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What was your LEAST fun pee?

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this website has a few threads where people share their most fun pee experiences, or the ones that got them into liking it, but I ask, what was your most unenjoyable pee experience? and by this I don't just mean boring toilet pees, I mean something more, like actively negative pee situations you've been in

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When I've been somewhere involved in an activity with lots of people around, needed a pee but frustrated that the need is getting in the way of doing other things.

Then having to find somewhere quickly (usually some dirty ally or hedge) and get back to what I was doing.

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Every pee that’s a waste of another persons amusement. Every time I pee I think what a waste, there’s most likely someone out there who would love to be covered or filled with my pee. 

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Probably when I was in the ER with apparent kidney issues. I was in so much pain but before they could do any tests they had to piss test me because I am a woman of childbearing age 😑 it took a while of sitting in the lobby and drinking water before I had enough pee to fill the cup. Was just in a lot of pain and annoyed to enjoy the pee.

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13 hours ago, swekiss said:

Like, there is a place that seem perfect and I plan ahead to be out alone, make sure to really have to pee and go to that place... And someone random is around so it's impossible and I end up having to go to a bathroom.

Basically this. Though i usually opt to go somewhere else its still a huge downer. Ruins the fun and often the spontanity of the situation.

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