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I have admitted in a few posts that i very occasionally visit "escorts".I think its time in these more enlightened times that this should be de-stigmatised.If Homosexuals can now get married etc,surely if a man wants to have a quick sexy encounter,with no strings,it should be accepted as part of human sexuality.Its only the anonimity of this site that enables me to discuss this for example.

You should be able to talk about your adventures without stigma,but you cannot.These women make £1000s a week but NO ONE uses them..How does that work?

Im not saying that this is nice behaviour,for men,but if youre single and horny,and no one gets hurt,wheres the harm.These days,the old image of dirty unwashed girls in dingy flats are gone.The girls now are usually very clean,in nice flats.You can always avoid sex,just enjoy the company.

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I'm not saying that this is nice behaviour,for men,

But why are you "not saying it is nice behaviour"? Of course it is nice. When I visit a lady I treat her with politeness and respect. I always do my best to ensure that she enjoys the experience as much as I do. It's a fun, friendly and joyful encounter. What's not to like? Escorts are free to reject any client they don't like, yet every lady I have ever seen has invited me to come back again.

I have to work for six hours to earn enough to spend one hour with an escort. If not for that I would do it more often.

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But why are you "not saying it is nice behaviour"? Of course it is nice. When I visit a lady I treat her with politeness and respect. I always do my best to ensure that she enjoys the experience as much as I do. It's a fun, friendly and joyful encounter. What's not to like? Escorts are free to reject any client they don't like, yet every lady I have ever seen has invited me to come back again.

I have to work for six hours to earn enough to spend one hour with an escort. If not for that I would do it more often.

Thanks my friend.I hope more join the debate,i feel its an important issue.To visit an escort is part of my sexuality,as much as a gay man,is to be gay.Why should i or anyone feel wrong.Thanks again.

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I think even calling it prostitution is a bit wrong.It stills gives it a stigma.But every one should have the right for sex,or just cuddles even,if thats what a woman wants to do.Im sure a lot of them shudder when the client is all over them,but a lot will enjoy the meeting as much as the man,AND be better off financially.

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The need for affection and closeness to another person is necessary for almost everyone. If you're not getting that fulfillment anyplace else, why not be able to purchase it? I see nothing wrong with seeing an "escort" or prostitute (I hate that word). As long as no one is getting hurt.

I think it's wrong for a guy to indulge if he's married or otherwise committed, but otherwise, why not!

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Yes,im "single" as it were,so the very occassional dabble does no harm.I dont have sex with the girl anyway,its usually naked fooling around,fingering etc,finished by a cum over the boobs,or suchlike.

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Yes,im "single" as it were,so the very occassional dabble does no harm.I dont have sex with the girl anyway,its usually naked fooling around,fingering etc,finished by a cum over the boobs,or suchlike.

I would also have a concern about health issues if it involved unprotected intercourse.

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I would also have a concern about health issues if it involved unprotected intercourse.

Absolutely would NEVER have unprotected sex with any girl id just met,let alone an escort.No,im fine with just sexual fooling around,fingers etc,a nice finish by hand.

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I visit the ladies of pleasure occasionally the majority are wonderful, they know how to please, are very clean and nice clean places and they enjoy themselves as well.

However I have been to a few that just want your money and it's a very cold atmosphere no fun and was glad to get out of there.

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I have 2 that i visit very occassionally,each about 2 or 3 times a year,this year just 1 once,slacking..But very attentive,and clean,no problems pissing for me to watch,the time is mine to do what i like,no sex just fingers etc,is fine.When i leave,i feel ive caught up with a good friend,happy etc.

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Yes I have on occasions have the water sports as it's called. I sit in the bath, they put their feet at the side of the top of bath and aim the lovely warm pee onto my cock which is what I asked for, wonderful. I also know they enjoy doing it also, as they have told me. I just wish it would last longer, I wish it could go on for hours. Oh well I can dream.

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I do it laid on a towel,then she squats over me,leaning on a chair,and goes for it.Usually its over the meat and 2 veg.As she pisses,i always finger her a bit,my usual seems to like it.Sometimes,i ask just to watch her pee in the toilet,as if shes just normally going,voyeuristic kind of thing.I ask her to be dressed,and wearing knickers that she has to pull down,and insist on a wipe.Its very erotic,sexy.Like being in the cubicle with any girl you see going for wee in the pub,etc..I will usually masturbate while shes pissing.

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I do it laid on a towel,then she squats over me,leaning on a chair,and goes for it.Usually its over the meat and 2 veg.As she pisses,i always finger her a bit,my usual seems to like it.Sometimes,i ask just to watch her pee in the toilet,as if shes just normally going,voyeuristic kind of thing.I ask her to be dressed,and wearing knickers that she has to pull down,and insist on a wipe.Its very erotic,sexy.Like being in the cubicle with any girl you see going for wee in the pub,etc..I will usually masturbate while shes pissing.

I guess a bit much information,but im happy to discuss my sexuality.Ive never met a "normal" girl who was happy to pee for me,so im ok to pay for the experience.

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  • 1 year later...
Guest Anonymous

I think it should be decriminalised. Here's a thought. If you have a seriously randy bugger gagging for sex to the point it becomes animalistic surely it's better for that person to satisfy that need in a licenced brother rather than the alternatives... I.e. Serious sexual assault. If it's readily available and safe would it mean a decrease in sexual crimes?

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I think it should be decriminalised. Here's a thought. If you have a seriously randy bugger gagging for sex to the point it becomes animalistic surely it's better for that person to satisfy that need in a licenced brother rather than the alternatives... I.e. Serious sexual assault. If it's readily available and safe would it mean a decrease in sexual crimes?

Generally, levels of sex crime have often tended to be higher in nations which are more repressive towards sexual expression. Certainly, the effective criminalisation of prostitution - it is not technically illegal in the UK but every activity and action which makes it possible virtually is - serves society very badly. It doesn't prevent girls from being prostitutes, it merely denies them the protection of the law, making them easy prey to rapists or those who want to assault or brutalise them. It also makes it much easier for criminal gangs to set up sex slavery operations where women are forced into this against their will. And the fact that it is outside the law means that we have no control whatsoever in where or how it takes place.

And in any case, if two or more consenting adults freely choose to engage in consensual sexual activity with each other, why should that be anyone else's business, or any business of the law? Whether someone has sex for love, lust, or money is essentially irrelevant - or ought to be. If Janet chooses to offer sex to John in return for payment, and John is happy to pay the amount asked for in return for the sexual activity offered, then why should that be anybody else's business? It violates nobody else's bodies, and - whatever the motivations - is entirely voluntary and consensual.

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I think it should be decriminalised. Here's a thought. If you have a seriously randy bugger gagging for sex to the point it becomes animalistic surely it's better for that person to satisfy that need in a licenced brother rather than the alternatives... I.e. Serious sexual assault. If it's readily available and safe would it mean a decrease in sexual crimes?

Hi Anonymous, while I would agree that prostitution should be decriminalised and women allowed to choose whatever career path they wish, I feel it is necessary to point out to you that 'serious' sexual assault, (all sexual assault is serious!) rape etc are not the product of extra horny males.

Sex crimes are about control, hatred and power. Decriminalisation of prostitution would not bring down the quantity of these offences. Please come and join us here on WGP and be less anonymous :wink: Zoe xx

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I'm glad ZoeSoSexy already mentioned it. Rape and sexual assaults have nothing to do with arousal and no way to relieve but are psychological issues channeled in such crimes.

In general I think I agree that prostitution should not be criminalised, but on the other hand the topic really makes me uncomfortable. I have a feeling that sometimes men have a sort of "expectation" that women in general have no problems with making a quick buck in selling their body. I read lines like "they make so much a day and have fun doing it" when the idealized high-price prostitute or escort in the nice establishment is treated like a queen is really a teeny tiny minority of how courtisans go on their business. Not arguing with anyone choosing to follow this path but never assume prostitution is some kind of pleasurable kinky hobby the women make a boatload of money for having "fun" and please never, ever "expect" that stance from any woman you might meet.

I have no moral issue with prostitution if it is consensual. If a woman chooses to have sex for money and a man chooses to pay her for it, that's nobody else's business and should be no business of the law. I think it should be legalised because the worst evil intrinsic to prostitution is exploitative and violent pimps on the one hand, and forced sex slavery where women are trafficked into the country and forced into prostitution against their will on the other. Legalising it so that all those involved have the full protection of the law would make it so much harder for pimps to exploit women, and harder for the forced sex slavery to operate.

As for the motivations of the women who do it, you do make some very valid points. Yes, at the high end of the business there are certainly women who do it through pure choice as a career option, and who have some measure of control over what they do and who with, and who sometimes gain pleasure from some of their clients. But these are the minority - I once had an ex-prostitute as a friend who had "issues" which induced me to read up on the subject a couple of decades back, so I know a little bit.

Quite a few women operate in so-called "massage parlours" in the UK, which are basically just brothels, usually run by a lady with some male muscle around should it be required, with the establishment taking a cut. This is perhaps the mid-level of prostitution. Some women freely choose to go into this for the money, others more reluctantly through force of circumstances, eg serious debt issues or whatever. Such establishments usually try and filter out those girls with addiction issues.

At the bottom end of the trade are the street prostitutes. None of these are in it for fun at all. Most hate what they do and the men they do it with. Many are driven to it by the need to feed addictions of some kind or other. Decriminalising prostitution would better allow society to reach out to these women and help them more, instead of simply treating them like criminals, which helps no one.

And whilst some women may freely choose to sell sex for cash, a large number of prostitutes were victims of childhood sexual assault. They have been psychologically damaged by these childhood experiences insofar as their outlook on sex is concerned. The notion of sex being an expression of love is alien to them. They see sex as something utterly sordid and dirty, yet also as something inevitable. So they take what for them seems the pragmatic view that they may as well do it for money, then as soon as it's over the man they did it with is gone. In some ways it is a continuation of the sexual exploitation they suffered as kids which they are bringing upon themselves as adults. These women often hate men and hate being with men, and if they ever find love with sex being part of a loving situation, it quite often happens to be with another woman. Of course, almost the only men these women come into regular contact with are clients paying them for sex, which only ever serves to reinforce their negative opinions of men in general.

I will reiterate, though, that escorts and street prostitutes are two very different types of hookers. Escorts are far less likely to be addicted to substances, and much more likely to be doing what they are doing through free will, and more likely to have some control over what they do and who with. If they encounter someone interested in something they can't handle, or whom they find too obnoxious in some way, they are free to say "no". But they will try to avoid saying "no" too often because it would be bad for their business reputation.

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Hmmmm, the oldest profession on the planet .......

I've had no need of these services, but I do have respect for them, and the service they provide. Not to sure on the rest of the world, but here it's legalized and regulated, err, kind of. The State Government make over $1 Million AUD in licencing fees alone. It's kind of a dirty secret, the girls are there but you cant talk about them, they work in nicely appointed and discreet places, but you cant advertise what you do in there. Most of the established ones here are in Industrial Estates, hidden away from the normal people, so people are not offended. The following link will give you a current idea on where the Land of Aus is at.


Err, kind of got in the shit over this, I had that page open when Maigh bought dinner in, and she instantly jumped to the wrong conclusion, I had to sit her down and made her read the thread. A nice apology was gratefully accepted, lol.

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If it were possible,i would tell guys to not ever visit an escort.Its too easy.After a break-up years ago,i got into it,and i do regret it in way.Ive really managed to conquer it,apart from one lapse,after years.Its ok i guess,as i used to quite often,not have sex,but just enjoy 30 mins or so with a naked woman,who has no hang ups,and let it all go..like the peeing,no g/f ive ever had would let me watch her pee,so,to experience my interest,ive had to buy the time,but it was nice all the same.But,if youre not getting any guys,just visit Miss Palmer,she never lets you down,and gives it away free!:thumbsup:

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I understand where you are coming from, but this is a very simplistic take on the matter in my opinion. I might add, I'm not living in the US and where I've been in my life prostitution always was legal (procurring was not) and in some countries I've been there are even official regulations and health checks, health benefits etc. for prostitutes. None of those laws and regulation has, however, hindered human trafficking, pimping, abuse and violence. It is a dirty business and the abyss is deep. I know that it is comfortable to 'flee' into a romantisized image of prostitution or "escorts" but the reality is a different kind of animal. I don't deny that there are perfectly fine, consensual and legal arrangements. I just doubt that this is even close to be the majority of cases, even when it's legalized.

I appreciate your thoughtful reply. I love intelligent discussion.

Yes, I acknowledge that I oversimplified just to get to the basic point. Legalisation of prostitution will not stop the exploitation of women, the brutalisation of women or the criminal involvement. I acknowledge that. But making criminals out of the women themselves too is hardly going to help the situation. At least if it were legal they might be able to seek help without fear of arrest. And there is a reason why mostly foreign women are forced into sex slavery - they have often been brought in illegally and fear being sent home with a massive stigma attached to them if they seek help. Legalisation is unlikely to help them if they are here illegally in the first place. It is the traffickers who need to be targeted, and perhaps we ought to grant the right of permanent residency - and if necessary protection too - to any such woman who comes forward and agrees to give evidence.

And I have no romanticised view of prostitution, believe me. At best, the women involved will see it as just another job, another laborious activity to get through in order to pay the bills and/or maintain their lifestyles. Some choose it because they see it as a lesser evil than working 9 to 5 on supermarket checkouts or some such - and it pays a lot more. But few ever gain any pleasure from it. I understand that. Many, especially at the street level, hate what they are doing and have zero respect for the men who pay for them, but are forced into it through addiction, or are psychologically damaged due to childhood sexual abuse which has led them to view charging for it as a literal way of "making men pay". In some small way they feel this gives them some autonomy without understanding that they are just continuing to make themselves victims of sexual exploitation. But again, making criminals out of them will hardly help. We need as a society to reach out to such women who are in many ways victims, and try to help them turn their lives around. Ceasing to criminalise them would be a first step in that direction.

Of course, prostitution is not known as the oldest profession for nothing. It will never die out. It will always be with us. For as long as there are women who for whatever reason are willing to do this or that for money, and men willing to pay for them to do this and that, no amount of laws will stop it. So I prefer to be pragmatic and advocate doing all we can to help those who want out of it to get out, to make things as safe as possible for those who for whatever reason choose to do it, and give the women involved full recourse to the law, and the same protections in law that anyone else has. In short, recognise the reality that it will never go away and do whatever we can to minimise the harm and make it safer for the women.

I want to point this part of your reply out in particular. In my opinion you can call them "escorts" or "prostitutes", in the end all that changes are the curtains. For most of the people they will always be "hookers" and will never rise to a 'respectable' level of social standing and as such, the circumstances under which they operate will always be nebulous at best.

Of course, escorts or prostitutes, in the end they are still selling sex. As for what most others think of them, I am viscerally opposed to making moralistic judgements. None of us can know what led this or that girl into prostitution. We have not walked in their shoes. I think that society spends too much time worrying about what is and what is not "respectable" and is too willing to look down upon or condemn those found wanting. If I meet a lady who just happens to sell sex to people, I don't think any less of her. Nor do I think any more of her. I just take her as I find her. She is just another person to me. Yes, no matter how "refined" any escort may be, no matter what circles she mixes with, most of society will never regard her as "respectable". And I suppose that is a reality which the girls must adapt to. Nevertheless, I think that society itself is wrong - and frankly often wildly hypocritical too - to make such value judgements about people.

The very last sentence of your reply is key here - it implies that even the "high end" of the business operates under pressure and force because thats what they do and declining clients will cut their income and even an escort has to think about staying healthy and fed, investing in retirement and so on. They sell their bodies to stay afloat, not because they are bored or enjoy sex just so much and that detail won't change and opens the door for so much.

"Force" is not quite the right word, I feel, in this case, but certainly there is a degree of economic "pressure". Any escort with a reputation for being too picky and too willing to say "no" will get less potential customers approaching her. And she is doing it, after all - as you say - to "keep afloat" or maintain her lifestyle. If she said "no" to everyone she was less than totally happy with, she'd not make enough to be worth the effort or to keep afloat. So though escorts often have the autonomy to say "no" to anyone at any time, they feel economic pressure to save the word "no" only for the most dubious of clients, requests, or situations.

I just want to clarify I'm not judging people offering or using the service per say. Because on the "clean", romantic level there are people looking for warmth of another human being and those providing and we talk about natural desires here. But the topic really is a very dark and deep abyss once you start to climb into it which is why it makes me feel so uncomfortable and I will admit it might make me awkward around it. I nderstand that people who never saw this dark side think differently and that's their right. I'm just saying it's not that easy.

I appreciate what you say here. But I think turning the buyers and sellers of sex into criminals only makes this worse.

What's even worse is that there is a certain image about 'selling your body' that you are confronted with as a woman really on a regular level and you wouldn't believe what some of us go through when we decide to join up some kinky communities like this just because we might have the same interests as the men around here to just exchange, tell and be told. So just because you openly display sexuality leads to really scary situations with some people and now imagine you are actually trying to cash into it.

I have a lot of sympathy with what you are saying. I know that on forums such as this males lurk - the kind who rarely contribute much in a positive way - who view females as sexual playthings. Female friends that I have met on pee forums have told me about the unsolicited dick pics, the constant requests for exchanges of intimate pics and/or camming, the sexually derogatory language, sometimes worse. I will say now that if any female member here receives unwanted harassment of this kind, bring it to the attention of Admin or a mod, along with the username of whatever jerk is involved, and it will be tackled. We don't want girls to be made to feel uncomfortable here.

The mods, Admin and entire active membership here - the ones who post and/or show up in the chatroom - welcome ladies as equal members who, like the guys, just want to talk about their interests, maybe share a fantasy or two, write an erotic story, share some pee porn pics they have found and liked and just interact with like-minded people. Ladies who just want to hang out and be themselves without being judged, and not be thought of as sexually available just because they turn up.

But yeah, more generally, there are always a few creeps around, and prostitutes probably end up dealing with a much higher than average proportion of them.

But in the final analysis - when all is said and done - I remain a social libertarian, even if a left-leaning one. Fundamentally, what people choose to do with their own bodies of their own free will is ultimately their choice - as long as they are hurting no one else - and should be no business of the law. If anyone is doing something we regard as damaging to themselves, or we feel we can help them lead a better life, then we should offer that help, offer whatever advice we can give, try to persuade. But the ultimate choice is down to the individual. If anyone chooses for whatever reason to sell sex and anyone else chooses to buy it - let's leave gender aside for now because there are male prostitutes - then that is for them to decide and should be no business of the state's.

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I certainly agree that when it comes to women selling sex to feed addictions to substances, or out of sheer financial desperation, or anything like that, where free will ends and compulsion begins is a very hazy line. No one is forcing them to do it at the point of a gun. But at the same time they are not exactly exercising full and unfettered free will either.

I don't think, though, that we should as a society attempt to use compulsion or the law to stop them. Instead we should legalise what they do and offer them the full protection of the law, whilst at the same time reaching out to them to try and help them with their addictions, debts, or whatever, so that prostitution need no longer be a "choice" they feel forced to make. I think you'd probably agree with that.

I have a great idea for a charity if some dude or dudess with money wanted to set it up. Street hookers addicted to this or that or damaged psychologically as a result of childhood abuse need help. But they are most unlikely to welcome do-gooders muscling in and using up their time, and would probably give them short shrift and tell them to fuck off. But, much as they may hate it, they do sell sex for the money they need. If anyone paid them for their time - especially if they didn't even need to have sex - they'd probably be up for that. So if good-natured people with full psychological training approached street hookers and offered them £50 for half an hour of their time just to talk with no sex at all, they'd probably agree to that. In this way, good people can reach out to them, slowly win their trust, counsel and mentor them, help them resolve any "issues", help them perhaps with any addiction problems, and slowly guide them onto a better path. It would take money, but think of the lives that could potentially be turned around. Because these women are people with feelings too, and they matter. A compassionate society ought to be trying to help them. If such a charity were set up to do this, I'd contribute to it.

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