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Posts posted by Brutus

  1. This just happened today, I couldn't wait to get home and post this. I work in finance, my boss, who happens to be the CFO is kind of atypical in that she interacts and jokes with her employees often and you wouldn't think she runs the place given her approach to managing. She's in her late 40's, blonde, great figure, very big chest. Basically she is one sexy middle aged woman. Today we started this huge report that requires me to work with her so she can walk me through it since it's my first time doing it.

    Now usually we go out for lunch but today I stayed in my office. She didn't realize I was still in the building and she and my supervisor who are good friends started talking and laughing a few offices over. I came out, heading to the restroom and just before I walk by that office, the CFO said "Hold on I gotta take a fuckin piss." She turned around, saw the surprised look on my face and then said "you didn't hear that." We all laughed and she went to her office for a moment. I rushed to the fountain just outside the restrooms with my water bottle and stood there, pouring my water out and refilling it so I could have a reason to be that close the womens room and hear her peeing. A few seconds later she came around the corner and walked in. I heard the stall door close but I didn't hear a stream. Then another woman came out and while the door slowly swung shut, that was when her stream could be heard. It was really strong and loud from where I stood, heard it perfectly. She wasn't lying, she really had to go. The door took about 8 to 10 seconds to close and block the sound but she was pissing full force for that entire audible time. I kept filling my bottle, heard a flush and then she came out and looked at me with a quick forced smile but I'm not sure if she was still embarrassed or wondering why I was still there at the fountain. Regardless, it was very hot hearing her foul mouth and her peeing ability.

    As for icing on this cake, when I was in her office later in the day working with her on the report, she turned in her chair to look in her desk drawers for some files and I caught a perfect view of her massive camel toe in her white business slacks. I mean it was damn near chewing its way through her pants. She was leaning close to the edge of her seat and it was just bulging through beautifully. I don't know if it was her bush or big labia but either way she had some serious womanhood on display. It wasn't a pad because you could see the crease in the middle where her pussy was split. Great day at work for sure. Damn.


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  2. Thanks. I had been trying to craft a washing machine story for a while. Finally got it together. My favorite thing about it is that I made her middle aged and on medication. Made it feel more authentic than anything else I've done. Realism is something new that I want to aim for more often. We tend to focus on young, barely adult perfect fantasy women in our stories and easily forget that older women are often sexier than the inexperienced young ladies.

  3. @steve25805

    The irony is that many of these religious people in power passing judgment on fetishes are themselves very disgusting people in many ways, often sexually as well. Guarantee that many of them engage in extramarital affairs behind their spouses back. I saw a documentary years ago where prostitutes were telling how many politicians and other government officials they service on a regular basis. Many of them are blasphemous according to the very scriptures they are supposed to live by when they condemn others instead of love thy neighbor. Not to mention that they willingly ruin lives and contribute to deaths of thousands of people across the planet by waging war and helping to develop policies that cause social unrest in whatever countries they have their eye on. They will support  policies that will destroy an entire country if there is money to be made. Most politicians have blood on their hands, either directly or indirectly by sitting back and enjoying the power. 

    This abuse of government power is a dangerous thing and it's the stuff that causes countries to fall. Today it's banning scat material, tomorrow it could be anything mentioning ass, the next it could be anything sexual at all. It inches closer and closer to communism until the line is thin enough that it can't be seen anymore. Next it's government imposed curfew and marshall law with armed guards patrolling the streets. America is probably in it's final few decades before total collapse into a 2 class system of super wealthy and the dirt poor. Our freedom of speech has already been tightened down to the point that saying something even remotely offending can and does get people fired now. Feminists have such a stronghold that it is legally rape in California if 2 people have consensual sex after drinking alcohol, the woman does not have to be pass out drunk and incapable of decisions, she can climb on top of a guy and control the sex and it is still rape. He is however, capable of consent while drunk because he is a man and feminists behind these laws hate men. It's disgusting that this happens in America but it's real and it happens because the politicians align themselves with these kinds of people that want to control others. It's only getting worse.

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  4. I don't think it would reduce interest in pee porn. Even if men and women use the same restroom in public, you still would not get to see women peeing, you would just hear them. The urge for visuals would remain and possibly strengthen overall because men who may not have otherwise developed a pee fetish might become intrigued by hearing women peeing. Look at it like this, any guy can walk down a city street and see sexy women in tight clothes any day of the week but that does not make men lose attraction to women's asses due to regularly seeing them with leggings wedged up their ass or losing interest in breasts because their tits are showing in a really tight shirt. If anything, it makes us more aroused seeing women in tight revealing clothing because they are showing their body without being fully naked. It's hard not to be aroused when women show so much skin. So pee porn would probably go through the roof.

    On a side note I wouldn't bet on unisex restrooms happening in America anytime soon if at all. We might try it but I don't see it gaining ground because of our hostile culture. The media drills into our psyches that all men are eventual rapists and women are helpless victims incapable of making their own decisions. This programming, plus the fact that some guys will unfortunately cross a line, guarantees that most women would feel very uncomfortable in a restroom where men are around, especially when no one else is. It would also create a goldmine of opportunities for pedophiles to have their way with young kids if no one can stop them from following children of the opposite sex into a restroom. These realities are why it is probably a pipe dream. It may happen in other cultures but America is a culture that does not lend itself to this level of comfort between the sexes, at least for our lifetime.

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  5. @Admin

    Thanks for clearing that up I thought anything poop related was off the table. While I'm speaking on this though, who the hell decided that it was worthwhile to ban credit card companies from processing transactions for scat material? It's so absurd and specific. A boardroom meeting actually took place where all in attendance agreed that the answer to their problems was..."we gotta stop the global scat movement." That would be like a boss firing an employee for his diet. "Hey man, gotta let you go, I can't have employees that eat sandwiches. I hate sandwiches, they're so typical. Get out."


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  6. Some have mentioned that fully shaved looks like a little girl. I cannot speak on the similarities because I don't know what a little girls really looks like. I imagine the labia are smaller but plenty of grown women have small labia anyway. I understand the point though. Society is pushing the limit with sexualizing young girls and the assertion that pubes are gross is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. I prefer hairy. Not a landing strip, I mean thick. I like it to be groomed as well, basically not growing down her legs and up her stomach. If she can fit it in her underwear that's good enough. To me, shaved bald just looks too timid, hairy looks aggressive and dominant and just gets me visually excited. I associate a bush with womanliness, just as women associate big dicks with manliness. That's just my preference. Is it a deal breaker though, not at all. Pussy is pussy.

  7. @Sephora

    I don't always wash my hands at home after number 1 either, especially if I had a shower recently. But it's just me, not dozens of employees and random strangers using my bathroom. Maybe your boss intends to spread germs to her business associates because she doesn't like them. She might be thinking to herself "Ugh, those assholes are coming to our meeting, they're getting the sweaty vagina handshake today." This is why I never drink the office coffee at work. People are sick. Being a pee fan, I've seen a video online of a woman pissing in the coffee that her coworkers shared.

  8. @steve25805

    And here comes government shutting shit down. People usually laugh when I say freedom is an illusion. But how about a payment system that is officially for something else but has this forum as an add on? Or maybe a token system where members pay admin and are given tokens to access the forum? How about a third party to serve as a middle man? You pay them a flat fee and they pay the credit card companies on your behalf. Consult an attorney to find a loophole in the credit card terms you can exploit. Or sidestep credit cards altogether and let members pay from checking accounts. Or employ all of these tactics simultaneously to varying degrees with some advertising. Lack of ads is a rarity on websites anymore and this forum being ad free gives it a last of a dying breed special feel but I would tolerate ads to preserve this forum in its pure form. Admin has probably considered all of this but I feel that as members we have a duty to help derive a solution.

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  9. @Maggie_555

    Please, do tell. I can tell you from experience here with my fictional stories that you will always disappoint some people, but there are just as many if not way more who will like what you write and you can't magically change what you like to appease the naysayers. If your something else is way off topic, there is a forum here for non-pee stuff too. Either way, let's hear it...or read it!

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  10. @Sephora

    Thanks for the details. I don't know why so many people don't wash their hands. I think your boss and women like her just think whats the point in washing them if their hands don't touch their privates. The problem there is that many disgusting women have touched the tp dispenser, the stall door handle, the sink knobs and the main door handle with pee, poop and period infested hands. That's why you should always wash. As a guy, when I see dudes just leave from a urinal without visiting the sink I think "really dude, you're just gonna walk around with dick sauce hands?" Some people...

  11. Usually I won't pay for porn, not even pee porn. The main reason is fear of credit card details being stolen. A few months ago I broke my rule and purchased a 15 minute clip of a hidden cam in a porta potty. There was a scene of this woman pissing very hard and her entire stream missed the toilet and sprayed the seat. It was one of those rare things you come across that you cannot miss. I absolutely had to see this play out because I love the carelessness when women miss the target in public toilets. It turned out to be one of the best clips I've ever seen. Since it was only available on one site I had to bite the bullet. That was the only porn purchase in 15 years of watching it. With so many free streaming sites and not needing porn nearly as much anymore due to my age, I don't see myself buying anything else in the near future. Sometimes I come across pay sites that have really good material but it's not worth their prices and the security risk for me.

  12. @Maggie_555

    As Steve said, no need to apologize for where the conversation went. Sometimes, interesting topics just spring up and people have interesting input to offer. Just because it's not laser focused on pee doesn't mean the hammer needs to come down. I've come across many threads on this site that just don't interest me so I simply leave, it's easy to find other threads on this forum, no need to correct the conversation taking place. It's nice to chat a little with like minded fetishists about random things from time to time. Plus this thread is about mean things done with pee so it's not a stretch that conversations about mean people in general will find footing here. 

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  13. Plenty of questions here to choose from. Some things I've always wondered, ladies. When out in a public restroom, whether at work, stores, events, etc. do you ever listen closely as other women in adjacent stalls pee? Do you notice if they are peeing particularly hard or light trickle? Do you notice that if certain age groups or body types pee differently? Do you notice the women that don't wipe, flush or wash their hands or know any female co-workers with poor restroom etiquette? Lastly, ever known for sure which woman left a mess in a stall? 

    Guys, ever walked by a women's room and heard peeing or had women tell you restroom stories?

    Thanks to whoever chimes in.:12_slight_smile:

  14. Some here have pointed out that naughty peeing often involves leaving a mess for others to clean. I'll address this in particular. While this is true, I don't know that it should be singled out in relation to a pee fetish. Most people have left a mess in some way for another person to clean. At my job, for example, the smokers always throw their butts on the ground for our cleaning crew instead of the garbage can 3 feet away. People leave sodas on the ground in the Walmart parking lot, as well as shopping carts rolling around for employees to chase because they're too lazy to return them to the bin. My point is that even non-pee fetishists often have no concern for any burdens they create on others. To take this to a massive scale, we all use things that are made in 3rd world country slave labor conditions but is that stopping any of us from buying smart phones, TV's or nice clothes? Not at all, we love our luxuries. Most women love diamonds but do they care that children die mining them under the barrel of a gun in Africa? Not at all, they want shiny jewels.

    The desire to please ourselves is usually stronger than the misery it will create for others, especially if we don't have to confront these people. Maggie_555's post backs this up. The cognitive dissonance is in all of us. As someone said here, its a balancing act. For me, seeing women peeing in a naughty way, in or on something that they shouldn't be is a huge turn on to me. It's something about pee specifically. Seeing a woman spit or pour her drink in a similar naughty way does nothing for me to cause arousal. First, It's the fact that her pee is from her private area, that alone adds a sexual element. Second, urine inherently has no value to us, it is literally waste material the body is getting rid of. Because of this, whatever is a receptacle for urine is automatically in a position of inferiority, which places the woman taking a piss in a position of superiority over it and power is sexy. Pee is sort of a display of power, which is why a woman taking a standing piss is hugely erotic to most men. Additionally, a urination gives you a lot to see. A big stream, the puddle it creates, its really the only thing that comes out of that part of her in such a bold and stimulating visual way. It's an ultimate power display through her genitals. It is as if she is implying that whatever she is pissing on has no worth to her other than collecting what her sexy parts spit out.

    So for those who have moral qualms about naughty peeing as a burden to others, I'm just trying to explain all the elements at play here that cause many of us to enjoy it anyway. The urethra being in a woman's sexual area, the weak position of whatever is peed on, seeing her legs spread or ass bent over makes it a highly arousing sexual display, at least to heterosexual men. Add in the fact that for me, there is nothing sexy about watching myself pee. It's just me and I'm not attracted to me. But watching a hot woman do it, totally different arena. Very difficult to object to that many arousing elements. Hope this helped. :12_slight_smile:

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