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Peeing at home living with parents

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On 1/7/2020 at 10:14 AM, Justanormalguy said:

That’s so amazing that you allow them to do that and they’ve stayed with it for so long! I’m hoping my parents become as accepting as you but at least they find it okay that I pee outside on the stairs and drain for now 🙂 I’m curious of how accepted it is at your home, as it seems to be complete freedom. Did your boys just pee anyplace in front of you? Like would there be instances where you were sitting there and one of them would come in, open a door, and pee off the deck then come inside like nothing happened? Also did they just use the drains or basement in front of you as well? I really want to be able to have complete freedom like that but I’m not sure how I could get my parents (mostly mom) to accept it, any tips?

Ladies tend to be a bit uncomfortable acknowledging, much less condoning or advising their sons that they could or even should pee in other places. Yet I think you would be very surprised to know what we're actually thinking. Moms tend to assume that boys will pick up these "bad" habits from their fathers, brothers and friends. Many mom's aren't comfortable with being the ones to encourage bad behavior, but rather the one's whom limit their bad behavior. A mom might be thinking, "why do we have to look for a restroom for a boy," or "why does he need to track into the house." but she's not likely to say it to him. When the boys take it upon themselves to do so we think to ourselves, "finally, it won't be an issue now." As long as mom's not chewing you out for doing so, mom's actually happy you took care of it. At some point as the boys become too liberal in their choice, you can expect moms to "play the mom" and shame you a bit, or even chew you out for where you did it. This is especially true if someone, a friend, neighbor or family member is observing. What went without comment yesterday, is suddenly an issue today because her friend saw you do so. Don't take her criticism today as total prohibition, but rather you went a bit too far or someone was noticing. Running boys to restrooms and having them track into the house to make a mess is something most moms are happy to avoid. Most of us quietly hope our boys will just pee out back or step out of site and take care of it themselves. If your mom hasn't commented on you peeing outside or in drains, she's likely relieved that you've taken the initiative to do so, without her having to suggest it to you. That being the case, I doubt your mom will ever question your peeing in any similar place unless,   a) you're making a mess for her around the house or   b) someone she knows realizes you're doing so and she might look bad for allowing it. I don't think you need to do anything to get your mom to accept it, she's already accepting it and possibly even relieved you're doing so. My advise would be to just keep taking it a step further, when you cross moms comfort level she'll let you know. If she stops you, question why, what made this place worse than the others and negotiate with her; what if I stepped out of view or sprayed into the grass rather than on the walk. As for us, I grew up in rural Romania where it was common for men to pee outdoors both at home and in public. While my boys grew up in America, we would visit yearly for the summers, where our boys became comfortable with just peeing outdoors. Our boys have never had any hesitance to relieve themselves around me and I doubt they'd ever be embarrassed to pee somewhere, just because I was there. Although I don't go into the locker rooms with them, I'm still we aware of the fact they pee onto the floors there, it's not like they try to hide it from me. Moms aren't as naive as you might think, boys don't physically need to use a toilet and many times we'd rather you didn't, we just don't always want to be the ones to suggest it. 

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I've moved and reduced my number of roommates which has given me a bit more freedom. Out of convenience I've bought a pack of diapers to make clean up easier since I don't have in apartment laundry. I also bought a pack of pet pass after finding the diapers don't hold as much as my bladder does. I don't have a diaper fetish but this also me to wet with very minimal clean up. I'm not too thrilled about the waste generated but this allows me to indulge every now and then when I have extended time alone in the apartment and saves me the embarrassment of going to the laundromat with smell wet towels, as well as potential discovery by my roommate. This is something I don't think I'd ever share except for with an open minded sexual partner.

Additionally I have a few "toys," like a chamberpot and a training urinal that has a hook and suction cup. It's been fun to install a urinal in unconventional places. I've also spread out the pet pads on the floor to simulate peeing on the floor/"carpet" without wasting a million paper towels. Since my roommate is exceptionally dense I've thought about going to a thrift store and purchasing some uniquely shaped glass vases (if they have them) to put up as decorations and secret toilets. 

Oh how I dream of owning my own place with a private yard, but that's a long way off given the economy and my student debt.

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On 1/15/2020 at 9:02 PM, Justanormalguy said:

Honestly I think you’re 100% correct. One less thing for moms to worry about is always a good thing and they probably do have thoughts like that often. You’re also correct in the fact that I need to see what the limits are! First chance I get of being caught short around my mom I’m going to try to pee somewhere besides the toilet and see what she says but it’s gonna be difficult to be in a situation like that because it just doesn’t happen much. I am outside a lot with her during the summer because we have a pool but that’s still a long ways away. I’ve still been going in front of my brother and him going in front of me too and he recently told me that our dad actually caught him peeing on our drain and asked what he was doing, my brother still peeing says “I’m peeing” and then he told him how I’ve been peeing there for years and he just said alright and walked away. I really think they’re accepting now but I need to push the limits to really verify.

Over the years my sons have had many friends over to our homes and many of them were quite surprised by how bold my boys were around me. Many thought their moms would never allow them to do the same at home, however when the same moms observed my boys doing so, more often than not they'd ask how I was able to get my boys to just pee outside. It might be hard for little boys to be bold enough to test moms tolerance, but at twenty years old you certainly don't need moms approval. I would still say, "just don't embarrass your mom or yourself," or you're destine for criticism. By that I mean, many moms would be embarrassed to "walk in" on their teenage or adult son peeing in even a toilet. She might turn red and say, "oh, I'm so sorry" and then later to her criticizing you for not closing the door. With that said, if a mom noticed a random puddle somewhere she might be immediately upset and start making accusations that you'll be tempted to deny. If she walks in on you peeing in a questionable place she's likely to be upset just out of surprise or embarrassment and then move on to why are you doing that here. As a young adult, my advice would be not to "try to get away with something," but rather to just start doing so. In other words, when your mom is downstairs doing something, say laundry and asks you to help her with something, say take out the garbage, tell her okay, just give me a moment. Walk over to your drain, sink or wherever and casually relieve yourself as if it was the most normal thing to do. This way you're not being caught doing something inappropriate, but rather just relieving yourself as any guy would. You can defend your actions, saying every guy does it or it's a drain, you've always been fine with us using drains outside. The point is, don't try to hide it or apologize for doing so, act confused if mom complains, "what's the problem." My boys have never been shy or apologetic around me and as I've witnessed, many of their friends moms have been quite impressed by how bold and confident my boys are. Anyway, good luck to you, Tammy

Edited by beachmom
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I looked over some old polls and forums I either found or created over10 years ago. At the time I was becoming a bit concerned that the mothers of my sons friends might be critical of me because my boys were quite liberal in where they'd relieve themselves. I thought that some of the young men might be surprised by some of the results. I compiled and averaged more than a dozen polls on mainstream parenting sites such as, Cafemom, Mothering, Parenting, Babycenter, ect. and some guys views from, Misterpoll, Girls ask Guys and more. Interestingly, 80% of mothers say they wouldn't object to their boys peeing in their backyard and while 88% of guys admit they've done so, fewer than half believe their mothers know they do. When they're out, 58% of moms said there are times when boys could just pee between cars or along the roadside, although only 32% say their sons have done so. In locker rooms, two-thirds of moms assume their sons would just pee in the showers or floor drains rather than walk to a urinal, yet only 45% of boys said they do. While 31% of boys admit they pee in basement or garage drains at home, surprisingly 49% of moms feel that's fine. There's certainly a disconnect between what moms say is fine and what boys believe their mothers might think. Just thought you boys might find this interesting.

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On 1/19/2020 at 9:42 AM, Buck Lageweg said:


I wouldnt mind even hearing of some parents that do this and keep it hidden from the kids 


I'm a parent who keeps it hidden from my kids.  I can do whatever I want when they're out (they're both teenagers, so I do get alone time once and awhile).  But it's more difficult when they are home with me.  I keep a container hidden under my bed and sometimes use it at night.  Often I'll use it for my morning pee, then quietly go to the bathroom to empty it and hide it again before I wake them for school.  Other than that, I'll pee outside in the yard after dark.

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9 hours ago, Lilipee said:

I'm a parent who keeps it hidden from my kids.  I can do whatever I want when they're out (they're both teenagers, so I do get alone time once and awhile).  But it's more difficult when they are home with me.  I keep a container hidden under my bed and sometimes use it at night.  Often I'll use it for my morning pee, then quietly go to the bathroom to empty it and hide it again before I wake them for school.  Other than that, I'll pee outside in the yard after dark.

As a mom of three boys I've left them free to pee where they want and occasionally I've persuaded them to pee somewhere they weren't completely comfortable with, by saying, "guys can go anywhere." Little do they know, but I'm nearly as open minded as my boys, II just don't share most of that with them.

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On 1/18/2020 at 11:50 PM, Girllikespee said:

I started out peeing in the shower and sink, which then became peeing into a cup or bottle (I had an old Nalgene water bottle I used exclusively for pee for a couple years). 

I still have a Nalgene water bottle, which comes in very handy on long drives. I keep it under the seat and often use it when I can't find a place to stop and get out. At least twice I've used it while driving, good thing I learned to steer with my knees.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/18/2020 at 8:29 PM, beachmom said:

I looked over some old polls and forums I either found or created over10 years ago. At the time I was becoming a bit concerned that the mothers of my sons friends might be critical of me because my boys were quite liberal in where they'd relieve themselves. I thought that some of the young men might be surprised by some of the results. I compiled and averaged more than a dozen polls on mainstream parenting sites such as, Cafemom, Mothering, Parenting, Babycenter, ect. and some guys views from, Misterpoll, Girls ask Guys and more. Interestingly, 80% of mothers say they wouldn't object to their boys peeing in their backyard and while 88% of guys admit they've done so, fewer than half believe their mothers know they do. When they're out, 58% of moms said there are times when boys could just pee between cars or along the roadside, although only 32% say their sons have done so. In locker rooms, two-thirds of moms assume their sons would just pee in the showers or floor drains rather than walk to a urinal, yet only 45% of boys said they do. While 31% of boys admit they pee in basement or garage drains at home, surprisingly 49% of moms feel that's fine. There's certainly a disconnect between what moms say is fine and what boys believe their mothers might think. Just thought you boys might find this interesting.

I wish it was the same for girls, unfortunately society says that girls peeing in unorthodox places is a no-no.

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On 2/18/2020 at 1:27 PM, Ms. Tito said:

I wish it was the same for girls, unfortunately society says that girls peeing in unorthodox places is a no-no.

Yes, I agree completely, it's odd that the caption for a guy peeing in public is something like, "studs pissing in public" whereas for women it's "nasty slut." What's slutty about women peeing in the same place men do?

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1 hour ago, beachmom said:

Yes, I agree completely, it's odd that the caption for a guy peeing in public is something like, "studs pissing in public" whereas for women it's "nasty slut." What's slutty about women peeing in the same place men do?

Hot take: It's just as slutty when men do it. Everyone is a slut. I have decreed it so. 

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On 2/18/2020 at 1:27 PM, Ms. Tito said:

I wish it was the same for girls, unfortunately society says that girls peeing in unorthodox places is a no-no.

Its unfortunate that this double standard exists. Someday we will tear down this social barrier 

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On 2/19/2020 at 10:27 PM, Ms. Tito said:

Hot take: It's just as slutty when men do it. Everyone is a slut. I have decreed it so. 

I totally agree with you. If a guy sleeps around and beds many women he is a stud, a women does the same as she is labeled a whore. Well I call them human beings, no difference in my books

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