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Jesus man that’s awesome!

Keep pissing!

You should try public staircases and elevators. Also maybe some doorways at night. Those places always give me the biggest kick!

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  • 1 month later...

That's awesome. I personally find that peeing in view of cameras has never been an issue, perhaps just avoid doing it where it could be more sensitive, like near a police station or government facility. And often people won't care too much about someone else peeing as long as they are somewhat hidden.

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9 hours ago, SnakeFace said:

That's awesome. I personally find that peeing in view of cameras has never been an issue, perhaps just avoid doing it where it could be more sensitive, like near a police station or government facility. And often people won't care too much about someone else peeing as long as they are somewhat hidden.

Yeah lots of people have been saying similar things to me about cameras. Lol definitely won't be pissing near the police station 

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On 4/28/2024 at 4:38 PM, BadBoy21 said:

Yesterday was the first day I avoided pissing in the toilet all day long.  I have had plenty of single excursions but today I was determined to give it a try for the whole day.  Here's a list of places I managed, in order:

-morning piss in the parking lot by the trash area.  I actually tried to make it a double whammy by trying to piss and walk my way to the trash area, but of course ended up pissing on my leg again, 🤣so I stopped and waited till I got there to keep going.

-went shopping for groceries but not before I pissed on the side of the building.  It was pretty out of the way but some guys unloading a delivery truck did see me, they stared for a moment then just went back to unloading.  Of course I didn't think to check for cameras.  Hopefully there were none.  I wonder how intently security monitors these cameras, and would they go red-alert if they saw me pissing.

-pulled into another apartment complex after I left lunch with my friends, it was on the way home as I had to go so fucking bad I couldn't wait. I walked around trying to find a less busy area but it was early afternoon and it was pretty popping.  I just snuck behind the building and pissed on the brick wall, tried to not be too visible to people looking out their windows

-pissed again at my place by the trash area again, actually did this two more times before i went out for drinks.  One time some guy surprised me when he was throwing his trash away.  I realized we knew each other too, (yikes).  I tried to laugh it off saying I really had to go and he just laughed, and told me he's done it right there lots of times too, especially when he comes home from having drinks.

-nighttime, me and my friends were leaving the bar and I had to piss so bad, got to the parking lot between mine and my friends cars and let it go.  Actually two of them joined me, of course Justin decided to piss on my car, like he always does. Not complaining, always a great view.  Lol at least this time it was outside of my car.  

-Had to go again when I got back home, drunken piss always more wacky and wild so I pissed right by the entrance of the building.  Even though it was after 1 AM, still managed to get noticed by people walking by in the parking lot.  

-Woke up in the middle of the night to piss again, got lazy lol so I just pissed in the kitchen sink.  

It really was so fun and exhilarating, but honestly it was also very unnerving.  Trying to pick secluded spots (except of course for my building entrance, not secluded at all), not freaking out when I noticed someone saw me, not to mention trying to not get hard too.    I don't know how some of you do this all the time.  I guess just more practice.  But it was really fun and I will definitely try it again.  Too bad though about that pissing and walking thing.  Man you should have seen my pants, I really fucked that one up.  

Fuck yeah bro.  Aint it fun?   Trust me it gets easier.  I don't actually know last time I pissed in a toilet.  Gotta be Months for sure

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nice timing. I've done a full day like this a few times as well and was planning on doing it again, searched up others and ended up finding this post!

let me recall how the one from last month went:

- I of course started the day off right by drinking a bunch of water. Held in my morning piss for a while till I was desperate enough to just go for it. It was morning, I went and drove past a nearby park. The bathrooms were locked, idk if they’re always locked or what. It was early enough only one person was on the other side of the park so I pissed on the side of the wall of the bathroom facility where he wouldn't see me. A few cars drove along the street nearby that would have clearly seen me but I had to go so badly it wasn't going to stop me.

- After that I went out to do some shopping around the city. I had been driving for a while and ended up with a full bladder again so I pulled into a nearby parking garage, worked my way up hoping there would be no one around. There were a couple people hanging out on the upper floors so I picked a middle floor, walked into the stairwell and just let loose in the corner. I had been here before with my friend who also likes to piss in random places so I knew it would be a good option. Plus, not a lot of opportunity to whip it out and piss inside somewhere so this was more fun.

- I drank more water as I was finally thirsty again. The next one, I had been meaning to check out a walking trail on the way back out of the city and so I finally did. It was about 84 degrees with low wind so I decided to forego the underwear and just wear a tank and basketball shorts before getting out of the car. There were parked cars but no people near the start of the trail, so I walked in a bit and got ready to piss slightly off the trail into the bushes, just pulling my shorts aside and letting my dick hang out. I listened for cars pulling up just in case, but unexpectedly a man and his dog walked around the entrance once I had already started. Since there was no hiding it I just kept going and they didn't seem to mind lol. Felt like a bit of an "oh shit" moment, but it turned out fine, as usual.

- Went on and drove back towards home, stopping once again in the park from this morning. It had more people in it this time, but I decided to go for it again. There's a side of the park where there's a couple tennis courts, and there were two guys at one but the other was empty. I parked by the empty one, got out, and pissed by the trees. The two guys could clearly see me and my stream, but I figured they weren't going to stop playing just to rat out someone who had to pee in a park with no open bathroom, and they didn't. It was kinda hot knowing they had a clear view.

- After eating dinner I went for a walk along this path that gets a good amount of foot traffic. There's this little store that's not open on Sundays just a bit off the path, with a water fountain along the side and a dumpster out back. I went and took a good swig from the fountain and then pissed on the side of the dumpster. I could hear people passing by along the path but no one could see me so it was smooth sailing. As a side note, I've been here plenty of times and have noticed I'm not the only one that pisses on those dumpsters.

- Things started getting dark, most of the people were gone, and I had walked down the path and back by now. Before heading back home just yet, since no one was likely to see I stepped over and pissed on a tree by a small street. This one felt refreshing as I was still going commando and things were cooler and a bit breezier by now lol.

- I headed back home, as it was night I didn't really feel safe going out too far from home so the last couple of pisses happened in the laundry (I was doing laundry the next day) and in a bottle.

This was the recent one, which as you can see went super well. I did it maybe 4 times last year, once with my friend I mentioned. Miss hanging out with him, it felt a lot less scary with a friend to piss with lol. I don’t remember a lot of the details for the others unfortunately but there were some good pisses that maybe I’ll mention later.

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On 4/30/2024 at 8:08 PM, LetItMellow said:

nice timing. I've done a full day like this a few times as well and was planning on doing it again, searched up others and ended up finding this post!

let me recall how the one from last month went:

- I of course started the day off right by drinking a bunch of water. Held in my morning piss for a while till I was desperate enough to just go for it. It was morning, I went and drove past a nearby park. The bathrooms were locked, idk if they’re always locked or what. It was early enough only one person was on the other side of the park so I pissed on the side of the wall of the bathroom facility where he wouldn't see me. A few cars drove along the street nearby that would have clearly seen me but I had to go so badly it wasn't going to stop me.

- After that I went out to do some shopping around the city. I had been driving for a while and ended up with a full bladder again so I pulled into a nearby parking garage, worked my way up hoping there would be no one around. There were a couple people hanging out on the upper floors so I picked a middle floor, walked into the stairwell and just let loose in the corner. I had been here before with my friend who also likes to piss in random places so I knew it would be a good option. Plus, not a lot of opportunity to whip it out and piss inside somewhere so this was more fun.

- I drank more water as I was finally thirsty again. The next one, I had been meaning to check out a walking trail on the way back out of the city and so I finally did. It was about 84 degrees with low wind so I decided to forego the underwear and just wear a tank and basketball shorts before getting out of the car. There were parked cars but no people near the start of the trail, so I walked in a bit and got ready to piss slightly off the trail into the bushes, just pulling my shorts aside and letting my dick hang out. I listened for cars pulling up just in case, but unexpectedly a man and his dog walked around the entrance once I had already started. Since there was no hiding it I just kept going and they didn't seem to mind lol. Felt like a bit of an "oh shit" moment, but it turned out fine, as usual.

- Went on and drove back towards home, stopping once again in the park from this morning. It had more people in it this time, but I decided to go for it again. There's a side of the park where there's a couple tennis courts, and there were two guys at one but the other was empty. I parked by the empty one, got out, and pissed by the trees. The two guys could clearly see me and my stream, but I figured they weren't going to stop playing just to rat out someone who had to pee in a park with no open bathroom, and they didn't. It was kinda hot knowing they had a clear view.

- After eating dinner I went for a walk along this path that gets a good amount of foot traffic. There's this little store that's not open on Sundays just a bit off the path, with a water fountain along the side and a dumpster out back. I went and took a good swig from the fountain and then pissed on the side of the dumpster. I could hear people passing by along the path but no one could see me so it was smooth sailing. As a side note, I've been here plenty of times and have noticed I'm not the only one that pisses on those dumpsters.

- Things started getting dark, most of the people were gone, and I had walked down the path and back by now. Before heading back home just yet, since no one was likely to see I stepped over and pissed on a tree by a small street. This one felt refreshing as I was still going commando and things were cooler and a bit breezier by now lol.

- I headed back home, as it was night I didn't really feel safe going out too far from home so the last couple of pisses happened in the laundry (I was doing laundry the next day) and in a bottle.

This was the recent one, which as you can see went super well. I did it maybe 4 times last year, once with my friend I mentioned. Miss hanging out with him, it felt a lot less scary with a friend to piss with lol. I don’t remember a lot of the details for the others unfortunately but there were some good pisses that maybe I’ll mention later.

Nice dude.  Like I said its exhilarating and nerve-racking.  Lol.  I will do another one soon.  Actually starting to realize how much of a turn on it is to be caught by other people.  And I mean, all they see is the backside of me (usually that's all they see 🤣)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had another day of avoiding pissing in the toilet.  It was still rather nerve-racking but I think it was easier this time than my first time,  

-Started my morning piss off by pissing out the window of my apartment.  I was very careful to be sure there wasn't anybody below me.  God I had to go so bad.  It was very yellow and smelled real bad (ya know, typical morning piss), watched it puddle down below.  First piss of the day and somebody managed to pass by and stared up at me.  It was a neighbor of mine who has seen me on a few occasions already having a piss.  I desperately fought the urge not to pinch it off and rescind back inside,  Besides it was just a few seconds left and he quit staring and went back on his way.  I suppose I am getting a bit of a reputation around here, which I lowkey love.  

-Next piss at the grocery store.  Its funny how I always seem to pick these days on the same day I have to go to the store.  This time I stuck to the parking lot.  I parked my car in the back where there was a lot of cover.  I stood between my car and the others and started peeing.  What was awesome was that a little further down I could see this other guy who was pissing against a tree at the end of the lot by the brush.  I watched him finish, he turned around to get into his car and he sees me pissing too  We visually meet and he sort of chuckled as he got in.  All out today boys.  It was great.  No one else saw (that I could tell anyways)

-Went back home, decided to do some day drinking.  Havent done it in awhile.  I decided to get in my car and drive to some other apartment complex, figured it would be fun to go where nobody knows me.  This complex had lots of little places/corners/nooks but sort of had a lot of foot traffic.  I ended up choosing the wall nearby the building maintenance storage room.  It seemed less busy.  A couple cars drove by, no big deal.  And I am looking around trying to keep an eye out until I hear this voice saying "come on dude don't fucking piss here." It was the maintenance guy I figured.  I couldnt say anything because I was mortified.  All I could do was just stare at him with this look on my face like he was weird for saying something to me.  He stayed staring a bit, then I looked back down at my dick pissing, and he finally shakes his head, mumbled something in spanish and went back to the maintenance area.  I finished up and left.  Fuck that was intense!  Went home and had to jerk off after that one.  

-I did a few more pisses in my sink at my home.  Finally at the end of the night, around 11 PM I was definitely drunk at this point.  I decided to go outside and find somewhere fun to piss.  I got an idea to try again to walk while pissing.  It was empty enough on the sidewalk  so I figured why not.  I tried walking a bit, but of course I fucked up and got my leg again.  Why did I think doing it drunk I would do a better job than sober, who knows.  So I stopped, just walked over to the trash area and finished pissing there.  I could hear voices coming my way so I prepared and stepped a bit out of the way figuring they were coming to throw trash.  Two guys come in, see me pissing, they step over my stream and throw away their trash.  I looked at them, said "hey man." They said what's up back. It was pretty chill, then they left.  

-One final piss in the middle of the night, opened my window and pissed outside again.  It was late and it was so quiet outside so the sound of the piss hitting the grass below sounded loud as fuck, almost like it echoed.  

Overall, another good day.  Makes me proud of myself actually,  Hope you enjoyed hearing about my various excursions.  

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  • 2 months later...
On 3/4/2024 at 5:52 AM, MrTinkle said:

I’ve been avoiding the toilet as much as I can. Some of the recent places I’ve pissed are 

Against a gas station wall with my father because they didn’t allow customers to use their bathrooms so we whipped out our cocks on the backside of the building and let loose together

Walked off an outdoor patio at a restaurant maybe 30 feet away to some shrubbery by the sidewalk and pissed on some flowers a woman at the restaurant looked on 

Pissed out my bedroom window into the backyard at night 

Pissed on the carpet in my room 

Pretended to try on clothes at the mall so I could spray a mirror in a fitting room with piss 

Went on a walk in a park, sat on a bench unzipped myself and pissed off that 

Peed in several sinks 

Pissed in the dishwasher and washing machine 

Went to my dads house and pissed in his basement on the wall 

I’ve been busy 

Lol, nice. Last time I avoided the toilet I used a walmart bathroom, went into the stall, and literally just avoided the toilet. Everything else in the stall got pissed on though, lol.

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