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Hi everybody,

I love to pee in Lost Places, have done this a few times yet, but never posted pictures or videos. Right now I am on holidays and have found a beautiful Lost Place while I was running this morning. Going inside the building, I found some toilets, both men (with urinals) and women. Unfortunately I had emptied my bladder just before in the forest. I will come back with a full bladder in the next days for shure.

Any suggestions from you folks what I should do in there?



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Posted (edited)

First pee on the doors of the stalls. On the floor just in the middle of the toilet. And on the door from the inside of this building. 

Edited by notna98
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Yes, an opportunity to piss all over a toilet without a care for whoever has to clean up after you. Or for being caught mid stream. I think I'd go for wall or floor ...

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Posted (edited)

The front door of both men and woman's toilets don't exist any more.

There are no signs that anyone peed there like I plan to do. No puddles, no smell. It is definitely no more in use, even if it looks really not abandoned from outside.

Edited by Weatherman74
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I'm getting more and more excited to pee there. Thanks for your suggestions. I will try to follow as much as I can with one bladder filling 😊. I guess I will also go to the ladies' room and squat over the floor toilet to pee 😇. Any hints from you girls how to do it best?

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I have tried the squat toilet. I wonder if tje squat position is correct, with the back to the door. However the drain looks like one should squat in this position. Well, I also tried it the other way round 😁.





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On 5/26/2024 at 6:51 AM, Weatherman74 said:

I drank 1.5 liters before and I guess they like to come out 😊.

Here's my pee in the middle of the room. To be honest, all this is really exciting and starting to make me hard....

Well it was never stipulated that all of the ‘aftermath’ puddles had to be pee… 😉

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  • 3 weeks later...

One more lost places... and a missed opportunity too.

A fairly recent one - recently I was on a bit of a mini roadtrip, to go camping with a few friends.  I say 'camping' but in a civilised way.   I'd organised the trip, there was me in my car with caravan in tow and I'd met up with a friend and his wife in their campervan.   Then we'd driven down the motorway for a few miles and off onto the main roads.   At the same time another friend was towing his caravan up the motorway, and at the same time giving a lift to the other member of our gang Alice (not her real name) who was going to be tent camping with us.

We had a target meetup time just before lunch at a picnic site on the road and as it happened, myself with the couple in the camper pulled in exactly on time (my good planning lol).  We were sharing live locations on a Whatsapp group and could see the other car about five minutes behind.

Now - on google maps the picnic site looked like a layby separate from the main road, with a building, picnic benches and plenty of parking.  But that must have been an old image, because when we pulled in it became apparent the parking was there, behind trees.  But the main site was blocked by barriers, the tarmac all overgown by weeds and litter everywhere.  What used to be the cafe, a portacabin was all locked up and looking derelict.  And next to it another building, also looking derelict.

As our friends pulled up - after a long drive - we hugged and gave our hello's.  I asked the guy "I know you've had a long drive, do you want a break or shall we carry on - it's only a few miles now".

His reply was that he was ok, but Alice needed a wee, she'd had a couple of cans whilst he'd been driving.  (I've had some loosely pee related chats with Alice before, and yes - I was triggered, although of course didn't let on).   "She may have to wee in the bushes"  I laughed, explaining the place was all closed.

At that point our campervan driving friend walked over to the derelict building which had a timber door half open, the word 'closed' spray painted on it.  He walked in, and came out a minute later - telling us they were toilets, very grim.  But the furthest cubicle was least bad.

"Sounds like you'll have to hover" I said to the fairly desperate looking Alice which triggered a brief agreeing discussion from her and also Campervan's wife.  One of those times it's possible to discuss peeing without giving away too much interest.

A couple of minutes later and a much relieved Alice was back.


And my missed opportunity - whilst she was hovering and weeing, I'd walked around the corner and had a pee in the bushes.  I could have waited until we arrived but decided to anyway.   But I could of course waited and made sure nobody else wanted to go, before I went and did my best to further trash the derelict building.

Final point to the mini anecdote - on getting back into my car I walked around the front and along the curb with it's trail of litter.  And right next to where I'd parked - but hadn't seen before - a pair of pink knickers on the floor.   Had they been left by a desperate motorist who'd been too late and wet them there?  Or maybe someone having sex in the layby?   Who knows...

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