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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2017 in all areas

  1. I went on a golf tournament and I was well behaved lol I did pee a few time next to the golf cart as my friend decided to pee in the hole on the green with our golf balls in it and then she drives away with the cart. Not much to say about it except I won a basket of lotion and cream products :-))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    2 points
  2. Hi everyone, me again! I just wanted to drop by with another story, one that's pretty unique even for me, so I figured it would be fun to share it. I've just started studying again so I'm often up a bit later than normal reading over materials for the next day, some from the previous days, etc. It's been quite hot and humid the past couple of nights so the closer I can be to the windows the better! The windows in my bedroom are mounted onto a slight, jutting out ledge that has just enough space for me to jump up on. The windows open quite wide so I normally sit with my back against
    1 point
  3. After a family outing with my ex wife who I am good friends with who has a bladder larger than I thought she had, we get back to the house and she mentions that she had to pee. I make a comment to the affect of you're not gonna waste that liquid gold are you? She responds, "tell me where". I lead her up to a back bedroom which I have a number 237 on th door like the 1980 movie The Shining. I have random stuff in the room, it's a storage room for the time being. She doing a slight pee dance, unfastens her shorts, drops them down and relieves herself in the middle of the floor on the
    1 point
  4. It was lunch time and I had got fish and chips on my way to work, as it was too early to go into work I drove to a car-park over looking the sea, I parked about 3 rows back and was eating my lunch when a female got out of a car in the first row, leaving someone in the car and walked towards an old WW2 gun inplacement on the edge of the cliffs, I thought this may be her going for a place to pee, so I got out of my car and walked to the right in a circle so that I could come up to the gun inplacement from the seaward side. But when I got there, there was only a puddle with a tissue in it and bot
    1 point
  5. I agree completely. And I hope Sephora does manage some pics or a quick video of a fitting room pee. I find it very sexy and am always annoyed when the room has no carpet. Carpet pee is where it's at!
    1 point
  6. Dress and no panties. The pub had low screens so no one could see her lower half. She sat at the edge of the seat/bench and pulled her dress up so I had a good view and then just pissed on the floor. We have done less public carpet pissing as well :) I think I might have posted about them before but happy to repeat them if there is some interest.
    1 point
  7. Maybe it would if it was given a catchy name like "bitscoin."
    1 point
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