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    • I've peed in the somewhere else like backyard, garden, garage, flowerbeds, potted plants or cats litter box many times when I go party but I've never peed on the floor directly.
    • Luca and Zack start to test the waters of public wetting Chapter 2: In Public at Night -- Luca’s perspective -- After that first time Zack wet himself, Luca comforted him with a blowjob then helped him clean up the mess. Then he toned it down for a few days, deciding to be merciful and give his poor boyfriend a break. He let him use the bathroom frequently and didn’t even tease him for peeing himself, as badly as he wanted to.  After a few days, Zack approached him. His face was red, his eyes seemed to be actively avoiding Luca’s, and he was fiddling with his hands - that was how Luca knew this was going to be something fun. That’s when Zack confessed to him how much he had enjoyed wetting himself - the warmth, the shame, the taboo feeling of pissing in his pants - all of these he said turned him on beyond belief, and the orgasm he’d had after was one of the best he’d ever had.  Luca, of course, was thrilled to hear this, and he told Zack as much. He’d loved seeing the mortified expression on Zack’s face when he realized what was happening, the way his sweatpants darkened and piss pooled under him, and the feeling of control he got knowing that Zack had pissed himself rather than disobeying him.  So after that, he upped the ante. He found that he liked pushing Zack to the very edge, and sometimes over it, but he was fair. He would usually tell Zack how long he had to make it, e.g. “after this episode”, “once we’re done eating”, or “get me off first.” Usually Zack was able to make it, but every time Luca found himself secretly hoping that he wouldn’t and that he would get to see him piss himself again.  And sometimes, Zack didn’t make it. He wet himself again at the dinner table about a week later, and though he didn’t say anything, Luca knew exactly what was happening by the shame on his face and the loud pattering sound on the wood floor. He pissed himself again in bed one night, horrified as they both laid in the spreading puddle. Once he even pissed himself as he was fumbling with his belt in front of the toilet after Luca had said he could go.  Every single time it happened Zack would look just as embarrassed as he helplessly flooded his pants, and every time it got him off to no end. Within a couple of months, Luca decided it was time to step up his game a bit. He had something he’d been wanting to try but hadn’t wanted to scare Zack away from it too early. He was always in control of Zack’s bathroom use, even in public, but he had been nice about it in public. He always let him pee before they left the house, and if they were in public for a long time he found him plenty of opportunities to use the restroom. But Luca wanted so badly to see Zack squirming and trying to hold it in with the threat of being seen by others, maybe even wet himself in public.  So one evening, he decided to test the waters. Zack had been drinking plenty of water and he was starting to squirm while he read a book in an old armchair in the living room. Luca waited until he was really starting to shake, before he smiled at him.  “Let’s go for a walk,” he told him. “And you can pee when we get back.” -- Zack’s perspective -- Zack nearly dropped the book when he heard Luca. Instead he just stared at him for a moment as he tried to find anything to say, and his mind started to race at the thought of going out into the night while this desperate to pee. He felt a pang of arousal in his gut and he gulped, surprised to find that the thought excited him. The fear quickly outweighed the excitement though and he gulped. “Luca… you can’t be serious… in public?” he asked finally. He saw the teasing smirk on his boyfriend’s face soften into a genuine smile. “Is that okay?” Luca asked. “Tell me if I’m taking it too far.” Seeing the genuine look on his lover’s face put Zack at ease a bit, as he remembered that Luca would never make him do something he genuinely didn’t want to. He could say no and Luca would back off immediately. He found himself nodding slowly, though his cheeks were warm. He dropped his eyes, not able to make eye contact with him.  “Yeah…” he mumbled. “You’re a bitch but… yeah, it’s okay.” This earned a small chuckle from Luca, and Zack shakily got to his feet. It was dark out, he was wearing dark pants, and there weren’t usually many people out and about past dark in their neighborhood. As they left their small home, he kept reminding himself that there would likely be nobody around, and even if he did piss himself it probably wouldn’t be visible. The whole walk, Zack was squirming and trying to squeeze his legs together, at times even checking that nobody was around before grabbing his cock and squeezing hard to keep himself from leaking. He made it that time though, and he sighed with relief as he pissed in the toilet when they got home.  Of course Luca wasn’t done though. These walks became a nightly occurrence, and Zack knew that Luca was just waiting for the time when he would inevitably lose control. And eventually that night came. He was already bursting to piss by the time they left, and thankfully he was again wearing his black jeans. They were about ten minutes from home when it happened. Zack was squeezing his crotch so hard it hurt but spurt after spurt of piss were starting to leak into his underwear. He stopped walking, squeezed his legs together, and tried to will his desperation away. But instead it was like a dam broke.  All at once he was pissing hard and uncontrollably, completely flooding his pants as he stood illuminated by a street lamp. He frantically looked around but thankfully there was nobody to see. His puddle grew around him on the pavement. Despite his shame, he found that the warmth running down his legs felt good against the chilly night air. He finally released his crotch, recognizing a lost cause, and instead covered his face to try to hide his shame.  -- Luca’s perspective -- Luca had been disappointed every night when they returned home with Zack’s pants dry. He wanted so badly to see him piss himself in public. So when it finally happened he was grinning ear to ear the whole time he watched his boyfriend peeing. In the dark the piss wasn’t really visible on his black jeans (a shame, and Luca made a mental note to remedy that next time) but he could see the puddle spreading across the pavement. He was sure that to Zack it felt like an eternity that he stood on the sidewalk wetting, but Luca thought it was over far too soon. When he was sure Zack was done, he grabbed the big man’s hand from his face and pulled it down before interlacing their fingers. Then they started to walk again, Luca humming and swinging their arms gleefully, knowing that Zack had to walk the rest of the way home in soaked pants. They passed a woman on the sidewalk as they walked, and even though she surely couldn’t see it, Luca could practically feel the humiliation coming off of Zack in waves.   
    • Say we are lovers, (stop laughing) and we get a tad drunk 1 night, and you have an accident in my bed. I refuse to change the sheets because I like the smell of your "territory." Would you consider this a compliment? Would it encourage you to repeat it?
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