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For those in the uk . . . . . Richard Gage (Founder & CEO AE911truth) and Dr Niels Harrit (Eminent Researcher) will be making presentations to Fire Engineers (03May) & Fire Prevention Officers (04 May) . . . . there is also a public presentation at the Bloomsbury Conference in London, Saturday 07 May

In the US they will be presenting Resolution 16-3 to the AIA National Conference . . . . .

. . . . . the Truth is out there . . . . . and too big to hide any longer

ae911truth will shortly pass 3000 members

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  • 2 years later...

But IF 9/11 was a Govt conspiracy,what was the aim?Why would the US Govt kill thousands of its own citizens?I have absolutely no problem in believing that it was indeed arab terrorists.

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5 hours ago, F.W said:

But IF 9/11 was a Govt conspiracy,what was the aim?Why would the US Govt kill thousands of its own citizens?I have absolutely no problem in believing that it was indeed arab terrorists.

The aim? Look what has happened since 2001 in the US - what had become of a once free nation. And what the USA had done after 9/11 to several countries in the world. And what did NOT happen to countries that were clearly involved, like Saudi Arabia (from where most of the terrorist came from).

That what happened since 9/11 was what they were aiming for.


Insidejob or not - they at least knew what was going to happen and did nothing about it - just like with Pearl Harbour. In both cases they  N E E D E D  this kind of attack.

And don't tell me that you can't kill thousands of your own citizens. Those people in charge do not consider citizens to be people. The people in charge do not have empathy in any way, shape or form. They are good at emulating empathy though, to conceal their true nature. Otherwise they would not be in charge - they would not have been able to rise to the top, because that needs intelligence as well as ruthlessness.


And by the way: the US govt kills thousands of their own citizens anyway - just by sending them into foreign countries as soldiers.

How many died in Afganistan without achieving anything of their original goals? Same in Iraq. Both countries are far less peaceful then before the US and the coalition of the willing invad...I mean, freed them. Neither of those countries were responsible for the attacks. Even IF the terrorists would have come from those countries. And Bin Laden was not the leader of either of those countries, so the reason to attack those countries to get their leader doesn't count, as he wasn't.

I remember reading at some point that the people in Iraq wanted Saddam Hussein back - for the simple reason that before the Inva.... Liberation you could go to the market with literally no risk of getting bombed to death by some freedom fighters - which were not there before the Inv...Liberation. I wonder if they would be there if the Inv...Liberation did not have happened. I really do.


The end does not justify the means. The means reveal the end.

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I hate conspiracy theories!  None of them contain any solid proof, ever.  I'll briefly address the 9/11 fairy tale.

Did the USA need to murder 3,000 of its own people to get involved in the Korean War or Vietnam War?  No.  In fact, the USA has  always done whatever it wants to do.  I'm not condoning this, of course, but they don't need to create a horrible tragedy to justify going to war.  The USA went into Pakistan for Bin Laden and DIDN'T EVEN TELL THE PAKISTANI GOVERNMENT ABOUT THE MISSION!  Oh, wait a minute, I forgot...there's another conspiracy theory that says Bin Laden is still alive!  LMAO! 🤣

I hope you see my point.  It's not necessary for the USA to do such a thing, therefore, no motive.  Combine that with the total lack of real evidence and you have a myth.

Finally, let me say two things.  The construction engineer who oversaw the building of the towers said he was watching it unfold live on TV.  He said to his wife, "They're going to collapse!"  And, sadly, they did.  Also, read the Popular Mechanics report on 9/11.  Many expert civil engineers worked on that project.  They concluded that the towers fell as the official story states.  Enough said.

All conspiracy theories are bunk!  (Don't get me started on the JFK fantasy.)  None of 'em have an ounce of valid evidence.

I'll tell you what happened.  The airlines were responsible.  From 1965-2000, there were over 600 hijackings worldwide.  It took a tragedy like 9/11 before they finally said, "Hey, maybe we should secure the cockpits."  Hmm...ya think?  They're the ones who I blame most, even more than the terrorists.  They were too cheap to make their planes safe.  A classic example of corporate greed putting money over safety.  End of story.


Edited by 2prnot2p
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On 1/19/2019 at 1:35 AM, F.W said:

But IF 9/11 was a Govt conspiracy,what was the aim?Why would the US Govt kill thousands of its own citizens?I have absolutely no problem in believing that it was indeed arab terrorists.


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On 5/26/2016 at 11:38 AM, Kevin said:

I really don't follow nor really like conspiracy theroies . As they are most often proven false / incorrect .

So I chose not to read / believe in them either.

Kevin, you are a wise man!

P.S. I just learned that Kevin passed away.  I'm so sorry.  I didn't realize it when I posted.  But, I'll leave my comment as is.  I assume, from what I've read about him, that Pee Fans would want that.  Once again, so sorry.

Edited by 2prnot2p
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  • 2 weeks later...

Maigh and I have been fighting with some flat earth fool, according to his doctrine, Australia doesn't exist, and everyone who says they live there is under the employ of NASA. (I, for one, is waiting on 52 years of back pay, lol)

I mean in this day and age, can you believe people still think the earth is flat?

At 40,000ft in an airliner, you can see the earth has a nice curve to it: no, gravity apparently bends the light waves, it just looks that way.

I've been to Antartica, on a cruise ship that anyone can buy a ticket for, only to be told that I couldn't have, it's a secret militarized NASA base that is closed to everyone. Oh, and the 6 or 7 bases that were run by Japanese, Russian and Chilean (who are stoked to see a cruise ship) are just elaborate plots to protect 'the edge of the earth'

We love feeding these bottom dwelling trolls, their stupidity levels are a wondrous thing.

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@Scot_Lover I feel for you.  I'm at the point now where I won't even try to argue with these kooks.  It's an exercise in futility.  I could go on and on about many conspiracy theories and my points against them, but I won't bother here.  It's much too tedious.  Let's say that I, like you, have met many of those people. 

I truly believe that these people easily believe in this crap because they have not evolved like the majority of humans.  I'm being totally serious.  I studied Evolution and Behavior in college and the course dealt with human behavior a lot.  There's a part of the brain for superstition, according to some behavioral genetics scientists who study this sort of thing.  One book is called, "The God Part of the Brain."  Check it out.  I forget the author's name at the moment.  This theory states that some folks are hard-wired to believe in god, while others, like myself, never do.  It's a hobby of mine to read about these parts of science.

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Got it, Matthew Alper: there is a pdf online.

 The God Part of the Brain

Maigh and I were talking about alien civilizations, and the possibility of someone visiting our backward planet. How would the church (all of them) react to an alien saying "What is this God thing? There is no God, just an endless universe" and so forth.

Would this unfortunate alien be murdered where he stood? Would the clergy demand to be taken with the alien, to spread the word of god to the universe? How would the universe react to the teachings of god?

We didn't think it would go down well ....... lol. 

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On ‎2‎/‎5‎/‎2019 at 2:04 AM, Scot_Lover said:

Got it, Matthew Alper: there is a pdf online.

 The God Part of the Brain

Maigh and I were talking about alien civilizations, and the possibility of someone visiting our backward planet. How would the church (all of them) react to an alien saying "What is this God thing? There is no God, just an endless universe" and so forth.

Would this unfortunate alien be murdered where he stood? Would the clergy demand to be taken with the alien, to spread the word of god to the universe? How would the universe react to the teachings of god?

We didn't think it would go down well ....... lol. 

They'd probably assume the alien was actually a demon sent by Satan to trick us. 

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MAYBE you can analyse the Pearl Harbour attack,and intimate from it that the way the Pacific fleet was deployed,that,yes,it WAS a kind of trap that the Japanese HAD to take.A chance to knock out the Pacific fleet.It was a strange coincidence that the carriers were at sea i suppose,yet all the old battlewagons were conveniently at anchor.A way that Roosevelt could draw the USA into the war,a war he knew in Europe would eventually draw it in like it or not.Within 6 months after MIdway,4 of the 6 carriers(Kaga,Akagi,Hiryu,Soryu),that attacked Pearl were sunk,and from that moment on,the Japs were defeated....it just took 3 more years because of the size of the campaign,and that 60% of the war effort was sent to the European theatre.

But i still dont believe the US Govt would kill over 3000 of its own citizens.There would be just too many people to have to keep quiet about it,the conspiracy would be far too many to keep quiet.

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On 1/19/2019 at 1:03 PM, WantonLee said:

The aim? Look what has happened since 2001 in the US - what had become of a once free nation. And what the USA had done after 9/11 to several countries in the world. And what did NOT happen to countries that were clearly involved, like Saudi Arabia (from where most of the terrorist came from).

That what happened since 9/11 was what they were aiming for.


Insidejob or not - they at least knew what was going to happen and did nothing about it - just like with Pearl Harbour. In both cases they  N E E D E D  this kind of attack.

And don't tell me that you can't kill thousands of your own citizens. Those people in charge do not consider citizens to be people. The people in charge do not have empathy in any way, shape or form. They are good at emulating empathy though, to conceal their true nature. Otherwise they would not be in charge - they would not have been able to rise to the top, because that needs intelligence as well as ruthlessness.


And by the way: the US govt kills thousands of their own citizens anyway - just by sending them into foreign countries as soldiers.

How many died in Afganistan without achieving anything of their original goals? Same in Iraq. Both countries are far less peaceful then before the US and the coalition of the willing invad...I mean, freed them. Neither of those countries were responsible for the attacks. Even IF the terrorists would have come from those countries. And Bin Laden was not the leader of either of those countries, so the reason to attack those countries to get their leader doesn't count, as he wasn't.

I remember reading at some point that the people in Iraq wanted Saddam Hussein back - for the simple reason that before the Inva.... Liberation you could go to the market with literally no risk of getting bombed to death by some freedom fighters - which were not there before the Inv...Liberation. I wonder if they would be there if the Inv...Liberation did not have happened. I really do.


The end does not justify the means. The means reveal the end.

Well,as to Afghanistan,this unfortunately is the modern thing of the endless war.Where only minimum amounts of troops and equipment are sent to a theatre usually to assuage local prejudices.The attitude is "we have to occupy your country to fight some people but dont worry we are very nice".Then,like Vietnam,the strategy is to just hold what you have rather than invade an area and destroy your enemies with overwhelming force.The mistake of Vietnam was to not invade N.Vietnam,and destroy the NVA and VC on ITS OWN GROUND,but to wait for them to attack you at their convenience..This is why Afghanistan was a disaster.

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On 1/19/2019 at 8:03 AM, WantonLee said:

I remember reading at some point that the people in Iraq wanted Saddam Hussein back - for the simple reason that before the Inva.... Liberation you could go to the market with literally no risk of getting bombed to death by some freedom fighters - which were not there before the Inv...Liberation. I wonder if they would be there if the Inv...Liberation did not have happened. I really do.

The people of Iraq absolutely wish Saddam Hussein was still in power.  Of course!  They had free college, free heath care, and he kept the peace among the many factions there.  I am friends with many people from Iraq.  I speak to them daily and have for years.  Hussein was a necessary evil.  In that nation, you have muslims (both sunni and shiite), christians, kurds, and other groups.  Hussein would not tolerate violence or terrorism.

Also, it's important to state that Hussein hated Bin Laden and said that he would kill Bin Laden if he ever stepped foot in Iraq.  Plus, the CIA told the Bush administration that there were no WMD's in Iraq.  So, once again, the U.S. government lied to the people.  No surprise there.

Going to Iraq was NOT about oil.  During the war, the U.S. was only getting 6% of its oil from Iraq.  In fact, the U.S. only imports 19% of its oil now as I write this.  The vast majority of our oil (77%) is from the U.S. now!  (Four percent are the reserves.)  By 2024, the U.S. will not import one drop of oil!  The Iraq war was a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein.  George W. Bush wanted to finish what his father was unable to do, and that was to topple Hussein.  Plain and simple.  We messed up that whole country.  It's our fault!

Yet, we're pals the Saudis and they're the worst in the Middle East!  Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.  And, look at what they're doing in Yemen and the murder and dismemberment of that journalist!  They're truly sick!  Oh, but they've finally let women drive recently.  LOL! 

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be an American.  That's the truth. 

(NOTE: Saddam Hussein called President Bush on 9/11 to express his condolences and to offer his support in capturing those who were responsible.  This was reported briefly on CBS national news on that day.  I'd bet that few people, if any,  remember this.  But, he did.  My thought is that he was sincere.)

Edited by 2prnot2p
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On 2/7/2019 at 4:14 AM, 2prnot2p said:

The people of Iraq absolutely wish Saddam Hussein was still in power.  Of course!  They had free college, free heath care, and he kept the peace among the many factions there.  I am friends with many people from Iraq.  I speak to them daily and have for years.  Hussein was a necessary evil.  In that nation, you have muslims (both sunni and shiite), christians, kurds, and other groups.  Hussein would not tolerate violence or terrorism.

Also, it's important to state that Hussein hated Bin Laden and said that he would kill Bin Laden if he ever stepped foot in Iraq.  Plus, the CIA told the Bush administration that there were no WMD's in Iraq.  So, once again, the U.S. government lied to the people.  No surprise there.

Going to Iraq was NOT about oil.  During the war, the U.S. was only getting 6% of its oil from Iraq.  In fact, the U.S. only imports 19% of its oil now as I write this.  The vast majority of our oil (77%) is from the U.S. now!  (Four percent are the reserves.)  By 2024, the U.S. will not import one drop of oil!  The Iraq war was a personal vendetta against Saddam Hussein.  George W. Bush wanted to finish what his father was unable to do, and that was to topple Hussein.  Plain and simple.  We messed up that whole country.  It's our fault!

Yet, we're pals the Saudis and they're the worst in the Middle East!  Fifteen of the nineteen hijackers on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia.  And, look at what they're doing in Yemen and the murder and dismemberment of that journalist!  They're truly sick!  Oh, but they've finally let women drive recently.  LOL! 

Sometimes I'm ashamed to be an American.  That's the truth. 

(NOTE: Saddam Hussein called President Bush on 9/11 to express his condolences and to offer his support in capturing those who were responsible.  This was reported briefly on CBS national news on that day.  I'd bet that few people, if any,  remember this.  But, he did.  My thought is that he was sincere.)

No need to feel ashamed to be an American - besides, when it comes to be ashamed of your country, America is no contender compared to Germany. 😉 Also:  didn't the US had a bunch of allies (most notably the UK) that helped with messing up... ? I am surprised that Germany was not amongst them, but they later helped messing up Afghanistan. The official defense against the skeptical German population that began questioning the entire affair was, that "the German freedom is now defended at the Hindu Kush".

Funfact: the (then) German Federal President* Horst Köhler gave an interview on his flight back from a troup-visit in Afghanistan, which included a very interesting statement, which - when abridged to the actual meaning of it - could be expressed in the following way: "The Germans have to understand that we have to send out soldiers to defend our economic interests."

If you want to read the long version, check out his Wikipedia-article, the part of the intervies is quoted in the paragraph "Resignation".

*Note: the job of German Federal President is more that of a representative, nothing compared to the American President.


Anyway, back to Iraq: I agree that the invasion of Iraq was not (so much) about oil, but about other things. Some things might have played a role that we don't know of yet (and maybe never will).

I imagine personal reasons had contributed to the entire reasoning, but I would not be surprised if actually it was a whole list of various reasons combined that led to the invasion.

I have my doubts that it was just a personal vendetta. I simply do not think that Georg W. Bush Jr. was smart enough to convince everybody to invade Iraq either just as a personal vendetta, or by making up reasons himself that were convincing enough to fool everyone in the white house. I'd rather believe that some more influencial people in his personal environment convinced him to invade Iraq.

I could not give you any actual informations though on why I think that - it's more or less an impression I've got, based on what I've heared or read about the entire affair. If it makes you feel better, call it just another conspiracy theory of mine. 😉

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@WantonLee  You may very well be correct.  But, I do know two things, for sure.  The first Bush wanted to take Hussein out, but was limited to the UN resolution that only allowed the U.S. to get Iraq out of Kuwait.  This is a fact.  So, draw your own conclusion on that one.

As for Germany, don't get me started.  I've made my feelings clear about Germany on this site a few times.  I don't trust them at all.  My grandpa fought them in the trenches in France in WWI.  Then, my uncle fought the Nazis in WWII.  He was at the Battle Of The Bulge!  I need not go into all that again.  To hell with Germany.  We all know what they did and they will never be able to make amends for what they did.  And the Germans I've met have almost all been very arrogant.  If this makes me a bigot, so be it.  I don't care.  I don't like 'em.  I'd never buy a BMW or Mercedes, not that I'd ever be able to afford one.  LOL!

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10 hours ago, 2prnot2p said:

@WantonLee  You may very well be correct.  But, I do know two things, for sure.  The first Bush wanted to take Hussein out, but was limited to the UN resolution that only allowed the U.S. to get Iraq out of Kuwait.  This is a fact.  So, draw your own conclusion on that one.

As for Germany, don't get me started.  I've made my feelings clear about Germany on this site a few times.  I don't trust them at all.  My grandpa fought them in the trenches in France in WWI.  Then, my uncle fought the Nazis in WWII.  He was at the Battle Of The Bulge!  I need not go into all that again.  To hell with Germany.  We all know what they did and they will never be able to make amends for what they did.  And the Germans I've met have almost all been very arrogant.  If this makes me a bigot, so be it.  I don't care.  I don't like 'em.  I'd never buy a BMW or Mercedes, not that I'd ever be able to afford one.  LOL!


Btw, I mentioned the whole German presidential quote (abreviated as "The Germans have to understand that we have to send out soldiers to defend our economic interests.") since it triggered such an outcry. As far as I can tell, he did resign over that outcry, but the outcry was more over someone actually telling the truth, rather then what was German politics at that time.

On that note: the enforcment of interests in foreign countries is not a German invention; as far as I can tell, it is more of a human thing. And usually that of people in charge, not so much the average Joe. And I don't think this will ever change, at least for as long as competition is considered more important then cooperation: the ones that consier themselves to be more powerful then others, will try to defeat them. Thats why the corrent world economics looks more like a battlefield then anything else... .

And the media is not helping in this matter. In Germany, the term "beggar thy neighbour" is unknown. Yes, it can be translated, but the average German will not understand the concept. For them, anyone who is in a worse economic situation is simply just lazy. This has been the tenor of the German media over the past decade. Anyone who tried to articulate that the problem is probably a bit more complex is silenced. For instance, if you state that the "lazy Greeks" work longer hours and have less vacation then the Germans; they are just less industrialized, thus their economoy is less efficient - the reply is something like "oh yeah, just being at work does not count as working - DUH!" This is all what the media and the politicians have to say about it.

Seems like having an own oppinion is not very popular in Germany... .

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  • 5 months later...

even the fire department is now calling for an investigation , , , ,

 . . . citing overwhelming evidence of controlled demolition

anyone who thinks that isn't true should review the evidence (57 exhibits) that will go before the court


the net is closing on Israel

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