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Anyone around here from EP before?

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Long before the Peefans days(at least for myself), I hung out a lot at experienceproject a lot talking about pee and non pee stuff, and that how many of us at Peefans now used to be from EP before and migrated elsewhere after their closure

Wondering if there was anyone I used to know that are friends coincidentally are here too as well

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I spent a lot of time on there but was never a member since I was underage at the time. I recognized a few usernames when I signed up here tho. 

I spent more time on Misterpoll and see more people from there here, although I was never a member on MP for the same reason as EP lol 

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Same as Bacardi, I was just a silent reader on EP.

I saved a lot of stories and, a couple of years back,, after EP went down, I reposted them here (with permission; or not, if I didn't got any).

So, sorry, no ^^

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I used to love some of the pissing confessions on EP.

In particular there was one lady whose name I forget who was the female equivalent of some of the guys around here, not least me. Her thing was to let guys piss anywhere in her home or in her car. I remember inviting her to sign up here but dont think she ever did.

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I lurked.

There was some good content. One in particular was someone named SickGurl - I loved some of her stories, mostly naughty stuff. There were other accounts - one was named abbabebba or something like that, and I remember some of those stories. Unfortunately, that's all gone. There's a site called SimilarWorlds but I didn't get deep into it.

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For a person who grew up in a world where "17-will-get-ya-20," EP allowing "14/f" to post as "women" (& apparently accepting that without commentseemed a sign to me: Don't BE here when the proverbial shoe drops. Best regards!

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