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To strike a conciliatory note,everyone should have the right to their own faith and beliefs.But also other people have the right to mock or question those beliefs.Its called "GET A LIFE,LOSER".When Islamic murderers are willing to shoot a whole office full of artists,simply because they drew a funny picture of their Fuhrer or somebody,then there is a clash of cultures indeed.In the UK we had a programme called "Spitting Image",in which politicians,and even H.M the Queen herself were pilloried,by being represented by a rubber dummy.I dont remember any Royalist supporters storming the TV studios and AK 47ing the production team...No,believe what you will,but be prepared for much piss taking..

I do hope this isn't aimed in my direction....?

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I'm not so sure about that Egwalrus having read the post a couple of times but will leave it alone. Guess whichever idiot logged in with that account has caused problems before, you shouldn't bother replying to them, just let them get bored and go away.

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Its complicated i guess.I dont really like to down anyones beliefs or morals,as long as those beliefs dont affect too many other people.The trouble with Islam,is that it has too many non Muslims willing to defend it,when as we have seen,its adherents can misinterpret the teachings.If Muslims want to follow their religion to the letter,then we in the civilsed west ought to be encouraging them to perhaps go live in a slightly less enlightened country,where maybe they still burn witches at the stake for instance.But you have to be a real left wing student to think that our western civilisation and Islam can co-exist peacefully for long.

you do reaise the backward despicable religion behind burning of witches is christianity dont you?


the only reason we have progressed liberally in the west is because we no longer tolerate barberim and ancient mysticism

also mary was acording to cultural and scholarily belief between the ages of 9 and 15 when she married joseph (thought to be aged between 35 and 90) and concieved jesus

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Not a problem. It seemed pretty obvious from the first post that whoever that is, was on a wind up mission as with the last account they created. Just don't bother replying if he starts again. At least you know I will be polite while I'm annoying you by arguing :-)

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So he's going out of his way to change it? Sorry, despite the fact that I'm only 31, I'm about as useful with technology as my grandmother who is 91!

What's happened to make someone so pissed off in the first place?

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Another barbaric practice has made the news, although not limited to just Islam.

A 17 year old girl has died because some backyard doctor (butcher) performed FGM on her.

This custom was banned in Eygypt in 2007 yet is still being done, her own mother had it done to her because she was "born a female".

FGM is Female Genital Mutilation, sometimes called female circumcision which is completely wrong, you can read up on it if you want, I'm not going into specifics, just too gross, too barbaric to think about.

This kind of thing sickens all of us, mutilation in the name of faith, yet these people think it's normal.

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"These people" don't think it's normal. A small section of brainwashed, (I would even say Stone Age in terms of mentality) Muslims think and practice their religion this way. Them again, there is a small section of so called Christians (the Stone Age ones with the white hoods) who would gladly rid the world of anyone born with the "wrong" skin colour.

Neither of these groups are right, and neother of them have any place in society.

It's not Muslims that we need to get rid of, or Christians for that matter. It's arse holes. Arse holes who haven't got the brains to realise that what they are doing is wrong. Any person, be they white, female, Muslim, gay, black etc etc must have the right to make their own choices. When any group of people start committing crimes in the name of religion or any other reason, then why must be dealt with.

I have no sympathy at all for any terrorist who winds up dead or spending their life in prison because they have chosen to follow a BS version of Islam and for what it's worth I hope anyone who is ever proved to be guilty rots in prison for the resto of their life or better still, is killed whilst fighting for their unjust cause.

But no two people are alike, you can't judge a book by its cover.

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I am one of the quietest, least violent people you could ever meet. Probably too much for my own good in fact. Still, give me ten seconds in a room with a terrorist and I'd happily shoot the sod right between the eyes. But the thing is, many, many Muslims would happily do the same and that's all I've been trying to say all along here.

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Ah, come on Egwalrus....which bit of that last post are you disagreeing with? Mate, all I'm saying is let's concentrate in getting rid of the people who want to do harm rather than trying to initiate an unworkable policy of discriminating against anyone who believes in a certain religion. Resources aren't infinite when it comes to fighting terrorism and they could be much better used when backed up by intelligence and looking at targeting known or potential terrorists rather than blowing the budget on employing 10,000 more immigration officers to start stopping and searching anyone with the wrong surname.

I want an end to this disgusting bunch of murdering scum as much as anyone else does but mass discrimination isn't the way it's going to happen.

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The fact that such animosity exists toward normal, hard working, peace loving Muslims from so many in society is exactly what the terrorists want. They are trying their level best to create a "them and us" scenario. This very debate is the kind of thing they want.

You know what would piss off someone who is intending on blowing himself up so he can toddle off to heaven and get his seven wives more than anything? Seeing someone like me going for a game of pool or going to watch a game of football with one of my Muslim friends. Seeing us laughing and joking and not giving a care as to our background, religion or anything else. We all keep on like this, they win. They create the culture of fear that they want. If everyone just turned round and said go screw yourselves, they would soon dissapear.

Besides, anyone with any sense wouldn't want the seven wives. One is enough and half the time that isn't worth the ear ache!

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The fact that such animosity exists toward normal, hard working, peace loving Muslims from so many in society is exactly what the terrorists want. They are trying their level best to create a "them and us" scenario. This very debate is the kind of thing they want.

You know what would piss off someone who is intending on blowing himself up so he can toddle off to heaven and get his seven wives more than anything? Seeing someone like me going for a game of pool or going to watch a game of football with one of my Muslim friends. Seeing us laughing and joking and not giving a care as to our background, religion or anything else. We all keep on like this, they win. They create the culture of fear that they want. If everyone just turned round and said go screw yourselves, they would soon dissapear.

Besides, anyone with any sense wouldn't want the seven wives. One is enough and half the time that isn't worth the ear ache!

Lol, I'm living with 2 of them and it's pretty damn good.

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I would suggest if I was a black man walking down the street on my own and I bumped into a group of them I wouldn't be so sure about them not being a threat. They claim their actions are acceptable in the name of Christianity so they are no better than the ISIS lot.

They aren't any more Christian than the terrorists are Muslim. You could find a Muslim arguing that he wouldn't trust a Christian because of the KKK and he'd be basically making the same point you are but in reverse. Most people are decent you know, or at least that's what I've found and that's all I can judge from.

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KKK is pure racism, white people killing blacks, Islamics are trying to bring the racist argument into their religion and it will not work, you can't be accused of racism against a religion, it is, after all, your choice on what you believe. Victimisation, on the other hand can be proven and penalties can be applied, though I've seen only penalties in work place scenarios, HIV afflicted person being sacked, lesbian being denied work, those kinds of things.

There was riot here on the weekend, and members on both sides were wearing masks. This has had the affect of banning all masks and face coverings in public rallies, went through parliament like shit through a goose, and no one has said a word. The next rally will see if it works, if these anti-racists (Islams) and anti-islam groups get together again. Local government also got ordered to clamp down on blanket authorities to allow these idiots to meet.

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Seriously, which bit of that last, very short post do you dislike? Ultimately you know, we are all singing from the same hymn sheet, we all want rid of terrorists, it's just the way of going about it we disagree on but I don't know how you can dislike that last post.

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Being a less successful terrorist doesn't make you any less of one. You can't have this argument both ways. I've given you an example of a group who are nothing but a racist, terrorist organisation that claim to follow Christianity. Do they represent your views on Christianity?

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I'm not using it to excuse the acts of some Muslims and whether you like it or not the KKK associate themselves with Christianity. ISIS is also not a religion but the associate themselves with Islam.

Have you ever seen one post where I have excused the acts of terrorism committed by ISIS or anyone else? All I have ever said is that you can't judge all people by the actions of a few.

We both agree on so many points, the main difference being that I can't possibly conclude logically that because of a small minority, all Muslims are to be viewed with contempt, suspicion and discriminated against.

ISIS are likely to be defeated as a military force within the next 6 months. They are being defeated by an army whose overwhelming majority of soldiers are Muslims. They are putting their lives on the line and fighting in what is currently the most dangerous environment on earth because they feel it is worth it to stop the extremists.

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Another day,another Islamic loser decides to be judge,jury and executioner,as he realises his pathetic "religion" is being offended by our western values.One day,someone will wake up and realise that Islam is the new facism,made more sinster because they pretend to live among us in mutual respect,whilst plotting our deaths.Islam does not belong west of Turkey,and should be banned or discouraged by western Govts,not indulged or made excuses for.

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