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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/15/2017 in all areas

  1. Trying something different. Hope you enjoy. If so, I'll work on the next chapter. When Sara awoke, for a moment she forgot where she was. Her first instinct was in response to the pressure in her bladder, a common feeling for the morning. She sat up and was about to hop out of bed and make the long walk out to the bathroom. Then as she felt the cool dampness under her, she remembered. She was in her bunk at the all-girls camp her parents had signed her up for, not knowing what they were getting their daughter into. At 21, she was still living at home after having dropped out of col
    1 point
  2. Hello all, It would seem that this wonderful site that once was peesearch has become something greater and more awesome. So Even though I was a member since 2008 or something ridiculous now I'm just another noob looking around and hopefully enjoying rather wet conversations with lovely ladies. I'm living in sunny sometimes freezing Tasmania and can't seem to find any of you wonderful wet people so please come say hi I don't bite thats what my fetlife profiles for LOL. Spy Be wet be safe
    1 point
  3. Hello, new male member here who is suffering from this kink (amongst other things). Slowly getting into this forum stuff recently and lurked here quite some time and when i finally decided to sign up the site took it's little time out. Great to see it's back though as places like this are scarce.
    1 point
  4. Dr. Glad kindly offers his services. While his training is more in the realm of the physical sciences, he's been know to throw himself into his work. Besides, he has a great bedside manner and I'm sure he will rise to the occasion.
    1 point
  5. It looks like I'll be peeing in the grass! I'll do it when I get chance. Thanks for voting everyone! <3
    1 point
  6. So this is my first ever pee sighting of someone I actually know, and not just a drunk girl on the streets. It's even sweeter because she's in my opinion one of the best looking girls I know. the girl is very much into pole fitness as they call it and she had a competition at the weekend. In total there must have been around 100 competitors with the majority being female. I observed her casually from the start of the event and didn't see her use the toilets at any point but I did see her consume some water and an alcoholic beverage. She he has really lovely thick thigh
    1 point
  7. When it becomes a turn on moment, this is where I find it interesting because I like to see his reaction, his eyes get a glaze and he has a desperate state of mind. A perfect example was yesterday, my man is not working for a few days so during the day, he would text me at work and talking about golden showers. I knew that he was horny so I told him to be ready for when I walked in. I have been holding it in for a while, once I got to our driveway, I had to stay in the truck for a while to let the urge go by. Thank good because, that moment would of been an accident waiting to happen. Whe
    1 point
  8. While I have no problem using the urinal in a men's room, I'm much more comfortable peeing in front of women.
    1 point
  9. We need on this site,a kind of resident Psychologist,to help us understand ourselves.Why do we like to observe other people urinating?Also maybe a Physician,to answer our more biological questions,like is there a difference in the urine of the sexes,can you tell if you know what to look for?That kind of thing..
    1 point
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