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Theme feedback

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Hey guys, I just wanted to get your opinions on the site layout and theme? Obviously it's quite... yellow, but in terms of the actual design and layout what are your thoughts? I want to make this site as enjoyable as possible to be used so would appreciate all honest feedback. Additionally, do you guys like the logo that changes every time you load a page, or would you prefer to stick with one constant image?


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Personally, I like the simplicity. It makes for fast loading, and the colouring helps to spot what is new and what you have seen before.

There will always be members that just come and look - that's something normal with forums (fora?) but there will be those of us who participate as much as we can too... nothing you can do to the way a site looks will change that... :(

Nice that you are bothered to ask how to shape the growth of your baby... :)

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I like the simplicity as well. And the pictures changing is just perfect, just one image would get a bit boring :wink:

Something you might consider changing though: when you click 'new posts', the text under each topic title is a bit small. Makes it hard for me to see in which forum section they have been posted. Maybe you should make the text a bit bigger, or play around with the color? Try giving it the same red color as the titles maybe? :)

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I like the layout - it's pretty easy to get used to, and the forums are easy to navigate. I'm honestly not sure on the colour scheme - I think it could potentially look a little more aesthetically pleasing. That's a minor point in the grand scheme of things, of course. Would there be any option to have a personal selection of themes, or does the site have to run on the same colour scheme for every user?

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Thank you everyone for your positive feedback!

I like the layout - it's pretty easy to get used to, and the forums are easy to navigate. I'm honestly not sure on the colour scheme - I think it could potentially look a little more aesthetically pleasing. That's a minor point in the grand scheme of things, of course. Would there be any option to have a personal selection of themes, or does the site have to run on the same colour scheme for every user?

Members theme selection is definitely an option, and something I've already been considering. Thanks for the feedback, although what colour scheme would you have in mind?

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Thank you everyone for your positive feedback!

Members theme selection is definitely an option, and something I've already been considering. Thanks for the feedback, although what colour scheme would you have in mind?

I'm not sure on the specifics, but I quite like a dark theme with light text (i.e. black background, white text). It's only a personal preference, so obviously not everyone would agree with that sort of colour scheme. Though I guess if personal customisation became an option, that wouldn't matter!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys, just wanted to bump this old thread. Who actually feels a 2nd choice of theme would be a good idea? Let me know if you'd be in favour of having choices of designs to browse the forum. And if so, what kind of designs would you want?


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  • 3 weeks later...
I think an option would be a good thing.

Sure, I do agree and hope to provide you all with a choice of theme soon. :)

May be a light yellow background.

And keep everything else the same? I worry that'd be a little too yellow, but I will do some experimenting perhaps.

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  • 4 years later...

I'd personally like a dark theme option similar to what LetsGetQuizzical said (white and black colours inverted, and light yellow background changed to dark gold/yellow).

I do like the site's theme colour as it is, but it does strain my eyes a bit when browsing this site at certain times of the day, even on my smartphone's lowest brightness setting.

I'm guessing the dark theme option (if there is one now) is currently only available for vip members?

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  • 1 month later...

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