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Your passion


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I agree, there is a lot af airplanes that defended North America during the WW2. We could name a lot more! But my goal is to know what is your passion... I love airplanes, and I love flying.

And what is YOUR passion? Cooking, hunting, fishing, old cars, boats, music????

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Writing and languages (fluent in four, somehwat versed in six more), archery, farming and Schwarzenegger movies. I know, I know, this seems completely random. And I guess it is. Welcome to my world :laugh:

I loved some of those Schwarzenegger movies. Total Recall was one of my favourites, and then of course the classic Terminator movies.

Wish I was good with languages. A little German and that's about it for me.

Ok, other passions aside from history for me include politics, an adult war game I play, driving, true crime, and cosmology.

I love reading about the cosmos, and get real excited every time a space probe reaches a new destination. The biggy recently was the New Horizons probe reaching Pluto and sending back awesome pics.

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Most nature kind of "ologies",i like,plus history,bit of a bibliophile too,i like those old rare books,that are first editions etc.I once had a good collection of US Army insignia,shoulder patches etc.

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Where do I start, lol

Computers, building them to order.

Internet Security, building and maintaining firewalls, installing them as well.

My PS4 and the 10 or so games I'm into at this time.

Love a good movie, snuggled up on the couch, or watching an epic sunset, walking in the forest with my ladies.

As you can tell, I have way too much free time.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi all,

Still new here so apologies if I'm barging on a conversation but as far as my passions go it firstly has to be sport, watching that is. Football (soccer, although I do love American football as well) is a huge passion for me. I have a sports journalism degree and even though I'm 31 haven't yet given up the hope of a lucky break in that field. I find it fascinating how one game can evoke so many emotions and different opinions. Horse racing has been a huge part of my life for a long time but that's a tale for another day!

Strangely enough, I also have an interest in aviation. At one stage had plans to become a pilot but chose the literary route instead. I do however still have an interest and have spent many an hour on flight sim as well as a good few hours having a pint (or five) watching the traffic at a pub not far from me which is sat right at the end of the runway at Manchester airport. Two daily A380 flights operate out of Manchester and the pub is that close to the runway the wings of the A380 stretch to the edge of the beer garden walls.

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