectful and loyal to you and if you want to tear down the man you're supposed to love, then maybe you're the one who has a fucking problem here, bitch." Reactions like this are why men don't share themselves with women on the deepest level. They react with this hateful demeaning judgement of ''how dare you like things that I don't'' and wonder why men keep to themselves and refuse to talk.


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  9. Maybe I can offer a different perspective for you here, even though it doesn't seem like you intended for us to respond. I would say that the natural male tendency to show off for women was in play here. Even being aware of this, I have noticed that it is difficult to control the urge to appear like an expert at something in the presence of women, especially if there are other men present. I think he just thought he was being the "man" by bragging about his squirt inducing skills, then your fiance saw an opportunity to seem like an expert as well by proving him wrong. This competitive energy was amplified due to the discussion being sexual in nature.

    I would say everyone except you handled this in an immature way. The guy shouldn't have brought it up, much less kept going when it was bothering his girl. Your fiance shouldn't have acted like an expert on female anatomy either because not even doctors  can agree that women actually squirt or are just peeing. At the same time, when she said her mean comment and left, that was also immature. To me, it's similar to if he had been annoyingly saying that his size was perfect and she said in front of everybody "How, it's only 3 inches and never makes me come.''

    The whole situation was just weird and hopefully cooler heads will prevail. And congrats on the engagement.

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  10. Some things to consider are: 1) the majority of the population is stupid beyond repair. These same people that talk down to us are the same ones who can't even name the mayor of their city or what rights they are entitled to by law. Yet they know everything about the most popular celebrities and the latest memes on Facebook or Twitter. A similar situation is the whole dogs vs cats debate. I like both but have a cat and it's pleasant to be around, she just chills out and minds her business. Yet I have friends that are normal people but would burn kittens alive if given the chance, having this visceral murderous hate of cats for no other reason than "I don't know, I just hate cats." As soon as I point out that owners and kids are often killed by dogs and not cats, their brain damn near explodes with anger and defending dogs' often lethal attacks, even when they're trained. People are fucking stupid. Even on this forum, I've seen members acting almighty on fellow members for being into a different form of the fetish, like seriously, are you kidding me? Shut the hell up, and find a different thread.

    2) The media teaches us what to like to a large degree, and most people never even think about this or why they like certain things. In the 50's, curvy women were desired. Marilyn Monroe. Then the media started promoting Twiggy and suddenly, bone thin, starving looking women were desired. Now it's back to curvy again, with women seeking butt implants to be curvy. Then the porn industry said pubes are nasty, now pubes are suddenly akin to the plague and women actually are self conscious about the shape of their labia and will actually get surgery to have them chopped off. Total fucking nonsense and I am waiting for the world to snap out of this insanity that the media creates. My point here is that pee fetishes have never been promoted by the media, so people are programmed to think it's weird. Ass and tits, however, are promoted and are the biggest fetishes ever, accepted as commonplace without ridicule and openly celebrated.

    3) People like to feel accepted by the dominant group. As a result, a lot of people just jump on bandwagons and accept the general popular perspective as their own. Like "oh, bottled water is better? Yeah I agree, it's totally awesome and I'll pay again for something that I already pay for, because it's just better, that's a fact."

    People are fucking stupid. So let them talk shit all they want to. Their narrow minded outlooks will not stop death from claiming them one day, so just don't be affected by these wastes of skin. :12_slight_smile:

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  11. 3 hours ago, whiz kid said:

    Especially when it is a cute round butt and she thrusts her hips back so her pussy is really exposed while she pees.

    Love when they push really hard and you can see her asshole bulging out like its going to explode. Piss running down her legs and across her cheeks. Great stuff.

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  12. Same here, although I dont find anything men do attractive just as any hetero guy wouldnt. That being said, the sound of a woman peeing is one of natures greatest gifts to a guy like me. Nothing like it. When I hear a female pee stream hitting the water with high pressure it just makes me feel like Im hearing an alpha female, too confident to care how the sound may affect others. Like screw you bitches, I gotta PISS. Another thing I love about hearing it, and I mentioned this before, is that I know her whole ass is hanging out, cheeks, nasty anus and sweaty pussy just breathing all over the toilet, while a heavy stream dumps into it. Love it.

    Clearly I've got it bad lol.

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  13. That sounds fun. Short women sometimes do have big bladders. It just seems like tall women are almost guranteed to because of their bigger mass from what I have seen. Same with vagina size. Usually tall women need better endowed men than smaller women. Although I have encountered a few short girls that were big down there. There's always exceptions. I'd like to hear your thoughts on this if you don't mind. Or anyone really.

  14. 1 hour ago, whiz kid said:

    Used to do this in high school and college as well.  It was always best to find a restroom that wasn't busy where one girl would go in at a time.  There was nothing better than seeing a cutie walk into the restroom, then hear the stall door close and latch.  A few seconds later you start hearing the sound of her pee pee hitting the water.  My favorites were the ones that actually sounded like a guy peeing in a toilet--a strong thick stream hitting the center of the toilet.   

    Yes! Exactly. Non busy restrooms are the best because each girl can be heard without getting lost in the noise. Through my covert listening in that library I learned that skinny women pee far more than heavy women. I remember this one tall curvy latin girl that did a workstudy one semester in there. She was about 5'10 and a few times I heard her peeing in there and damn was she a gusher. Instant hard on, man.

    One time the 2 female janitors went in for a routine cleaning and one of them said ''fuck I'm tired of these damn girls pissing on the floor in here.'' Ahh, good times.

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