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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/2017 in Posts

  1. Thought I'd mix it up a little and give you guys a live account of my latest (probably not greatest) wee! Unfortunately I cannot type at superhuman speeds so I'm jotting notes and turning them into fully legible sentences afterwards. It's been about 5 hours since I've had a wee and I'm going to bed soon so I figured this would be a good time to empty my bladder. I'm heading upstairs now as I type this, somehow not tripping on the stairs and walking across the landing to my bathroom. My daughter is asleep but could wake up at any time so I've closed the door behind me but not locked it.
    3 points
  2. I went with my family to Bournemouth beach one evening this week. It has been very warm and the beach was pretty busy. We sat on towels on the sand and just down from us was a group of three young ladies who were also sat on towels. They started preparing to leave the beach, packing up their stuff. One, wearing a black bikini put a black summer dress on over her bikini, then she went to the end of her towel nearest the sea and turned to face up the beach and indeed facing directly towards me. She knelt down on the sand, sitting on her haunches and casually moved the sand around between he
    2 points
  3. Nice work. The new layout looks great and the text is easier to read too.
    2 points
  4. People from outside the UK thinking we all talk posh. Toodle-pip old bean! What what
    2 points
  5. That's much better in my opinion :) I like it.
    2 points
  6. I realise change can be unsettling, but these, along with my continued efforts on the site, will hopefully improve your overall experience of PeeFans. I won't list every little thing here, but please use this thread both to discuss these features, give feedback, and report any issues. Everything seems to be running smoothly now so I'm going to leave things here for a little while. Looking forward to hearing your responses, and hopefully you'll like these adjustments. Our aim at PeeFans is always to provide the best experience possible, so please do be vocal about your thoughts.
    2 points
  7. #3 - Reactions They're back! Sometimes you want to show your appreciation for a post, but a 'like' doesn't quite do the job. When you hover over the like button (in the bottom right corner of someone's post), you'll now see additional options of 'hot', 'haha', and 'agree'. These are fairly self explanatory, and are often more fitting than a like. Likes can of course be used as normal, but say you find a post funny, or find a picture especially sexy, you can now use these reactions instead. All of these reactions still contribute +1 to a member's reputation, which still displays on their p
    2 points
  8. "Lisa:" The First Time by Dr. P. Notes: This is the true story of one of several long-term, "wet" relationships which I have been fortunate enough to have, so far in my life. My relationship with "Lisa" (a fictitious name, of course) was completely different from my relationships with "Ellie," and with "Jeanie," also real women, with fictitious names. The attitudes of the three women were very different, especially at the beginning of their relationships with me. I eventually became very close to "Lisa," and we shared our most intimate secrets, especially after we broke through the "pee
    1 point
  9. Admin, I like all the work that you have put into the forum. I am still bumping around a bit seeing just how to use some of the new things. I love the new reaction button "thumbs up", Nice choices.
    1 point
  10. I love the new layout. Good work! :)
    1 point
  11. I get a few sightings at events like half marathons and triathlons. Being a runner myself I occasionally join them!
    1 point
  12. Washing your car and hearing "You can wash mine next if you like" or "You missed a bit"
    1 point
  13. Post-holiday work catch-up chat: "Anything happen while I was away?" "No, not really" -end-
    1 point
  14. Regretting doing the "looks like we've had our Summer!" jokes now that it appears to be true
    1 point
  15. Being extremely annoyed you've paid £52.80 for a train ticket and it didn't even get checked.
    1 point
  16. "Yeah, maybe" - Translation: Nope, you're completely wrong
    1 point
  17. Thanks! I think it looks a little better on desktop (with sidebar etc), but apart from changing that top yellow bar (which I've now done), I think I'll leave things there. If anyone has any further comments or ideas, please let me know. :)
    1 point
  18. Too yellow now? Any thoughts what sort of colour could work?
    1 point
  19. Agreed. I know a lot of people will believe 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it', but I feel there's just so much we'd miss out on with that philosophy. Agreed with clubs, especially as I'm not entirely sure the direction it will go - maybe several. As I said, it essentially allows for sub-communities, so once we fully get people on board with it I think it could be an interesting part of the site. Thanks for the heads up with the hot image, this should be fixed now. What are your thoughts on the main template? I remember you mentioned the original yellow one being a little harsh
    1 point
  20. First of all, can I just say thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it. I feel like an up to date site really enhances the user experience and is something other websites lack. Clubs sound really exciting! I'm looking forward to these. For the reactions "hot" isn't displaying an image. It did earlier when you first started the upgrade, Now to go and fill in my profile... :)
    1 point
  21. I'm more than happy to take a pee wherever, and would happily leave a puddle for you Jess. Indoors or outdoors, it's all fun. Jess, Beachmom, pissbaby, if you want to help me with my aim, I'd be more than happy for you to take a direct hand in the action. :)
    1 point
  22. #5 - Clubs As you can see from the navigation bar, we now have 'clubs'. This is a feature I will work on further down the line, but in the meantime, it is available to use however you see fit. You can create your own 'club' on the site, or join others. The club creator can decide whether the club is open to everyone or requires approval/invites. The club creator can then add any of the following to their club: sections (you know we have 'fictional stories', 'general pee chat' etc - you can have your own where club members can make threads and chat), galleries, and calendars (could be used
    1 point
  23. #4 - Additional Profile Information You may be prompted to update your profile, and whilst this is entirely optional, I would highly recommend it. We experimented with this by adding back the 'gender' profile field recently, and this has now extended to additional fields you can fill in. These include occupation, and an 'about me' section where you can write as much (or little) info as you like. This helps to show off your personality a little better so we can get to know members of the forum better. Don't forget to go and edit your profile when you get chance.
    1 point
  24. #2 - Upgraded software This is something you won't really 'see', but I have invested in upgrading our forum software, which gives us some new options, as well as additional security measures to ensure PeeFans continues to run smoothly. An example of just one minor - but extremely useful - tweak, is the ability to use the same description when mass uploading on the gallery, thus making it far easier to appropriately label pictures. Many of these small improvements you will likely discover simply by browsing.
    1 point
  25. #1 - Design & layout Probably the first thing you'll notice is the site looks different. This may still need some tweaks, so please feel free to point out which parts you do or don't like. Hopefully you'll see this as an improvement once you get used to it, but if you're really hating it, you can change to an alternate (blue) theme until other options are made available. However, the aim is to keep the site modern whilst easy to use, and hopefully you'll agree that has been accomplished, whilst making the design a little easier on the eyes. Minor design improvements such as default av
    1 point
  26. One evening i was out to visit a friend,who happens to live on the 18th floor in a block of flats.So i entered the building and went for the lift,it was about 11.30pm,people were about,coming home from a night out etc.I pressed the button,the lift was on its way.Just as it arrived on the ground floor,and i was getting in,a rather nice young lady,about 25 ran in the door,"hold the lift for me!"she exclaimed.So i put my arm to make the door open again,just in time,as she sprinted in. "Thank you!" she said,and i asked her floor."20" she said,"im 18,so its on the way". There was an awkwa
    1 point
  27. Part 3: Origin Story Amanda woke at precisely 8:00 a.m. without her alarm even though it was the weekend. She stretched and yawned, relaxing as she began her first thoughts of the day. Saturday meant no work and no plans, other than the planned tea time with Jill, who was supposed to come over later at around 9:00 a.m. Amanda smiled with internal joy and peace as she laid with her hands behind her head laying in bed thinking about the day while her exposed tits pointed at the ceiling. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and sat up, feeling the smallest bladder twinge signali
    1 point
  28. However, I think we can all agree it's hard to top this interview:
    1 point
  29. Lovely account! Beaches are always good for sightings, even if it's women only going waist deep into the water thinking it isn't obvious. I had a sighting a couple of years ago that still sticks in my mind. I had been on the beach all day trying to get a tan and it was starting to get late and a little cool so people were packing up to go home. A woman a few hundred feet in front of me stood up giving me a wonderful view of her pert bottom in a tight black bikini. She was stood with her legs parted ever so slightly but nothing unusual. I was watching her, enjoying the view as she be
    1 point
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