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Thanks so much for sharing and going to the trouble of taking and uploadings pics. Makes that much more real ! I really love it when women driving has to pee

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On 5/26/2024 at 3:15 PM, JustMe_ said:

Later the same day and plenty of miles further down the road. As the day was coming to an end I wanted to have one last smoke break before I arrive at my hotel for the night. So I pulled over into another rest area. A very small one, an U-Shaped parking place with 3 or so trees and a few bushes in the middle. No toilet not even a bench just a few small trash cans.

As i parked the car i only saw one other car but nobody around. I stepped out and light myself a cigarette. As i walked a few steps. I heard a female voice saying „Stop dort come any further please“ The same moment a strong hiss sound came from the trees. Instinctively i turned my head towards the noice and saw a beautiful shaped booty hovering mere centimetres above the ground. Her skirt was tight around her waist.
She was clearly having a desperately need pee.

The woman turned her head towards me and said how sorry she was. I turned around and walked a few steps towards my car to give her some privacy. A few seconds later the hiss stoped and i took another glance, not seeing much except for her head the rest was now out of sight for me. Her head was now turned forwards again so she did not see me. I leaned against my car when her butt emerged from the bushes hiding it, she quickly squatted up and down a few times. I could spot a few drops of pee dripping down onto the ground.

As she dropped her skirt back down i turned towards my car and acted like i was fiddling with my windscreen whippers. 

The young woman walked out of the bushes and said „So sorry again but today was so damn hot and i had so much 7up“  
She was about 5‘10 and wore a olive green skirt with a tucked in dark blouse. Brown eyes and shoulder long dark blonde hair

We started chatting a bit whilst i had my cigarette. She went on talking about how she had to pull over every other rest stop to pee and that she even ran out of tissues. Just because of the hot weather.
I ended up giving her a few paper towels (always carry some for cleaning my car after a long drive) and in exchange she gave me a can of 7up. With that she say goodbye and was quick to make her way back onto the highway.


Heres a picture i snapped, after she left, of her markings 


It's great that you were able to start a conversation.

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10 hours ago, Ryan12 said:

This reminds me of a time I was on a roadtrip with my brother to visit my grandfather. We stopped at a gas station somewhere in Massachusetts and I really had to piss so while he was filling up the car I went to find the bathroom. It was a small building outside not attached to the gas station, but when I went to open the door it was locked and someone nearby said they had already asked the person inside and it was out of order. As I was standing there trying to figure out what to do a woman pulled up next to me, rolled down her window and said “yeah it’s locked, just go around the back of it, that’s what I did.”  I thanked her and walked around the back of the building. No one in the parking lot could see back there, but someone could have easily walked off to the side and it was wide open back there. Not a concern for me, but just imagining that woman squatting back there in the wide open, not to mention the other women that probably did the same as the ground was littered with tissues directly next to the wall, was very arousing. I wished I could’ve stuck around there longer to see if any other women took a walk behind that bathroom to relieve themselves, but having my brother with me that would’ve been awkward to explain.

Did you find her puddle at least?

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8 hours ago, Carb0nBased said:

Did you find her puddle at least?

I wish, it was too grassy to be able to make anything out unfortunately.

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On 6/1/2024 at 8:57 AM, JustMe_ said:

As i was standing there, just gazing at the cars driving by. A women came out of the greenery. She was tall about 5‘10 blond almost hay like hair. Wearing a grey sweater and blue jeans which she was buttoning up while walking. Her white shoes wear muddy. I was pretty sure i knew what she just did.

🔥did she react in any way to seeing you notice her stepping out of the bushes?

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Posted (edited)
On 6/2/2024 at 6:33 PM, longbastard said:

🔥did she react in any way to seeing you notice her stepping out of the bushes?

No like i said it was rainy and i was having a cig. So i was just a smoker seeking shelter, pretty sure she did not think much about me.

Edited by JustMe_
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  • 2 weeks later...

Now I'm not generally a fan of football, but if it produces sightings like this then I'm all for it.  Hope you get plenty more sightings and thank you for sharing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
10 hours ago, JustMe_ said:

As I was sitting in my car having lunch. Two women both not older then 25-30 by the looks of it went into the bushes at the rest stop. Both of them wearing yoga pants and oversized hoodies. One was blonde and pretty tall the other one was smaller and had black hair, she had an amazing ass from what i could tell.
Not far away from me, but unfortunately as one of them went into a squat she was completely out of my sight, hidden behind a thick row of bushes. The other girl was still standing. When she came back up the other girl followed the first’s example.

Shortly after they left all I could find was this. There was not mich trash around so this must have been theirs.


Interesting that the puddle/damp ground isn't obvious.

It reminds me of today, I was driving home from somewhere through the countryside and at one point I passed a car pulled over on the opposite side of the road. Near where the car was parked there was a farm fence that had a gate there and thick blackberry bushes growing along/through the fence to the left and right of the gate. A guy was in or near the car, I don't remember which, but the woman was about to get in and appeared to be nearer the fence. I couldn't tell if she had just exited the car through one door and walked around to change seats, or had sat/squatted between the car and the fence, or had just climbed over the gate. A very short while later, after giving them time to leave, I turned around and pulled over there, to see if maybe they had stopped for her to pee. I couldn't see anything right where the car had been, but on the other side of the fence, along the part that had the blackberry bushes forming a wall, there were two tissues dropped there. However, there wasn't any visible wet spot there. So clearly someone DID use that as a pee spot sometime today, but I figured it probably wasn't either of them since there would have been a wet spot. I gathered that they had just been changing seats, were putting something in/taking something out of the trunk, or had looked for blackberries to pick instead.

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