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Wet Carpet magazine

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Dear Wet Carpet.

I am a 41 year old businesswoman and I've been seeing a recently divorced school headmaster. This is me....


I have a thing about being naughty and have always liked to pee in random places, ever since I was a teenager. But I don't like messing up my own place cos cleaning it up is a real drag. Instead I like to go on fetish sites where I find guys into watching me pee at theirs and are happy to clean up after me - or not if they don't want to clean it up at all.

The guy I am seeing now is happy to let me pee on the floor in his bedroom, on the carpet, either in the corner or just right there on the floor beside the bed. It is awesomely naughty and liberating to be squatting over some guy's carpet and peeing on it without a care in the world. And enjoying it. 

His bedroom does smell a bit pissy cos he just leaves it to dry out on it's own, but it's not my bedroom or my carpet. If he is happy to let me christen his carpet anytime I like and just leave it there, well that's fine by me.

Peeing on some guy's carpet while he watches is so stimulating and I get a buzz out of doing it.

I guess at 41 I ought to be old enough to know better, but where's the fun in that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
3 hours ago, Pisslovinboi said:

Dear Wet Carpet

My name is Beth, and I live in a nudist household.

For as long as I can remember, my parents never made me wear clothes. It was always an option. And, as you might expect, I chose not to. 

Sex was also not really hidden. God only knows how many times I walked into the living room to see my mom riding my dad on the couch. We also only used the bathroom of we had to poop. That's where piss comes into the story. Bedwettings, couchwettings, floorwettings, there was barely a dry spot in the house. (I was homeschooled, BTW). As a child, I worried what would guests say if they saw our strange way of life, but it turns out, almost all my parents friends were the same, so I grew up with kids raised the same way I was. Barely was there a slumber party where my bed was dry in the morning. I am now a mother of my own child and I am raising him the same way I was.

I guess it runs in the family.


I like that you have gone back to the original format of this thread and written something that looks like an actual letter to a magazine, rather than using the thread as cover for a long story. Short letters are always readable. Long ones I have to be in the right mood for.

Edited by steve25805
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4 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I like that you have gone back to the original format of this thread and written something that looks like an actual letter to a magazine, rather than using the thread as cover for a long story. Short letters are always readable. Long ones I have to be in the right mood for.

I appreciate that. This is my first story and I was afraid no one would like it.

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16 hours ago, steve25805 said:

I like that you have gone back to the original format of this thread and written something that looks like an actual letter to a magazine, rather than using the thread as cover for a long story. Short letters are always readable. Long ones I have to be in the right mood for.

That's my bad. I'm more of a long-form fiction writer, so it's tough to switch that off. 

12 hours ago, Pisslovinboi said:

I appreciate that. This is my first story and I was afraid no one would like it.

I loved it! I want to become friends with this family. 😁


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4 hours ago, wetwulf said:

That's my bad. I'm more of a long-form fiction writer, so it's tough to switch that off. 

I loved it! I want to become friends with this family. 😁


Same, sounds like a great family to hang out with.

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I’m kind of glad @steve25805 had said something I’ve been biting my tongue on for a while. 

I’ve always seen this topic as a ‘readers’ letters’ section of a magazine, where anything more than a few hundred words wouldn’t get past the editor.   I could be wrong though lol. 

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6 hours ago, gldenwetgoose said:

I’m kind of glad @steve25805 had said something I’ve been biting my tongue on for a while. 

I’ve always seen this topic as a ‘readers’ letters’ section of a magazine, where anything more than a few hundred words wouldn’t get past the editor.   I could be wrong though lol. 

I'm glad, as well. I'm not sure where it began, but please forgive my part in diverting from @steve25805's vision of this thread. I'll figure out a way to either shorten my submissions to Wet Carpet as they were originally intended or save the long-form stories for separate Fiction posts. For anyone who wants to continue Anna's stories, look for them as separate posts from here on.

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I just remembered a dream I had a while ago, it happened when I was underage, so plz don't take this down.

So, I was this superhero in a flightsuit thing, but for some reason, I was completely nude underneath it. So, I flew in through a window, which led to one of those one person bathrooms at, like, gas stations.

So I take off the suit and start to piss in the toilet, but people kept knocking and opening the door on me, so, eventually,  I got tired of it, and after, like, the 5th time someone opened the door on me, I turned and faced everyone in the restaurant that the bathroom was in, piss coming out of my dick, and screamed, "I'M TRYING TO PISS HERE!!!" 


I woke up in a wet bed.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/9/2021 at 8:32 PM, hentaixt said:

(4th Wall Break... I'm diverging from the standard format with this 1, pretty sure not a prob. after you read it.)

[Screen flickers and a loud] *POP* [Suddenly silence and the channel test pattern]

{Announcer voice}: Uh, Test? TEST? What, OH Sh- Tales of-from Wet Carpet Magazine: LIVE! Has been postponed due to technical issues caused by over-spray. (Under her breath: You all were watching..... you saw what happened...)

In its place we offer a new show for approval, remember to write to the station if you like what you see. As always address will be on-screen after the credits. We now present: Chick-Pee's Cooking.


[Screen goes black and fades into the new show. The title "Chick-Pee's Cooking is seen and some short intro music plays. When the title card leaves there is a TV kitchen with a single female behind the counter. She appears not very tall, her blonde hair in high short pig tails, she is very much nude aside from a frilly waist apron. Her Huge Perfect Teardrop breasts seem to be almost resting on the counter.]

Welcome to Chick-Pee's Cooking!! For my special 1st episode, I am going to show you how to cook a local favorite and an original recipe! Wok Fried Basmati Yellow Curry Rice Peelaf!  [She shakes back and forth making her extreme large breast bounce. As her jiggling subsides, she grabs a breast in each hand and lifts them all the way to her chin.] As always, my cooking is Au Naturel, no hormones, chemicals, or bad players allowed. [She drops her breasts and they land with enough force to almost topple ingredients set out on the counter]. So here we go, we have:

Basmati Rice

Two Eggs

Your Veggies: Carrots, Onions, Green Onions, Red Peppers, and Pee-Peas (more on those in a minute) *WINK*




Black Pepper

Soy Sauce

Chicken Broth (NON-GMO Free Range just like the eggs) *ANOTHER WINK*

and Butter [As the camera pans past the ingredients there is no time when her breasts are not the background and the camera pans from one side to the other of her bountiful cups.]


So, Let's get started. You want to put the rice in a pot with the curry, turmeric, half the garlic, 3/4 of your chicken stock and the secret ingredient; one full bladder of pee... or as I like to call it "LOVE." [Here she steps up on to a small stair and lifts her frilly apron showing off a blonde pubic bush in the shape of a heart. Without hesitation, she begins peeing a bright yellow gush, full force into the pot with all the other ingredients. Her stream wanes and she pushes out a few final drips.] Okay, get a lid on this and then just forget it for a bit. We will need to stir once just to make sure everything is mixed well, but that is much later. Next we start the pee-peas. *giggle* So our dried organic peas are ready to go in a pan of their own. Here you are going to add the rest of your chicken stock, the soy sauce, and another half a bladder of pee. [She once again steps up and begins urinating at high speed into the second pot, cutting her stream off after about fifteen seconds.]

{Internal Voice}: How does she have that much piss left? I just saw her empty herself less than five minutes ago... Movie magic, massive bladder... actually WHO CARE!!

Whoa, always a bit hard to cut it off that fast. *giggles again* [Breasts shake excessively as she pats her heart bush] Don't worry; the rest will come out soon. So get these on the heat to boil. While that is all going we need to get the vagetables... VEGetables, in the wok to sauté with the butter to get a nice GOLDEN color in the onions and throw the peppers and the rest of the garlic in to mix up the flavors. Trust me it'll be worth it.

It is going to frantic for a minute while we keep an eye on everything. Stir your rice and give it a nice whiff for that aroma, mmmhhh, you should be here. Look at that nice rich yellow tone, not sure the camera can really do it justice. The curry, turmeric, and piss really absorb and mix with the fragrance of the basmati; it's making me water everywhere. [She stuffs a hand under her apron and then brings it to her mouth to the lick the coated fingers.] Alright, now comes the fun part, strain your pee-peas, and toss those into the wok with those warm, supple vag- VEGetables. Now before we toss all this steamy rice in we need to scramble our eggs. [Here she actually crushes the eggs between her cleavage and lets it drop into the wok.] Be careful to avoid the shells. [She spoons all the broken bits from the inside of her deep valley and she does have two mostly intact shells.] Beat those eggs to a scrambled mess. [Her boobs are quaking with the furious motions.] Alright, get that beautiful rice in the wok... NOW! Get everything stirred up, you want to keep all in motion, don't let it stop for at least two minutes. Add a bit more butter, it will help all the flavors come out and you can get the black pepper in too, warming it will bring out more of the spice. By the time you got that in, get it all moving again. [Now she is throwing the rice up and over catching it in the wok perfectly while her breast rise and drop with each motion.] We are in the home stretch here; if things look a bit dry, add more pee but not too much. You want some of the rice to get crunchy and pick up the seasoning from the wok itself. I am going to put in just a squirt. [She places a heel on the counter and stands on the toes of her other foot while shifting her hips and spraying down the rice mix.] My favorite part! [Steam immediately erupts from the wok and wafts into her breasts, it is mostly trapped beneath but some does reach her nose, she inhales deeply.] AMAZING! I can't wait to taste this!! Off the heat we go... and onto the plate.


So here it is. Doesn't that look gorgeous? The smell is indescribable, so many different aromas melded together perfectly. So let's garnish with our green onions, I know y'all thought I forgot them. *WINK AGAIN* Presentation is key.  Let's get a spoon and dig into this. [Hand under her apron again this time returns with a very slick covered spoon. She shoves it deeply into the pile, then after a few light blows at the steam, right into her mouth.] Once you make this, you too will know why it is such a crowd pleaser.

That's it for my Big Premiere Episode! Let the studio have all the love and maybe I'll be back again, FULL TIME. Until then... [She lifts her apron and holds a glass under her slit, it rapidly fills and overflows onto the floor and a large puddle forms around her feet, after more than a minute the flow ends abruptly. She lifts the glass and downs all of it in a single go.] AHHH~~ stay refreshed!

[Camera begins to pan out as she waves good-bye; she lifts one of her massive breasts and milks it into the glass, quickly filling half of it. As the credits start to play you hear her say:] Just a preview for next time, Breast Milk Cheesecake. [She lifts the glass to drink.]

[Screen goes black and the announcer is heard again with the address card for the studio.] As the lovely lady said, send your love notes here to the studio to see her back on the air again. I know I will!

I want more of this.

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That'd be possible, this was originally written as a 1 off for a test..... but I suppose I'd do another sometime soon.

Just need the ol' creativity to cooperate. I'll see what I can do, no promises.

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Dear wet carpet.

I don't know who else to turn to because I feel like a complete failure of a parent.

You see my Daughter is 25 years old already, and she has not once wet the bed. I tried explaining to her how good girls always wet the bed, and that a dry bed is a terrible wicked thing, but she won't have it. She called me "some kind of gross pervert", and is threatening to leave. How do I convince her to wet the bed like a good girl?

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11 hours ago, Paulypeeps said:

Well, thank you for posting anonymous poster. You have turned to the right place.

I suspect that you might be trying the wrong tack. I think that your daughter is just having a delayed teenage rebellion. The last thing she wants anyone to think is that she is just a good girl doing as she is told and how society expects her to behave.

You have done your best to bring your daughter up as a good girl. You have toilet trained her and like all good parents sent her to bed without a nappy in the expectation that she would soon wet her bed either by accident, or perhaps during some teenage experimentation, giving you the opportunity to have that all important discussion about how wetting the bed is no big deal, even that it actually feels very nice, and especially how convenient it is, and how important wetting the bed is to attract the right sort of life partner.

There are a few things you can try.

  1. The good old 'Hand in warm water' trick is a great way to cause her to have an accidental wetting. If she is partial to drinking a little extra alcohol, perhaps a few pints of cider with a late meal before going to bed, you might be able to slip her hand in to a bowl of water beside her bed and trick her in to wetting herself. Be sure to find her wet in the morning as soon as she wakes before she has a chance to deny anything so you can have that conversation.
  2. Find out from her friend's parents which of them are regular bed wetters. Most parents now are very proud of their daughter's wetting and will freely tell you that they are wetters, those parents of daughters who are not wetters of course will be more evasive. Get her to invite some wetting friends round for a sleepover. Most will think it perfectly normal to wet the bed on a sleepover even when sharing a bed with the host. This will help normalise wetting, and will be especially effective if the friend has a reputation of being a bit nonconformist.
  3. Try and emphasise the fun aspects of wetting, and not just wetting in bed. Perhaps while you are all eating a meal as a family just nonchalantly wet yourself and mention how nice it feels to be making the seat lovely and warm as your pee soaks through your dress in to the deep upholstery of the dining chair. While you are watching a rom-com on the television describe how the star has made you go all gooey in your crotch and that now you are wetting yourself and soaking your skirt and the sofa with lovely warm pee. Before you go to work just casually pee down your legs under your business suit and let your daughter know how nice it feels to warm your legs like this before you go to work. All of these things will help to normalise wetting and not necessarily associate wetting with something that only good girls do in bed.
  4. As a last resort you could of course send her to sleep school, but I am sure that this will not be necessary. Referrals for patients are not normally possible until at least age 30, but with particularly difficult children exceptions can often be made. The facilities at a residential specialist are of course very effective.

Let us know how you get on.

Aunty Paulypeeps.

Well, I tried the hand in the water trick, but it didn't work. All I achieved was waking her up, and annoying her further.

The thing is also, you have to understand. I've been done the thing of never peeing in a toilet since I bought this house. So I've always wet myself in the ways you described, if I wore anything at all, which I've felt I've had to do increasingly or else she'll have a fit. She also somehow finds it gross that I mention my feelings, even though we all have them. Like she insists she doesn't even masturbate. I don't understand her.

But Your suggestion of finding out from the other mums about who's children wet themselves seemed like a good suggestion at first, but sadly, it seems all of them have the same prudish behaviour as her. I don't understand the community I've moved into.

In short. It seems she's not so much being rebellious, as she is being brainwashed into being pee shy.

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