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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/2016 in all areas

  1. New evidence discovered to confirm string theory http://amateurblogs.eroprofile.com/free_galleries/2016/54698/
    1 point
  2. You know, I kind of wish Egwalrus was here right now to say "I told you so". I cannot believe they actually went and did it.....overlooking totally the obnoxious character of the man in order to register a protest against the Establishment. And in consequence they have just put a racist, sexist, sociopath with a short fuse into the Whitehouse with access to the nuclear codes. The world is about to become a much more dangerous place. Only racists have much to cheer.
    1 point
  3. Some older photos . I hopr you like.
    1 point
  4. I just did this twice today.i was at the mall and I had to go sooooo bad. They had just opened actually and everything was all clean. So of course I had to make it dirty. Went to the last stall pulled down my pants went right in front of the toilet on the floor. And than went on the seat than on the side. I stood up went 2 stalls down and peed in front of the toilet there and than went to the bigger stall and finished in the corner. I got what I needed and left the mall. Tonight I was coming home and had to go so I stopped at a gas station. It was a single bathroom, to my pleasure it was alre
    1 point
  5. The link from within the news story takes you to a less pixelated video:
    1 point
  6. i know that 3 photos don't show up on the 2nd posted because they gone and i don't know why but its annoying that i can't remove them
    1 point
  7. Hey this confession is of something I did more than 20 years ago but I thought I'd still tell of what happened... My hubby and I were looking for a house to buy and while viewing one I needed to pee. The selling agent had shown us around one which was OK but not exactly what I was hoping for. Hubby whispered "You like this one?" and I whispered back "Not really - You?" He shook his head in agreement so I whispered "I'd like to go up in the attic though," with a wink. Guessing what I was thinking of (the agent had said there was a folding ladder for access) he asked the agent if w
    1 point
  8. Yes, well, we know what you did. Maggie, I'm glad you and your husband made the choice not to buy that place before deciding to relieve yourself in the water tank. I've never seen a tank set up like that before, but then, I haven't been in a lot of attics. It sounds incredibly daring to empty your bladder within possible earshot of someone who wouldn't approve -- but especially someone who's in the middle of trying to sell the house to you! I wouldn't want to try that often.
    1 point
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