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Gallery of The Gods

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5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

So she is the one who can help with understanding the deepest parts of our subconscious minds? Where we have most of our deepest, darkest, or most traumatic shit buried? After all, every human has within them the spark of both good and evil, the capacity for both deep compassion and cruel sadism, the willingness to risk one's life to save another, or the ability to snuff a life out for sadistic pleasure. The spark of all that is good and all that is bad is within everyone. Most of the potentially very worst stuff is buried so deep in our subconscious, firmly under lock and key and guarded my our consciences and superegos, that we are thankfully unaware that such darkness is even there. 

But it is because it is there that such evils as the Nazis were able to get otherwise normal everyday people to descend into the depths of depravity, by "normalising" such conduct for them and approving it, convincing them that it was both acceptable and good. It is often frightening to consider to what extent the Nazi murderers and cruel sadists had until then been mostly normal and unremarkable people. The Nazis managed to "de-censor" the darkest components within people's psyches whilst giving license to that as acceptable.

So I guess when it comes to de-censoring the deepest depths of our subconsciouses, the guidance of Gaia is most desirable?


What happened to Nazis was indeed the most common error when decensoring our primal drives. You have to understand, that these drives are not evil in themselves. Imagine to have to save your family from Nazis, or from alien monsters: that blood-thirsty Killing fury could be an ally.

The point is that when you (not YOU Steve, obviously eh) de-censor that energy, it usually falls in service to your character and habits, thus the EGO, and EGO has no love for Others, is just a ratification of habits and features.

It is at this point that you begin to be evil, when you, without knowing, use that energy according to your character, while such a powerful and terrible device should be stored unless really necessary. That is also the reasons why fighting pits exist in the spiritual world: some spirits are built like that and need to take it out.

We need Gaia because She is the one who can teach us the real Balance between destruction and sparing. We have no rights to mess with the life of something who deserves to live. But we also have the right to understand this energy, so to store it without censoring until useful, maybe three lives from now, when a war will break out between humans and aliens, who knows!

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5 hours ago, steve25805 said:

So it is possible to develop spiritually and in your heart and soul, on a subconscious level without being consciously aware of it sometimes?


3 hours ago, Scot_Lover said:

Can this also happen when you're asleep?

The inherited cause of bad dreams and nightmares because we cannot understand them?


Oh, ehm, wait, I was saying something different

Dreams obviously are a great way to make the unconscious surfacing and sometimes (yet not often like many love to belive) they can also be a device through which the Gods contact us


What I meant indeed was a different thing this time: I meant that the effects of the practices you perform on yourself, shows up with time, obviously when you overcome a problem you feel like after exiting your analist's office after a hard but useful therapy, and you consciously notice the effects on your life!


the most powerful changes are the ones who occurs in the background of the unconscious, so, after three to four of these therapy-like changes, you discover yourself to be very different, like a secret add had been put there without you noticing

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On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 12:51 PM, spywareonya said:


What happened to Nazis was indeed the most common error when decensoring our primal drives. You have to understand, that these drives are not evil in themselves. Imagine to have to save your family from Nazis, or from alien monsters: that blood-thirsty Killing fury could be an ally.

The point is that when you (not YOU Steve, obviously eh) de-censor that energy, it usually falls in service to your character and habits, thus the EGO, and EGO has no love for Others, is just a ratification of habits and features.

It is at this point that you begin to be evil, when you, without knowing, use that energy according to your character, while such a powerful and terrible device should be stored unless really necessary. That is also the reasons why fighting pits exist in the spiritual world: some spirits are built like that and need to take it out.

We need Gaia because She is the one who can teach us the real Balance between destruction and sparing. We have no rights to mess with the life of something who deserves to live. But we also have the right to understand this energy, so to store it without censoring until useful, maybe three lives from now, when a war will break out between humans and aliens, who knows!

@spywareonya, I understand that EGO is all about self. SUPER EGO pretty much - in psychological terms - is the professional word for conscience, basically a set of internalised rules that we live our lives by and think of as morality. But this too is about self. If we break these internalised rules we feel guilt or shame and that does not feel good. If we act positively on them we feel happy and self-satisfied and worthy, and this does feel good. So at heart even our morality is often about what feels good to oneself and is about self.

But not entirely necessarily I feel. Where do these unwritten rules of conscience come from? Some of it is instilled into us by parents or others during childhood. Some of it might be learned due to us internalising any harm we have done others by using empathy to put ourselves in their positions in our imaginations. And this can make us feel bad so we learn that hurting others is wrong. We feel bad when we do.

But some aspects of our morality can in fact be deeper than that - especially for advanced souls - I feel. Some of what we think and feel in terms of right and wrong, is I suspect far deeper than mere EGO, mere self, but is an enlightened thing from the depths of our soul. 

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On ‎6‎/‎27‎/‎2018 at 12:57 PM, spywareonya said:



Oh, ehm, wait, I was saying something different

Dreams obviously are a great way to make the unconscious surfacing and sometimes (yet not often like many love to belive) they can also be a device through which the Gods contact us


What I meant indeed was a different thing this time: I meant that the effects of the practices you perform on yourself, shows up with time, obviously when you overcome a problem you feel like after exiting your analist's office after a hard but useful therapy, and you consciously notice the effects on your life!


the most powerful changes are the ones who occurs in the background of the unconscious, so, after three to four of these therapy-like changes, you discover yourself to be very different, like a secret add had been put there without you noticing

Dreams well up from the subconscious mostly, do they not?

I certainly believe that dreams are often symbolic representations of something real, either within the psyche of the dreamer or externally. Sometimes dreams can be portals into the future. I know someone who has experienced pre-cognitive dreams. Could they possibly also echo thoughts and feelings from past lives that we are consciously unaware of?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 8:46 PM, steve25805 said:

But some aspects of our morality can in fact be deeper than that - especially for advanced souls - I feel. Some of what we think and feel in terms of right and wrong, is I suspect far deeper than mere EGO, mere self, but is an enlightened thing from the depths of our soul. 

I absolutely agree

It's just to be careful about to avoid mistaking internalized super-ego with soul

Soul is deep and somehow different than super-ego because thoug being absolutely sincere and good-hearted, soul is anyway a bit more "alien" than what we feel to be our standard self


On ‎7‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 8:50 PM, steve25805 said:

Sometimes dreams can be portals into the future. I know someone who has experienced pre-cognitive dreams. Could they possibly also echo thoughts and feelings from past lives that we are consciously unaware of?

They can be both

But usually they are an artistic representation of powerful unconscious stuff emerging

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Ok this is cool

This is a very powerful representation of "Archangel Michael"

Though absolutely a reassuring and caring entity, He also is filled with vigour, so to be helpful to Others and a beacon in the dark

The Phoenix is one of His symbols, like the spear and the flames

I will soon describe Him and His sister/wife Lilith in Lessons in Magick#2, thus completing the thread about the Gods

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Amazing image of Kali in Her "Chinnamasta" form, the "Self-beheaded one"

It is an incredibly esoteric image, and represent the deep choice of the Pathwolker to remove all thoughts impairing the manifestation of the Soul and the Fate

It is not simply symbolical, it means to REALLY remove ALL blocks, erasing the human from ourself, becoming vessels of something Greater, on the hormonal, psychological, and behavioural stance

One of the holiest symbols of Kali cult

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A beautiful rendition of Lilith, though She is not linked to fire, is it however greatly ispiring and powerful as an image!!!

It could also be Her sister Ammut, but also Her has no direct link to Fire, She's just as Dangerous!!!

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The same entity as Satan, in His Aztec interpretation


A God of Darkness, storms, Death, and war

but also a god of mysteries, healing, and the ability to come up with solving problems in smart ways

Everytime a problem surpasses the gods's abilities to solve them, He pops up with a solution, usually clever but also naughty

Very similar to Viking's Odin, who indeed is the same entity

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25 minutes ago, spywareonya said:



Just about talking of how positive entities can be also scary, this is a marvellous image of Kali in Her spider form!!!

OMG, that's an awesome pic, and she does indeed look very frightening, almost the stuff of horror stories. 

I do believe we are programmed deep down to react to such imagery by interpreting it as representative of something innately bad, but it is not as simple as that.

The Gods as you describe them are often dualistic or multi-faceted, with fearsome aspects. But neither these aspects nor the gentle ones are inherently good or bad, just natural, and when and how they manifest themselves - how "fitting" they are - is what counts, right?

Is there a reason why we seem pre-programmed to react with a shudder to imagery such as this?

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I have a particular love for this

Obviously is Elsa from Disney's Frozen, but the way she is portrayed really resembles Gullveig, Lilith in Her DEEPEST aspect as the Queen of Winter

Also, the arm-ring with a eight-pointed star, it is a magickal glyph representing chaos, magick, and the chances they unleash

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24 minutes ago, spywareonya said:



While this is Her esoteric form, as Queen of the Uconscious, where all is mysterious and scary, but also holy...

One of my favourite images

There is often a lot of eroticised nudity associated with her image. 

A very eroticised goddess.

Quite the opposite of the Abrahamic religions too, which seem to view anything erotic as inherently "sinful". Which is strange when sex is such a natural and necessary thing, and erotic pleasure a natural aspect within all of us.

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Just now, steve25805 said:

OMG, that's an awesome pic, and she does indeed look very frightening, almost the stuff of horror stories. 

I do believe we are programmed deep down to react to such imagery by interpreting it as representative of something innately bad, but it is not as simple as that.

The Gods as you describe them are often dualistic or multi-faceted, with fearsome aspects. But neither these aspects nor the gentle ones are inherently good or bad, just natural, and when and how they manifest themselves - how "fitting" they are - is what counts, right?

Is there a reason why we seem pre-programmed to react with a shudder to imagery such as this?

The reason is quite simple

We learnt to immediately consider Dangerous all that shows a combatant capability

that's all

is from our evolutionary/animalistic side, and is not inherently wrong, indeed!!!

The subsequent passage, usually hidden inside the first one, is considering "bad" something that is "Dangerous-to-US"

it is instinctive, but a bit less overall-right that the first one

because indeed we should be careful when dealing with Dangerous stuff, but the subsequent passage of considering evil everything Dangerous is a bit superstitious and rushy, preventing from befriending such things

it is a primary way to stay away from Dangerous stuff to avoid getting hurt, but since a danger exists (unless it is really evil thus is to be suppressed and destroyed) is better to befriend it rather than to shun it

Men started evolving after Mastering the fire, which is the most scary thing of Nature

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1 minute ago, steve25805 said:

There is often a lot of eroticised nudity associated with her image. 

A very eroticised goddess.

Quite the opposite of the Abrahamic religions too, which seem to view anything erotic as inherently "sinful". Which is strange when sex is such a natural and necessary thing, and erotic pleasure a natural aspect within all of us.

Religion demonized sex to prevent people from Learning magick and befriend the Gods!!!

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Oh this is probably the holiest image I'll ever post


This is the Labyrinth of Thorns, where Ammut reigns

Men who enters there should not touch ANY of the Thorns or they will sleep there forever, as vines suck them dry of life

Only people with the utmost humility and eagerness to submit to Her can walk there and reach the Blue-White Rose in its core, the Graal, granting immortality

The Holiest of all places of the spiritual world, and the most dangerous


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22 minutes ago, spywareonya said:


Amazing image of Kali in Her "Chinnamasta" form, the "Self-beheaded one"

It is an incredibly esoteric image, and represent the deep choice of the Pathwolker to remove all thoughts impairing the manifestation of the Soul and the Fate

It is not simply symbolical, it means to REALLY remove ALL blocks, erasing the human from ourself, becoming vessels of something Greater, on the hormonal, psychological, and behavioural stance

One of the holiest symbols of Kali cult

I notice that as well as eroticism, another theme that crops up a lot in this gallery is death.

This image seems to combine the two.

Which leads me into troubling waters slightly.

A particular type pf paraphiliac - a necrofile - so combines eroticism with death that he or she become sexually fixated upon notions of sexual activity with the dead. This is very disturbing as a concept, and not somewhere most of us would ever go, thankfully. 

But it might be useful - lest others misinterpret such imagery - if you could explain the difference between base necrophiliac sexual fantasies - and the deeper spirituality these images are representing.

It would help in clarifying that difference for me too.


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