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Unisex toilet pissing?

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A bar near me has a unisex toilet. There's two stalls, one for men and one for women, and then there are 2 urinals without any dividers, located so that people exiting the stalls have a side-view of the guys pissing at the urinals.

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7 hours ago, Kupar said:

It occurs to me that if @Eliminature wanted to self identify as a man temporarily she would have been able to use the urinals (see them in the 'cool urinals' topic) without anyone batting an eyelid.

Men 2.JPG


I'd use the ladies' room, as instructed. 

I'm sorry, but I think you're confusing me - a biologically born female who urinates standing - with a transman. I'm not trans. Nor would I pretend to be temporarily simply to have access to a urinal. 

If the male lavatories are quiet and no one is there, then that's a different matter. But I'm still a woman who urinates standing. Not trans, that's completely different.

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8 minutes ago, Eliminature said:

If the male lavatories are quiet and no one is there, then that's a different matter. But I'm still a woman who urinates standing. Not trans, that's completely different.

And some of us are forever grateful for that!

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8 hours ago, Eliminature said:

I'd use the ladies' room, as instructed. 

I'm sorry, but I think you're confusing me - a biologically born female who urinates standing - with a transman. I'm not trans. Nor would I pretend to be temporarily simply to have access to a urinal. 

If the male lavatories are quiet and no one is there, then that's a different matter. But I'm still a woman who urinates standing. Not trans, that's completely different.

Same. I would only use the men's if the women's was otherwise out of order.

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10 hours ago, Eliminature said:

I'd use the ladies' room, as instructed. 

I'm sorry, but I think you're confusing me - a biologically born female who urinates standing - with a transman. I'm not trans. Nor would I pretend to be temporarily simply to have access to a urinal. 

If the male lavatories are quiet and no one is there, then that's a different matter. But I'm still a woman who urinates standing. Not trans, that's completely different.

Sorry @Eliminature. No confusion here, and I know you are female and always have been, but I have irritated you and I am really sorry.

I just thought that if there had been any reluctance in your part to use the 'men's' facilities then the laid back and relaxed attitude here would lessen anxiety. Sorry again. I am mortified 🙁

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1 hour ago, Ms. Tito said:

Same. I would only use the men's if the women's was otherwise out of order.

I wish I'd never posted this now 🙁 

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7 hours ago, Kupar said:

Sorry @Eliminature. No confusion here, and I know you are female and always have been, but I have irritated you and I am really sorry.

I just thought that if there had been any reluctance in your part to use the 'men's' facilities then the laid back and relaxed attitude here would lessen anxiety. Sorry again. I am mortified 🙁

It's okay. I see where you were coming from.

I guess I feel self identifying as a male to commandeer a urinal would be a similar principle to pretending to be disabled so I could use a disabled parking space. Not that I'm comparing trans with disability, but it's a protected characteristic and it wouldn't feel right, if you get me. 

I also don't think many of the trans community would like it either. I know that on this forum, some wouldn't have a problem with it. But we are, remember, looking at it through the lenses of urophilia. Not all transpersons are urophiles. Just as not all non-trans people are urophiles, either.

Incidentally, I was stopped by a barman from entering a gents' lavatory recently. The ladies' lavatory required a code to enter (the pub is subterranean and the ladies' is on the way to one of the exits so it has to be kept locked to prevent people coming in off the street and vandalising it - which has happened before) and I must have been twisting the door handle the wrong way because it wouldn't open for me. I went to the bar and explained the situation - they're used to it, having the lock on the door. I had already consumed well over a pint of beer and really needed to go. I headed instead for the gents' lavatory, but the barman said "No, no, no! I'll open it for you!" 

Honestly, did he think I was going to sexually assault any men in there (I wasn't, and would never)? 😆

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Not bad. I entered a unisex toilet and saw a urinal. I was naughty and thought why not give it a try? I was confused if I should urinate from the back or from the front (the situation). I finally decided to pee backwards, it gave me the appearance of urine in my ass. I couldn't stop peeing either I sat on the toilet. You made a lot of mess.

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