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Has anyone here played around with AI to generate stories? Some large language models are pretty uptight about creating adult fan fiction. However


E. g. Llama 3 is much less moderated and can get quite filthy at times, given the right prompts. I have taken the liberty of prompting some inspiration of stories I have read on here, mixing in my own imaginatiom and experience and while sometimes the sexual content filter does kick in they sometimes do create pretty well-written fiction. Wouldn't be surprised, if some models are trained with this and other adult forum's content.

What's more I heard about jailbreaking GPT. Creating fiction with large language models beyond their moderation filters. Haven't figured out whether that's a real thing but definitely curious about it.

Any insights worth sharing?

Edited by TopMarker
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▸ What types of content are prohibited on My Spicy Vanilla?
We are committed to maintaining a safe and respectful platform. As such, the following content is strictly prohibited:

Content involving characters who are minors (under 18 years old).
Content that promotes or suggests incest.
Any forms of non-consensual sexual acts, including portrayals of slavery or rape.
Content that promotes self-harm.
Content that involves or sexualizes non-human entities.
Content that promotes discrimination, hate, or violence toward individuals or groups.
Content that involves necrophilia (sexual attraction or activity involving corpses)
Content that invloves coprophilia (sexual arousal related to feces)
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Representations of celebrities in any context.
Mentions or depictions of copyrighted characters from any medium, including but not limited to film, television, books, and video games, without explicit authorization.


No mention of pee.

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This time Mixtral was pretty accurate, here's what my first prompt was able to turn up:


 Once upon a time, in a small coastal town, two 18-year-old friends named Jake and Max decided to attend a party at a makeshift location, an old abandoned beach bar. The night was filled with laughter, music, and an endless supply of drinks. As the hours passed, the boys found themselves needing to use the restroom.

The restroom was in a state of disrepair, with filthy urinals that were enough to turn anyone off. Instead, they opted for the stalls, which turned out to be no less filthy. Jake entered the stall first, but as he began to relieve himself, he felt a strange sensation on his feet and flip flops. He looked down and saw that Max had decided to piss on the ground next to the bowl, flooding the stall.

At first, Jake was disgusted, but then something strange happened. He found it amazing that Max had the guts to piss on the ground, marking his territory in such a bold way. Jake felt a sudden urge to join in, and without a second thought, he began to piss on the wall, soaking the seat and splashing the whole place.

The two friends goaded each other on, experimenting with different ways to piss and mark their territory. Jake tried pissing from a higher angle, while Max aimed for the toilet paper dispenser. They laughed and cheered each other on, not caring about the state of the stall or the mess they were making.

As they left the restroom, they couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie. They had shared a unique experience, one that they would never forget. From that day on, they would always remember the night they marked a toilet with their piss, and the fun they had doing it.

my second prompt got things going


 After about half an hour, nature called again for Jake and Max. This time, they decided to take things to the next level. They entered a stall together, closing the door behind them. Jake dropped his pants, revealing his boxers, while Max did the same, revealing his jeans.

Without a word, they positioned themselves so that their streams would cross in mid-air. Jake aimed his cock towards the toilet bowl, while Max directed his towards the wall. As they began to piss, their streams intertwined, creating a mesmerizing display of liquid art.

The sound of their piss hitting the various surfaces filled the stall, creating a rhythmic and soothing melody. Jake couldn't help but notice how far Max's stream was reaching, so he adjusted his aim, directing his cock towards the toilet paper dispenser. Max followed suit, and soon their streams were covering every inch of the stall.

The sensation of warm piss on their legs and feet was oddly satisfying, and they both felt a sense of liberation and excitement. They laughed and joked, encouraging each other to aim for different spots and experiment with their streams.

As they finished, they took a moment to admire their work. The stall was drenched, with piss covering every surface. They pulled up their pants, feeling a sense of accomplishment and camaraderie. This was a night they would never forget, a night where they had pushed boundaries and created a memory that would last a lifetime.

I could do this all day btw.

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I tried both Llama 3 and Mixtral on Duck Duck Go's AI chat. Both seem to work about equally well. But, in terms of interesting content, I couldn't get more than a trickle from either of them. 

I suppose I'll need to try Spicy Vanilla if I want more heat.

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I tried all options on both the duckduckgo site and the Spicy Vanilla site and what I've noticed is that, just as @glad1 said, Llama 3 and Mixtral both work just fine with pee and piss kink/fetish related prompts but with very uninteresting stories.

Although, GPT-3.5 and Claude 3 do not work for our preferred style of fictional stories. 

As for Spicy Vanilla, the stories are much more interesting and you have more control on how the stories are structured.

Now for what I consider to be the most important factor, pricing.

Duckduckgo is free for unlimited prompts whereas Spicy Vanilla is only free for one story per day before it asks you to pay for premium.

While Spicy Vanilla seems like the better option at first glance, I'd personally say Duckduckgo is the better option because while the stories may not seem great at first, they provide you with the backbone of a half decent story that you can modify and improve upon and make your own.

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Yeah I have found llama better than mistral for this by far. If I ask I give it nearly no direction at first it will usually creat situations it would otherwise not like me to request even.

Have also found that saying "the story would be funnier if ..." Gets me a response easier than just asking for an adjustment that it might shut down.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/16/2024 at 2:52 AM, CoastalBoy said:

Yeah I have found llama better than mistral for this by far. If I ask I give it nearly no direction at first it will usually creat situations it would otherwise not like me to request even.

Have also found that saying "the story would be funnier if ..." Gets me a response easier than just asking for an adjustment that it might shut down.

great idea. I found that if your first prompts are kinda harmless (pissing in run-down toilets, lost places, makeshift beachbar) mixtral and llama tend to let you crank it up from there and even generate sexual content without hesitation. I have a few prompts saved to get going and experiment from there.

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6 hours ago, TopMarker said:

great idea. I found that if your first prompts are kinda harmless (pissing in run-down toilets, lost places, makeshift beachbar) mixtral and llama tend to let you crank it up from there and even generate sexual content without hesitation. I have a few prompts saved to get going and experiment from there.

what are some of your prompts?

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