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Group bike ride pee

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17 minutes ago, Sophie said:

I was on a group bike ride with a few of my friends this weekend, it was me and four guys. During the ride I needed to pee but I didn’t want to stop and hold up the group, especially when we wasn’t too far from a cafe stop. One of the people in the group had a puncture so we stopped for them to fix it. The act of stopping was too much for my poor bladder. I felt I was going to completely wet myself at any moment.
“Sorry guys but I am going to have to have a wee. I am bursting. Can someone hold my bike for me please?”

“No peeking!” I said with a smile, looking over my shoulder at the group as I walked behind the hedge. It was low enough you could see from my chest up while standing and I felt so exposed yet so sexy as I began to undress. I felt like I was giving them a little show, especially when one of the guys jokingly whistled! I pulled down my shorts to my knees and disappeared from view as I lowered myself into a deep squat with my bum resting on the back of my heels. Through the branches of the hedge I could see the group on the other side, they were *right there* and I knew they could see everything if they really wanted to look but I trusted them. With my excitement came a problem, I was feeling a little pee shy.

I was right on the edge of release when one of the group shouted to me “Are you going yet?” which definitely didn’t help matters! I felt a brief, slow dribble escape past my lips as I shouted back and about ten seconds later I finally began peeing properly. My gentle stream was accompanied by a soft hissing as it splashed onto the ground beneath me. The whole experience was so amazing, the relief, the risk and naughtiness of peeing outdoors combined with everyone knowing exactly what I was doing at that very moment, knowing I was semi naked just on the other side of that hedge. I didn’t want it to end! My bladder didn’t let me down, I peed for a good 30 seconds before my stream died down to a dribble and eventually drips.

I gave my hips a little wriggle from side to side to shake off any drips and then stood up, smiling at the group with my shorts still at my knees, and unable to hold back a small shy giggle. I reached down and pulled up my shorts, wriggling a little as I squeezed myself back into them and emerged from behind the hedge, blushing but with an empty bladder. We finished helping with the puncture, hopped on our bikes and continued our ride. I was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Wonderful! Sounds pretty perfect as pee stops go 🙂

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Absolutely beautiful @Sophie.  So natural and laid back yet so naughty regarding the situation.   I am just wondering - were you the first to pee and break the ice or had some of the guys peed before you?  Hopefully as they seemed fine with it all you might get further opportunities in future.

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32 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

Absolutely beautiful @Sophie.  So natural and laid back yet so naughty regarding the situation.   I am just wondering - were you the first to pee and break the ice or had some of the guys peed before you?  Hopefully as they seemed fine with it all you might get further opportunities in future.

I was the first to pee! Everyone else used the toilet at the cafe about 30 minutes later and I had another wee before we left. (~10 second dribble) but two of the four had a wee outside before the end of the ride.

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1 hour ago, Sophie said:

I was on a group bike ride with a few of my friends this weekend, it was me and four guys. During the ride I needed to pee but I didn’t want to stop and hold up the group, especially when we wasn’t too far from a cafe stop. One of the people in the group had a puncture so we stopped for them to fix it. The act of stopping was too much for my poor bladder. I felt I was going to completely wet myself at any moment.
“Sorry guys but I am going to have to have a wee. I am bursting. Can someone hold my bike for me please?”

“No peeking!” I said with a smile, looking over my shoulder at the group as I walked behind the hedge. It was low enough you could see from my chest up while standing and I felt so exposed yet so sexy as I began to undress. I felt like I was giving them a little show, especially when one of the guys jokingly whistled! I pulled down my shorts to my knees and disappeared from view as I lowered myself into a deep squat with my bum resting on the back of my heels. Through the branches of the hedge I could see the group on the other side, they were *right there* and I knew they could see everything if they really wanted to look but I trusted them. With my excitement came a problem, I was feeling a little pee shy.

I was right on the edge of release when one of the group shouted to me “Are you going yet?” which definitely didn’t help matters! I felt a brief, slow dribble escape past my lips as I shouted back and about ten seconds later I finally began peeing properly. My gentle stream was accompanied by a soft hissing as it splashed onto the ground beneath me. The whole experience was so amazing, the relief, the risk and naughtiness of peeing outdoors combined with everyone knowing exactly what I was doing at that very moment, knowing I was semi naked just on the other side of that hedge. I didn’t want it to end! My bladder didn’t let me down, I peed for a good 30 seconds before my stream died down to a dribble and eventually drips.

I gave my hips a little wriggle from side to side to shake off any drips and then stood up, smiling at the group with my shorts still at my knees, and unable to hold back a small shy giggle. I reached down and pulled up my shorts, wriggling a little as I squeezed myself back into them and emerged from behind the hedge, blushing but with an empty bladder. We finished helping with the puncture, hopped on our bikes and continued our ride. I was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

How come my groups bike rides are nowhere near as much fun? I wish you would come over to my side of the pond, so I could invite you along. I'm sure there'd be be no shortage of volunteers who'd hold the bike for you.

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I love that they gave you some comments, they must have been well used to such shenanigans. I always wonder about times when half us us eventually piss outside and the other half hold it the WHOLE time! Why didn’t they go somewhere too?

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45 minutes ago, MC Cumzy said:

Lovely story, as usual. However, maybe this is just the way I read it, but I do think the title is a little misleading

Title seems right to me.  If I am understanding you correctly, what you were expecting would have been for a group of people on a bike ride to pee together.  If that were the case then the title would have been “bike ride group pee” rather than “group bike ride pee”

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17 minutes ago, Alfresco said:

If I am understanding you correctly, what you were expecting would have been for a group of people on a bike ride to pee together.

Yeah, that is what I was expecting

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