That must make peeing discreetly rather a lot easier! I wish I could wear skirts for that reason but as a guy it’s a little odd. I do wear a kilt on occasion and take full advantage ... of which Cinderella is a popular one... I think I may have even seen one called "Cindy Yella" but it wasn't as fun as this one
Hello... I've been a member here for ages but never really contributed (or visited) however someone I know from another forum encouraged me to spend more time here and it seems like a fun group ... so, er, Hi
I used to know someone who could do it, even through the zip of their jeans, with pretty good accuracy! ... alas no-one else I've known has been willing to try.
Frank Zappa - "Bobby Brown" contains the line "I can take about an hour on the tower of power, as long as I gets a little golden shower"
Tim Minchin has alluded to it a few times too, most brazenly
I agree with Sally that squatting can be extremely erotic, mainly because my imagination runs wild and associates that position with peeing even though 9 times out of 10 they're just reaching into their bag for something... we can all dream ;)