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Lessons in magick

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I have shared some of my beliefs with you privately, so yes I am interested.

What would you like to teach us?

If you elaborate a little more exactly what lessons you have in mind, more people might respond.




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37 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

This kind of stuff...

Reminds me of the Beatles on Let it Be "The Long Winding Road"  "Lead Me to Your Door".  All of us have "baggage" (in todays jargon).  We all have such twisted mysterious, paths to past pleasure/pain and our conscious or subconscious reactions to it that it's a miracle to me that the human animal can get anything at all accomplished.  Yet, we do and most of us accomplish a fair modicum of happiness and satisfaction from life before death finally overtakes us.  So, sure darlin' I'd like to hear about any tips and guidance to get down this path.

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1 hour ago, ndr1968pz said:

 We all have such twisted mysterious, paths to past pleasure/pain and our conscious or subconscious reactions to it that it's a miracle to me that the human animal can get anything at all accomplished.  Yet, we do and most of us accomplish a fair modicum of happiness and satisfaction from life before death finally overtakes us.  So, sure darlin' I'd like to hear about any tips and guidance to get down this path.

Ok, I want this to be clear to the Whole world


Unless I cannot initiate somebody who cannot have daily contact with me in real life, nonetheless the spirit you engraved in this post of yours is the


mindset that should lead a spiritual pratictioner


I liked your post with a heart which is to me the highest ranking of all likes but believe me there is not a like that could express my admiration for your words

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Ok, I have touched upon this a little bit privately.

But I wanted to discuss the nature of shame with you here.

When I was young there was no internet. I became aware that my interest in pee was something most people around me regarded as funny, twisted, perverted, sick, or disgusting, and that anyone into it was a freak fit only to be laughed at. I knew no like-minded people and had no way of reaching out to any.

I thus developed powerful feelings of shame, guilt, and fear of discovery.

I have since consciously overcome that but believe my shame still exists buried in my subconscious, and it consciously manifests itself sometimes as a fear of being laughed at or gossiped about.

How do you overcome this?

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It makes sense.How many of us on here have told anyone about their interest in pee?With me,its more about the watching,i feel i can admit this here.Some of us like the thought of peeing on carpets,or other bizarre ways,rightly so,im more simple,its about the act of urination to me.But i could never admit to anyone"hey,i love to watch girls take a piss!".I would be ostracized,but why should this be?

Edited by fannywatcher
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3 minutes ago, spywareonya said:

ok, this is the first true lesson


First of all you have to discover the origin of shame and later, only later, you can overcome it

Shame is a damage-risk-notification

he who break the rules is exiled from the tribe and left to hunt alone, and arguably got killed soon by predators


those who got this message well in their minds survived and procreated, rebels died without lefting any genetical children

we are programmed by evolution to be submitted by what society thinks of us


Now, to really get past all the problems of our lives, we must make an act of faith, and realize one powerful truth: Scientifical and Spiritual Truths are Greater than the laws of the tribe. We all know that, BUT our hormons and deep unconscious programming says elsewhere: if the chief exiles you, you'll get little use of Cosmical Truths


Spiritually speaking this is blasphemy but we are talking now about crude materialism, isn't it? So ok, let's go with crude materialism: if you got the testosterone/adrenaline necessary to realize your chief isn't god, you can survive in the wasteland, or even challenge him to ritualized combat and take over the tribe

The point is not violence, is how much DENSE is your convinction. Exiled and humiliated to the point that arrogance and pride could offer little shelter, would you still believe you were right, like of the fact that 2+2 adds to 4 and you got kidnapped by fools who cannot accept such a simple truth? would you possess that post-human eye that looks at your enemy so conscious of your own superiority that you even pity him for his unability to recognize that you are right?

it is not arrogance, nothing of the like, is PURE POWER, shapeshifting your character and pushing you to be both bold and terrible to behold

can you get my point?

First step to demolish shame is to get in touch with the truth that we are genetically build to obey, yet genetic can change through evolution and as the Serpent leaves behind the skin that was once so useful, now we can go Beyond such prehistoric programming.

But the fact that we should doesn't mean that our programming won't fight back.

We need ALLIES

First reflect upon this, when you will feel you absorbed this scenario I'll continue

Thank you.

Am tired today because of an emotional trauma with a friend which I told you about privately, but which led to me being awake until way beyond 3am.

So I will take a couple of days to reflect upon this before responding.


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3 minutes ago, steve25805 said:

Thank you.

Am tired today because of an emotional trauma with a friend which I told you about privately, but which led to me being awake until way beyond 3am.

So I will take a couple of days to reflect upon this before responding.


Anything you need, my friend;*

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Just one thought has occurred to me unbidden on the nature of shame. So I am immediately going against my intention of saying nothing immediately. Apologies. But this thought seems significant enough to want to share it whilst I still have it

Shame is a biologically driven emotion that we have evolved as cooperative tribal beings. In close knit hunter gatherer societies mutual inter-cooperation was utterly essential for survival. Shame evolved to reinforce this, encouraging us not to stray too far from societal norms by making us feel bad if we do.  With ostracism from the tribe reinforcing this. This was once necessary for tribal survival.

But when it involves much of modern day life, human sexuality and morality, and politics, social hierarchies, and relationship statuses and so much else, it is no longer really useful or productive. Societal norms are themselves in any case artificial constructs and not in any way cosmically ordained. And they change over time. For example, it was once taken for granted that women were secondary to men, that slavery was a valid and acceptable economic system, and that torture was a natural part of the judicial process. We no longer regard these as societal norms anymore, thankfully.

So understanding that societal norms are an artificial human construct, at base little more than someone else's opinion of what should be considered acceptable - and in no way cosmically ordained or in any way "natural" - we might begin to understand that the cause of shame is itself only an artificial construct. A first step?

Certainly, there is a right and a wrong but I have divorced that from personal preference and elevated non-judgementalism to a core principle of my inner morality. Just because I don't like it doesn't make it wrong. Therefore, just because somebody else doesn't like something doesn't make it wrong either. It is only wrong if it brings harm. 

Understanding this has gone a long way towards reducing the intensity of my shame to be fair, but it has not overcome it. Instead it has driven it underground into my subconscious. I still feel intense discomfort at the thought of being laughed at unless I know what the joke is. I still harbour an excessive fear of being maliciously gossiped about. Because the driving force has become subconscious it is not wholly susceptible to rational reasoning. No matter how much I logically rationalise that the shame makes no sense, it does not seem to entirely disappear. It simply has retreated into my subconscious where it is more difficult to rationalise away.

I will still do a lot more reflecting though, so no need to respond just yet unless you feel something useful needs to be added at this point.

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1 hour ago, steve25805 said:

Just one thought has occurred to me unbidden on the nature of shame. So I am immediately going against my intention of saying nothing immediately. Apologies. But this thought seems significant enough to want to share it whilst I still have it

Shame is a biologically driven emotion that we have evolved as cooperative tribal beings. In close knit hunter gatherer societies mutual inter-cooperation was utterly essential for survival. Shame evolved to reinforce this, encouraging us not to stray too far from societal norms by making us feel bad if we do.  With ostracism from the tribe reinforcing this. This was once necessary for tribal survival.

But when it involves much of modern day life, human sexuality and morality, and politics, social hierarchies, and relationship statuses and so much else, it is no longer really useful or productive. Societal norms are themselves in any case artificial constructs and not in any way cosmically ordained. And they change over time. For example, it was once taken for granted that women were secondary to men, that slavery was a valid and acceptable economic system, and that torture was a natural part of the judicial process. We no longer regard these as societal norms anymore, thankfully.

So understanding that societal norms are an artificial human construct, at base little more than someone else's opinion of what should be considered acceptable - and in no way cosmically ordained or in any way "natural" - we might begin to understand that the cause of shame is itself only an artificial construct. A first step?

Certainly, there is a right and a wrong but I have divorced that from personal preference and elevated non-judgementalism to a core principle of my inner morality. Just because I don't like it doesn't make it wrong. Therefore, just because somebody else doesn't like something doesn't make it wrong either. It is only wrong if it brings harm. 

Understanding this has gone a long way towards reducing the intensity of my shame to be fair, but it has not overcome it. Instead it has driven it underground into my subconscious. I still feel intense discomfort at the thought of being laughed at unless I know what the joke is. I still harbour an excessive fear of being maliciously gossiped about. Because the driving force has become subconscious it is not wholly susceptible to rational reasoning. No matter how much I logically rationalise that the shame makes no sense, it does not seem to entirely disappear. It simply has retreated into my subconscious where it is more difficult to rationalise away.

I will still do a lot more reflecting though, so no need to respond just yet unless you feel something useful needs to be added at this point.

Very difficult and serious thing. I know how to get over it because I did it myself but I'm not gonna have the time to answer it properly too soon. I'll be back really as soon as possible with infos. Love!

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Ok @steve25805 here I am

Steve, in order to conquer something, realizing its nature of un-absoluteness is good but can backfire, because there are TWO kind of evil in the world

#1 absolutization of un-absolute things (like society's rules)

#2 wrong utilization by men (and so by society) of actually absolute things


Unluckily, shames come from #2

There are some morals which even the Gods follows, and the fact that Nature seems not to follow them is only because we are not trained enough to see them

so, exceeding in our effort to drag power from a so-called "discovery of un-absoluteness" about these matters can in the end results in failure, because we are trying to de-absolutize something which indeed is in itself actuall absolute, only misused

The point Steve is not to fight back shame, is to go Beyond its structure. Morals exist also in Nature and in mind of the Gods, because Right and Wrong actually exists, they're only almost reversed to what common people believe, but are real and fiercely avenged by spirits.

It is normal to feel shame if we made a mistake, the point is not to demolish shame but to conquer it, going Beyond our first line of analysis to peer at the Truth:



we feel ashamed when we cannot trust the purity of our intentions



now, you perfectly know that there is nothing wrong in your sexual exploration, but in your deep unconscious something strange happens: an alert rings, telling you that something unidentified had been put in your subconscious and therefore, since nobody knows where did it end, no psychological process can be fully trust because maybe, MAAAAAAYBE, he and HE alone is THE VERY motherfucker which penetrated 'till your subconscious. Can you understand? If you hate your cousin, your unconscious tell you that maybe you also hate flowers because there Always were many in your cousin's house. Maybe you hate flowers because your former one-true-love rejected a peace-offering rose from you when you were 15 and choosed insted to break up definitively with you, and your cousin's house didn't penetrated your unconscious enough to become relevant, but since you cannot be really sure, the alert rings nonetheless and advices you of some potential connection (in our imaginary scenario there aren't any, but the alert isn't sure so he rings anyway) between your hatred for flowers and their massive presence in the house of the cousin you hate


part 2 coming

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So, what I am saying, is that if you are not utterly friend to yourself in EVERY spot of your unconscious, people's contempt will 

#1 stir up your programming about the fear of being ostracized

#2 actually make you fear to develop actual enemies!

#3 make you fear there is something inside your desires that actually transgress Laws of Nature

a Vicious example of #3? Unreal  (luckily!)  but Vicious?

"Pee is a waste product. How can it be holy, if the healthy  body needs to get rid of it?"

Well, that is a good answer, because he who doesn't develop such a doubt, is careless toward the need to make every act of his life to be spiritually healthy

the point is that existence is not that linear

I'll make you a counter-example that is amusing 

just wait a little

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Imagine you are God, and every action of your should be perfect

Now, living being eat other living being, their soul is immortal but their body needs food so unconsciously but powerfully grasping that their core-part is immortal they rush against each other and kill each other to feed, as Existence Always worked since You (who are god) created it

You feel confused about your last night: you were drunk and created hyenas

They feed on carrions and you do not think it is nice to them having created them to live that life

they seem happy with it but you want to ake them live a more "normal" life, eating normal killed-on-the-spot food

Now, after various animals hunting, some of the carrions are left, they are both a waste, and can fester and become poisonous

You need something to remove them, maybe eating them so they would not go wasted

You consider upon giving order to some animal (or one of your angels in your service) to go and eat the carrions

But nobody looks happy with it

You want to be perfect so you don't want to discontent anybody

but who will eat the carrions then?

What do you do?

and then pop!

hyenas pop up! and they say that they are indeed happy to eat carrions!

Why "protecting" them from a strange life when they like it and you need somebody to do exactly that?

At which point you realize that creating hyenas was a Genius pitch and not an act of drunkness

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Pee is the water that liver and kidneys drain from limphatic system, which in turn is part of the circulatory system

pee CONTAINS waste product but is NOT IN ITSELF a waste product

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If your body is healthy, your pee will also be, to the point it can be drank actually. Her relationship with unpurity is exactly the same a vampire could encounter drinking an obese man's blood. Nature created pee to be first of all the bringer of our chemical/hormonal signature: the fact that it bring away also waste product is secundary and very useful, but doesn't mean in any way that this truth backfire against the archetypical purity of pee

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The problem then is not to find a way not to stir people contempt: I avoid telling people I'm a Witch or a piss-lover myself, it is simply strategy, I'm not saying you shouldn't keep this as a secret...

...but it shouldn't make you suffer!

I do NOT suffer about the fact that people could misjudge me, and why? Because I am so severe toward myself and so knowing about Laws of Nature&Gods, that I am ABSOLUTELY SURE  that I am fucking right


THESE are the allies I was talking about: certainties that will help you be more sure of yourself

and this thread had been built in order to give them to you all


but they don't eliminate your inner doubtfulness, they only help. To erase doubtfulness, you must


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...and in order to do this, you must purify your unconscious

but how? It is so deep! and vast!

Well, there's a powerful trick, but is a bit violent, only people which are both hard and flexible, both brave and humile, can use it avoiding backfiring


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Raising the bar of the overall level of your unconscious, by starting to de-censor ALL of your hidden desires, being careful, meanwhile, to avoid unleashing them without proper reflections


this will bring to the light ALL processes which are going on in your unconscious and it will make easier to perceive which are natural and which are stained by envy, hatred, and fear

which stem out from desire to be happy, and which come from the need of censor something which you fear you will not be able to face

making long things short, some of your attitude comes from a safe perceptions of your strenght compared to the outside world, while other are more nervous, coming from fear or, on the opposite, arrogance

eliminating these processes will purify your unconscious, making you feel less under attack

ashamed people feel so much under attack because they project on other their perception of being under attack by their own hidden demons

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