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I am terribly sorry that I haven't been more on top of things with the updates. I was hoping to have more to report by the time I posted another update.

Unfortunately, I really haven't had any time to work on the PML since my last post. As I mentioned previously, in addition to my fetish sites, I also run my own non-kinky video production company. Most of my video production work falls between May and August, so during these months I have precious little spare time to work on other things. This has been the biggest obstacle to getting the PML back online.

I believed that I had wrapped up this video production season and my schedule would start to open back up. However, a few things then happened- I got yet one more video production client, so I had that project to deal with. I had my hard drive failure which set me back a little bit, but I have mostly recovered from that. My girlfriend and I bought a new house together and are working on moving. I need to be completely out of my old place by the end of this month, so that is taking a lot of my time right now.

With that said, I am very close to having the new the PML site online. There are a few things that need to be done yet, but they are minor. I just need life to calm down for a bit so I can finish things up :)

Once I have the site operational, it won't have any content. I will be asking for volunteer admins who will be able to help me transfer the data to the new site.

I'm very hesitant to give a timeline for this. I feel like every time I have come up with an estimate for one things will be done, something new pops up delaying my ability to get work done on the PML. It seems like I am jinxing myself.

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

Another update, might not be totally dead yet...

Sorry everyone, I thought I posted this a couple weeks ago, but apparently I didn't. Here is what is going on with the PML and why it is taking so long-

First, when I initially offered to take over the PML I was under the impression it was simply a hosting issue. I figured that I only needed to offer up some hosting space on the HD Wetting / HD Diapers server and that was it. This, I was happy to do. Like many of you, I have enjoyed the PML, and I didn't want to see it go away. However, it turned out the PML was in need of more than a host- It needed someone to take over the admin duties. This was a bit more than what I was anticipating, but not wanting the list to go away, I figured I could do this and perhaps recruit some volunteers to help me out.

The first big problem that I encountered was that the PML was based on obsolete server side technology. So it wasn't just a matter of uploading everything and creating a database. For security reasons, I didn't want to install obsolete software on the same server that runs HD Wetting and HD Diapers. My solution was to create a new site, based on Wordpress, and import the data from the old PML. Each movie would be its own, unique, Wordpress post. Usually things start to calm down for me around September.

This year, however, my girlfriend and I decided to buy a house and move. The house we ended up purchasing was a bit of a fixer upper though, so I found myself with a fair amount of home improvement projects to do.

The PML simply wasn't that high of a priority for a while. I have to focus on things that make money, so I can pay the bills. After that, having things like a working kitchen sink, doors that lock, and working lights in the hallway needed to take priority.

Despite all of this, I managed to work on the PML bit by bit where I could. For a while, I thought I was almost done. At one point, I actually expected I would have the PML back online within the week. But then there was a major Wordpress update and the XML structure changed. All the work I had done now meant nothing. As you can imagine, I was extremely frustrated. I needed to step away from the PML and take some time to clear by head before I got back into it. I should of updated all of you at that time, but I didn't want to post anything until I had something positive to report.

Soon I got into the holiday season, which is another busy time for mutli-camera video production. There are all kinds of holiday events and concerts. With all that going on, finding time for the PML was near impossible. However, that holiday video season is coming to an end. I have a New Years event that I'm producing, but then things will calm down again, and again, I will be able to turn my attention to the PML.

This time, I'm going to take a different approach. I'm going to put the PML site up and make it live, even though it won't have any content. Then I would like to ask for volunteers to help me manually enter in the films. I will work on this too, but the list is huge. Just working on it by myself would take forever, doing it manually one movie at a time. If I could get some help though, preferably from people who are familiar with Wordpress, we could divide up the work and get it done soon.

But at least this way the site will be online and, bit-by-bit, the movies will start appearing on it again.

The old PML used an XML document for storing all the data about the films. My plan was to write a simple program to parse the PML XML and write out a new XML file that could be read by Wordpress. This is where I encountered the second major issue- Wordpress's XML structure doesn't seem like it was ever meant to be read by humans. It is extremely messy. WP's XML data also includes all sorts of metadata about the post, so its not just a simple matter of converting the PML XML format, but new data needs to be generated correctly to match what Wordpress expects to see, otherwise the XML won't import.

Now, while dealing with all this, I want to note that all this with the PML is happening at the single worst possible time for me. There has not been a worse time for me to take all this on in the last seven years.

As correctly observed previously in this discussion, I do video production for a living. Specifically, I do multi-camera live production for things like sports and concerts. This kind of work means that I am totally slammed five months out of the year, when I earn most of my income, and don't have too much going on the rest of the year. Summer is my busy season, filled with sporting and musical events that need video.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 2 months later...

Kevin, I know you told me before to lay off of TVGuy, but the man has had over a year and produced nothing but excuses.

That being said, someone else finally stepped up and started building a new one. Very little content right now, but it can be user edited. It's days old and already leaps and bounds ahead of the other project.


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  • 1 year later...
18 hours ago, travelguy said:

its a shame this new project never got off the ground . I use to visit that site all the time and I miss the list very much. I wish their was a way to start a new list from starch.

I personally tried to watch/download ALL the movies in those list during the years (and many of them were really a delusion...) but I miss updates. Furthermore, it was somewhow cuddling to have somebody around the world caring so much for pee in porn-un-related entertainment...

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1 hour ago, Scot_Lover said:

So has has this gone? When I click this link, web page tries to log on to my router, lol. 

It wouldn't be a large file, could it be hosted / maintained on here.

wait wait wait can this be done?

Talk about it with Admin?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted to host it here, and made an enquiry about it, but never heard back. 

If anyone knows a way I can get the files, I'll gladly set this up on PeeFans, but I fear that those involved are all now unreachable. 

We could definitely start a new one, but the original was great and so comprehensive - it would be such a shame starting back at the beginning. Better than nothing though I guess, but would people be willing to add to it?

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