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Pissing sober or under the influence?

Peeing under the influence  

29 members have voted

  1. 1. Pissing sober or under the influence

    • Inebriated
    • Sober
  2. 2. What do you prefer to be inebriated with?

    • Alcohol
    • Recreational drugs (weed, shrooms, LSD)
  3. 3. Differences in inhibitions?

    • No - No change in pissing habits
    • Slight change - I might be a little more daring
    • Moderate Change - I become less reserved and more daring
    • Significant Change - Someone saw me? Oops, oh well!
    • Extreme change - Ill pee anytime, anywhere, on anything, and in front of anyone.
  4. 4. Any experiences you can share? Please comment below, I love naughty stories of all kinds!

    • Yup!
    • Nah

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For impressive pissing purposes I prefer alcohol, for everything else I much prefer THC. Though I generally have one really large piss a few hours after consuming THC due to dehydration effects.

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Personally, I prefer pissing sober because I'm 100% aware of what I'm doing and I can more easily look for potential witnesses/cops/security.

As for the type of substance, I mostly prefer THC because while I'm high I can still function as if I were sober. When I'm drunk all my cares/worries go away so I'm more likely to piss in a more risky place without any plan of execution or escape. 

Anytime I piss somewhere, whether sober or high, I have a plan consisting of basic questions to ask myself while planning it out.

What spot am I gonna piss?

How would the spot change depending on the amount of people nearby?

How much security is there?/Likely-hood of cops being around.

What is my escape route?

This plan is made up on the spot seconds before I whip it out. I'm always scouting, both for places to piss and for bystanders.

When I'm drunk, I don't think about any of that, I just piss without thinking. And I always drink till black-out so I never remember it unless someone either recorded it or tells me about it.




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I'm with @Phyche there.  I have more fun when I pissin sober.  And I am already pretty care free about it all, lol but when I get drunk I am a lot more inhibited.  I remember once I was smashed with my friend outside smoking and my drunk ass stands in front of the doorway to get inside the apartment building pissing against it and couple guys were behind me waiting to get in.  And I knew they was behind me and didn't bother me none and my friend was laughing saying sorry he's almost done.  Lol.  

Edited by TylerHasFun
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18 hours ago, Phyche said:

Personally, I prefer pissing sober because I'm 100% aware of what I'm doing and I can more easily look for potential witnesses/cops/security.

As for the type of substance, I mostly prefer THC because while I'm high I can still function as if I were sober. When I'm drunk all my cares/worries go away so I'm more likely to piss in a more risky place without any plan of execution or escape. 

Anytime I piss somewhere, whether sober or high, I have a plan consisting of basic questions to ask myself while planning it out.

What spot am I gonna piss?

How would the spot change depending on the amount of people nearby?

How much security is there?/Likely-hood of cops being around.

What is my escape route?

This plan is made up on the spot seconds before I whip it out. I'm always scouting, both for places to piss and for bystanders.

When I'm drunk, I don't think about any of that, I just piss without thinking. And I always drink till black-out so I never remember it unless someone either recorded it or tells me about it.




Bro is on a covert mission.  I love it.  Too bad you aint remembering what pissing you done drunk.  Trust me bro, you feel that difference of caring even less,.  Lol but you aint need it anyways, this man's already bravest I know with all this.  

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I prefer somewhat drunk. Like. Enough to lessen my inhibitions and being more daring with where I chose to do it, but sober enough to still look for a cctv or other people so as not to get caught. Also, when drinking I need to pee more and more ergently, making the pee it self feel better too. 

As far as I know I've never been caught while indulging, and yet there have been some extremly risky choices. Some that I the day after feel like: Holy crap, that could have been sooo bad if I got caught! Or almost the worst: I can't believe I did that, too bad I can't really remember the full feeling cause it would have been an amazing high/turn on for days to come.

So yeah. Moderate to rather drunk, but not too drunk to care at all. Fine line.

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I like alcohol in a moderate amount to make things easier.
When I had one or two beers it feels a bit more relaxed and the inner brakes are easier to loosen.

When I'm totally drunk (which happens extremely rarely) I would not be able to enjoy the sensation of peeing or wetting.
Same goes with sex. A small amount of alcohol is good, too much of it ruins my adventure.

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After drinking I'm a little more daring, but the effects dampen the sensation of peeing itself (which are already dampened, due to some medical issues of mine) and make it harder to pay enough attention to really enjoy it. Though the combination of a large fluid volume in a short time and being a bit out of it does make it easier to get desperate without realizing it, I suppose that and the reduced inhibitions are the only upsides.

As for peeing high, that's a completely different story, as it actually enhances the sensation and the feeling of being in the moment. I haven't smoked in a VERY long time, but I remember it feeling not like an ordinary, everyday occurrence but as almost like a "ride". I imagine that's more like what peeing felt like back when I was very little and not used to the feeling yet.

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I think I'm the most responsible drunk on the planet. No matter how drunk I am, I do not change my habits of pissing in public. I always piss at the same "safe" places, no matter if sober or drunk.

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On 4/22/2024 at 8:11 PM, swekiss said:

I prefer somewhat drunk. Like. Enough to lessen my inhibitions and being more daring with where I chose to do it, but sober enough to still look for a cctv or other people so as not to get caught. Also, when drinking I need to pee more and more ergently, making the pee it self feel better too. 

As far as I know I've never been caught while indulging, and yet there have been some extremly risky choices. Some that I the day after feel like: Holy crap, that could have been sooo bad if I got caught! Or almost the worst: I can't believe I did that, too bad I can't really remember the full feeling cause it would have been an amazing high/turn on for days to come.

So yeah. Moderate to rather drunk, but not too drunk to care at all. Fine line.

When I'm drunk, I do get more bold about it but I'm still vigilant no matter what. I looove making excuses to pee right under cameras or in front of friends, not completely exposing myself but not being completely hidden either. Don't even get me started about what I do indoors while intoxicated. It just feels incredibly good either on shrooms or alcohol to piss anywhere. Arguably, on shrooms it is a better feeling because it fills your bladder quicker (I've had to piss so bad that I peed off to the side of my hammock under my tent mere feet from where people were walking. I dont know that anyone saw and frankly I don't care).

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11 hours ago, Overlord said:

I think I'm the most responsible drunk on the planet. No matter how drunk I am, I do not change my habits of pissing in public. I always piss at the same "safe" places, no matter if sober or drunk.

Yeah I'm the same--it's not that I pee in "unsafe" places out in the open after drinking, it's more that I'm likely to find an earlier hidden spot than wait for an even MORE hidden one.

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