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Relationship loneliness

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I also would never mention this to friends or family, it simply won't go well. As comfortable as we are here, we are still into what boils down to a bodily waste that most people find very weird to be aroused by. I'd almost argue nature ensures people like us exist in small numbers, similar to psychopathy. That being said, I think pee is in a gray area of almost accepted by a portion of the general population. It's much less offensive than excrement for example. Does it feel lonely? I suppose, but feeling lonely isn't specific to fetishes. Plenty of "normal" people feel extremely lonely, often while married.  

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An interesting topic. If I mention pee to friends it’s done in a lighthearted indirect way. I wouldn’t just say I have a pee kink. 

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I have some friends, both male and female that are open minded and we can talk about Sex and kinks over a dinner and I’ve been pretty open with what I like and I’ve said I’m into squirting but I don’t mind if I it’s pee so if I can’t get squirted on I might as well be peed on and it’s amazing how much this opens up the dirty mind of people. Of course it’s a question about vulnerability but isn’t every relation about vulnerability? Even going to a therapist means you will put yourself in a situation that gives another person a possibility to judge you. So I think loneliness is a product of our own mind. At the end it’s all about being afraid of exclusion because who would want to be excluded from the society? But is it worth the loneliness to keep it a secret? I think being afraid of the outcome or the result of a relationship makes an individual restricted. It’s however a very difficult situation and a difficult question to answer.

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I'd never bring up a sexual or kink related topic in front of my family or friends.
It just does not fit in these kind of small talks.
And I myself would react weird if someone talks about such a topic to whom I don't have a sexual relationship.
Except a therapist or so...

Inside a relationship that involves sexual activities I would bring it up of course, as it's a very important thing in my sexuality.
Sex without peeing is ok for once but over time it would be a dealbreaker.
So a "confrontation" would be necessary to get to know each other as soon as possible.
If there would be no agreement on this I'd consider breaking up because in the longterm it would create too much unwanted tension.
Had this mess for 10 years... never will I let this happen to me one more time.


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Interesting question / topic. Like @Alfresco and others, I've brought up the topic with my wife, who occasionally indulges, but doesn't share the kink. She also doesn't like to talk about it, so I rarely bring it up, unless the topic arises naturally.

I have several close male friends with whom I get together regularly. We all have wives and families, but rarely (if ever) talk about sex. In the right circumstances, I suppose I could see the topic of sex arising in one of our conversations, but I'd never bring up my kink, even among my closest friends.

Similarly, I have a close female friend "K," with whom I've discussed sex-related topics. We haven't discussed kinks/fetishes, but we've gotten close. For example, I know her masturbation habits, I know a few of her sex "moves," etc. I suppose if the topic arose naturally, I could see easing very gently into the topic with her, and see how it goes.

So given that I have no other outlets (other than this forum) to discuss my kink openly, yes, I would admit to some "loneliness" around it. I definitely wish I had someone IRL with whom I could share stories, experiences, etc., like we do here.

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Posted (edited)

I understand you. It’s difficult to get down to the complex understanding of fetishes when there is a sexual incompatibility between partners. My partner is not into pee but she can understand parts of my interest for pee but far from all of it. She’s willing to listen but there are some things she just can’t understand. Like the smell of pee which turns me on. She also can’t understand how on earth I can get turned on by having Sex with a woman who peed herself multiple times, smells slot of piss and dint shower for a week. It makes me crazy hard to think about that but for her it’s just gross.  I’ve been to sex-therapists through my relationships with women and all therapists say that a majority of people have a very poor contact with their deep desires and there is a great portion of people that isn’t turned on by anything at all and they also suffer since sex for them is neutral, like watching TV or reading the news paper. Again, sexual compatibility is something that should be considered more carefully since sexual health is of great importance for most individuals and it brings many positive health effects. 

Edited by Moore007
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I met my wife in 2005, and married her soon after, almost 20 years ago now. She was more kinky and depraved than I was back then, but now, due to failing health and medication, we've slowed down somewhat.

I'm not lonely, we do normal things, shower, walk around the house naked, snuggle up and watch movies/TV together. We are soul mates.

As for sharing our kink? No, it's not the done thing, and although it's dried up and no longer a part of us, we have our memories, those memories are ours, only shared on here. 

I can talk to other like-minded people about our kink, Mrs has no problem with me doing that, so we are content.

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  • 2 months later...

I'm happily married for many years. Early in our relationship on late nights we would talk about what turns us on. We were both quite open about sex.

I said something about my love for seeing woman peeing and wetting, and confessed I had wet myself in the past, and how that turned me on. She was not into it. And that was that. We have great sex, but my wife is just not into pee, and that's okay. On the occasional day I have the house to myself, I think she knows I will be doing 'my thing'. 

It's is a private part of me, and I also enjoy doing it alone. I sometimes feel like 'a weirdo', but I know I'm not the only one. Plus I rather be a harmless weirdo then an asshole.

I think I could bring the topic up with close friends, but I'm not sure I want to.

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On 8/17/2024 at 10:54 AM, likewetting said:

I think I could bring the topic up with close friends, but I'm not sure I want to.

What would be the gain? There's only the risk they might think something of it, or worse.

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20 minutes ago, MGP said:

What would be the gain? There's only the risk they might think something of it, or worse.

I have quite open-minded friends and I found out that openness in live gives you a stronger bond with the people you love. Besides, I'm no stranger to anything human.

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I've always loved to discuss all kind of subjects with friends or even just random acquaintances, but I've never dared to mention this subject - it felt too personal and vulnerable.

As I grew older, I noticed that my relationships got shallower. Apparently that's normal, you'll never bond as much as during adolescence, as a conscript or during your university years. Probably there's just too much at stake? Can't even discuss politics, religion or the economy without risking to end up in an argument where people just want to win rather than listen and develop a new, deeper understanding of an issue.

Concerning pee, I've told less than a handful people (all girlfriends) about my desire. Never had a negative feedback, but never found true enthusiasm either.

I guess another handful of people might have guessed or otherwise suspect something, but that's all. I'd love to discuss my fantasies with someone and just be able to joke about it in real life. As it is, writing some of them as stories allows me to elaborate and clarify my own thoughts, discuss taboos without prejudice and evolve my own opinion. Posting on this forum provides valuable insight into what other people experience and go through, how their fetish developed and how they express it. That feels good. But it's not the same as a real-life best friend to discuss everything with.

My experience has led me to try to be less arrogant with other people, trying to truly listen and being open to their situation however incomprehensible it might appear at first. I want people around me to feel they can always talk to me about anything without fear of rejection. Whether I am successful? I don't know - you'd have to ask them.

Edited by Alpian
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The problem, I think, with a real life friend to talk to about this, is that, if they don't share the fetish, you can never go deep into the subject.

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