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Peeing in your own private hot tub

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Would you pee in your own private hot tub? I'm talking less about being seen by neighbours if it's outdoor, but more about hygiene. And if so, do you change the water more frequently then?

Edited by Liquidgold2000
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I know from a public hot tub the health inspectors are much more concerned about bacteria growing in a hot tub than a pool. They wanted it drained and cleaned at least once a week. They said hot tubs are a breeding ground for bacteria. 

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If it's water that is kept in there I would probably avoid it. I have a jacuzzi in the basement, but that get's emptied after every use and a wiping of the inside, there I do pee every time if/when the need arises. Which it usually does since we tend to drink prosecco while in it. Bubbles on the outside = bubbles on the inside 😁

But yeah, if it's not emptied after and instead saved for weeks or however long people might keep water in those things, I would most likely not pee in it.

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I have a small inflatable hot tub, and my wife and I go in it about once a week during the warmer months. I live in an area that gets cold winters, so we take the hot tub down each fall and store it for the winter. 

We usually are in it for 45 minutes to an hour. Given that, it's not often that either the wife or I need to pee while we're in it. We usually pee right beforehand, just before, or just after we put on our swimsuits.

We do hydrate well, however, and occasionally the need does strike when I'm in the hot tub. If I'm close enough to being ready to get out anyway, I'll just hold it. But if I need to pee and we're not ready to get out yet, I'll just stand up and pee into the bush on the side of the tub. It's usually dark when we're in it, so even though we have neighbors close by, they wouldn't be able to see anything.

Unfortunately my wife has never peed in or around the hot tub (that I know of).

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I didn't realize peeing in a hot tub was this controversial lol. I live in a complex so no room for pools or hot tubs of any kind, however I know I've peed in hot tubs before. Why is pee so bad for hot tubs? Guess I'll stop for now 😬

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34 minutes ago, Bacardi said:

...Why is pee so bad for hot tubs? Guess I'll stop for now 😬

I can only comment as a hot tub owner, who is responsible for the upkeep. Short answer is that honestly, I don't think it is that bad. It's more the "ick" factor. 

Human urine has very little in it that would affect the general chemical balance of hot tub water. It's slightly acidic, has some salts, etc. None of that really affects hot tubs too much. Not to mention that hot tub water is also exposed to sweat, dead skin, deoderant, skin creams, perfumes, etc.

It's more a matter of whether you want to "soak in your own pee" or others' pee. Especially because hot tubs don't get drained much, the water just recycles over and over. 

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As long as its maintained and water quality is kept within the interval it needs to be, then sure, but just outright pissing in it wouldn't be my first choice. If I used the hottub the same way I used the pool, just going whenever I need, then i'd probably be swapping the water out every few days😂 Its a really small volume compared to a pool so even going just a couple times could already begin to throw it off. Public hot tubs are cleaned and monitored much more regularly then private ones in all likelihood, the gym I go to even puts it on the calendar that the hottubs are closed tuesday evening for cleaning, and I know i've pissed a ton in those. 

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12 hours ago, Kirby23 said:

It's more a matter of whether you want to "soak in your own pee" or others' pee

Oh. Well. That answers itself, then 🙃


13 hours ago, Bacardi said:

I didn't realize peeing in a hot tub was this controversial lol. I live in a complex so no room for pools or hot tubs of any kind, however I know I've peed in hot tubs before. Why is pee so bad for hot tubs? Guess I'll stop for now 😬

You don’t need to stop @Bacardi, lots of people do it


Edited by oliver2
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At one point, I wanted to get a hot tub, so I could pee in it.  Mostly, I use the hot tub at my gym after I work out.  The water is warm and moving with the jets, so I just relieve myself and don't worry much about it.  I think it's a place a lot of people pee even if they don't admit it.

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On 8/31/2024 at 9:26 PM, Ketchup said:

At one point, I wanted to get a hot tub, so I could pee in it.  Mostly, I use the hot tub at my gym after I work out.  The water is warm and moving with the jets, so I just relieve myself and don't worry much about it.  I think it's a place a lot of people pee even if they don't admit it.

Yea I don't worry too much about it either. Its not like its the first time its been pissed in, and unless they're cleaning it right after you get out, you're not going to be the last one to pee in it either. Plus a hottub is for relaxing, its not like you'd be going underwater and potentially swallowing it or anything, and I always rinse off after swimming in hottubs/pools with chlorine anyways, that stuff is terrible to keep on your skin. Given the choice, i'd rather pee in the pool since I think the warmth feels a bit better, but i'll go in a hottub no problem. Actually this morning after my workout, thinking of this thread I slipped into the hottub for a pee before I left.  

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